2005 Pulitzer Prize Winners

The Los Angeles Times and the Wall Street Journal led the year with two awards apiece, while the Washington Post was shut out. The New York Times received just one. For the complete list, see the Pulitzer Prize site.

Since 2000, the LA Times has won 15 awards, the most among these four major papers. It’s gotten at least one award each year. The NY Times, which comes in second with 12, has received just one award in each of the past three years. Indeed, without its dominating 2002 performance, in which it won seven, it’d be badly trailing its peers. As for the Post, this year marks the second time in the past five years that it’s been left empty-handed. The Journal has been a model of consistency: two awards in 2000, 2001, 2004, and 2005.

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Robert Garcia Tagorda
About Robert Garcia Tagorda
Robert blogged prolifically at OTB from November 2004 to August 2005, when career demands took him in a different direction. He graduated summa cum laude from Claremont McKenna College with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics and earned his Master in Public Policy from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.


  1. BigFire says:

    The Dog Trainer’s series on Killer King (King-Drew Hospital) is one of their few highlight of the year.

  2. bryan says:

    Hmmm. wonder what happened in 2001 that garnered so many Death-and-dying Pulitzer Prizes for the NYTimes?

  3. Jack Tanner says:

    Claudia Rosett didn’t win for exposing UNRon. Go figure.