Education Department Requires Equal Pay for Women Athletes
Title IX, football, and the economics of college athletics.
Title IX, football, and the economics of college athletics.
Is it the press’s responsibility to turn nonsense into sense?
Most of the biggest countries in the world have birth rates below replacement level.
The inevitable pushback against the pushback has begun.
Americans have taken the dominance of the Women’s National Team for granted.
The justices declined to review a bizarre 4th Circuit decision.
A sensible compromise on a controversial issue.
Congress is poised to legislate protections previously mandated by the courts.
The reactionary press is once again misrepresenting diversity training.
Some great suggestions, same lame ones, and some missed opportunities.
The craziest damn thing you’ve ever heard of or a secret message to the crazies?
Another glass ceiling has been shattered.
A man most have never heard of is being reassessed more than a half-century after his death.
The 46th President will follow the lead of the 40th in making a historic appointment.