Cain: Blacks have been “Brainwashed”

Via CNN’s Political Ticker:  Cain: Black community ‘brainwashed’ into voting for Dems:

"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view," Godfather’s Pizza executive Herman Cain said on CNN’s "The Situation Room" in an interview airing Wednesday between 5-7 p.m. ET. "I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative. So it’s just brainwashing and people not being open minded, pure and simple."

Somehow I do not think that telling people that they are brainwashed is an effect means of persuading them to consider voting for you.

Also, Mr. Cain likely needs to be reminded of the fact that, as the saying goes, the plural of anecdote is not data:

He continued, "I believe a third [of African-Americans] would vote for me, based on my own anecdotal feedback. Not vote for me because I’m black but because of my policies."

That’s some pretty hefty extrapolations.

FILED UNDER: 2012 Election, US Politics, ,
Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a retired Professor of Political Science and former College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. Tsar Nicholas II says:

    Obviously this sort of proclamation will strike a serious nerve with lily-white liberals, but in truth “brainwashed” is about right. Unless there’s some other way to explain why one demographic automatically and by reflex overwhelmingly votes for one party label, regardless of issues, candidates or viewpoints.

    As for Cain’s belief that nevertheless he could garner at least a third of the black vote, well, he might want to consult with Michael Steele and especially with Lynn Swann and Alan Keyes. In a Obama vs. Cain matchup blacks would vote for Obama at least by a 90-10 margin. Of course this is a moot point, in any respect, as Cain won’t be the nominee.

  2. Hey Norm says:

    This cracks me up.
    One of the wing-nuts made a similar argument yesterday…gee…do you think Cain has been taking policy positions from Jan??? Or is Jan just parroting the meme of the day? You decide.
    Decades of GOP policies and postions that negatively affect almost all minorities is probably not brainwashing in the strictist sense of the word. They’ve reaped what they’ve sowed. Now Cain and the wing-nuts are crying about it.

  3. JKB says:

    @Hey Norm: “Decades of GOP policies and postions that negatively affect almost all minorities is probably not brainwashing in the strictist sense of the word.”


  4. Derrick says:

    Unless there’s some other way to explain why one demographic automatically and by reflex overwhelmingly votes for one party label, regardless of issues, candidates or viewpoints.

    Yes, Republicans of course have nothing to do that. Why can’t the black people see how much Rush Limbaugh cares?

  5. CB says:

    Unless there’s some other way to explain why one demographic automatically and by reflex overwhelmingly votes for one party label, regardless of issues, candidates or viewpoints.

    or maybe therejust exists a wealth of evidence that that one party votes in ways that are consistently more beneficial for them. imagine that.

  6. mantis says:

    The right has for years declared that African-Americans, because they vote primarily for Democrats, are brainless dupes too stupid to know what is good for them, often invoking all sorts of slave imagery (e.g. the “Democrat Plantation”), implying that blacks in America today would really rather just be slaves.

    Odd that this tactic has not won them the support of the black community, isn’t it? “Hey you dumbass wannabe slaves, vote for me!”

    Here’s a clue wingnuts. Blacks don’t vote for Republicans because Republicans hate and insult blacks on a regular basis, propose and pass policies that adversely and disproportionately impact the black community, redistrict their states so that black votes are caged and nearly meaningless, push restrictions on voting designed to insure that less black people vote, and on and on and on. Not to mention the fact that southern wingnuts are constantly defending the Confederacy, Jim Crow laws, discrimination, and so forth.

    When your party leaders in 2002 lament that the country would have been better off if we elected a segregationist scumbag in 1948, it is very clear who wants blacks back on the plantation, and it ain’t the Democrats. They don’t vote for Republicans not because they are stupid or brainwashed, but because they see you quite clearly, and what you represent.

    And yes, I know southern Democrats fought the Civil Rights Act and other progress for African Americans. They were long ago driven from the party, and are now mostly dead. Good riddance.

  7. Console says:

    What mantis said.

    In addition, I’d like to point out that it isn’t necessarily black audiences that a statement like Cain’s is meant to play to. White people love getting absolution for white guilt. So things that reduce self examination for themselves (like Cain’s comment) or things that amount to a “stern talking to” for blacks (like Cosby’s comments) get massive play with white people in general. That’s not to say Cosby didn’t mean what he was saying, just that comments like those don’t just play to black audiences.

  8. samwide says:

    @Tsar Nicholas II:

    [I]n truth “brainwashed” is about right. Unless there’s some other way to explain why one demographic automatically and by reflex overwhelmingly votes for one party label, regardless of issues, candidates or viewpoints.

    Yeah, I’ve often wondered why angry old white folks overwhelmingly vote Republican. Of course, I’d enter a mild objection at the “brain” part.

  9. Hey Norm says:

    Union Busting.
    African-American Incarceration rates are 8 times the rate of European-Americans. Hispanics 3 times the rate.
    So-called Republicans love them some Profiling…whether it is blacks on the Jersey Turnpike or Muslims at the Airport.
    So-called Defense of Marriage which is actually just an attempt to LImit the Rights of others.
    Anti-Immigration policies.
    Persistent attacks on Planned Parenthood which is a primary Health Care provider for many women of all ethnicity.
    And then there is the constant attacks on Affirmative Action…which has allowed all minorities a chance to climb the ladder of opportunity. So-called republicans only desire is to pull the ladder up behind them.
    You’ve reaped what you’ve sown.

  10. Nikki says:

    A commenter on the CNN website stated that black voters have proven to be much smarter than white voters since, for the past thirty years, via the power of God, guns, bigotry, abortion, and uber-patriotism, the elites have convinced middle- to low-income white voters to continuously vote against their own economic interests.

    You see, about a half century ago, we blacks marched for equality, always knowing we would be facing potential violence directed at us from state and local law enforcement officials…the very people who were supposed to be protecting our rights. We knew that every time we marched, we were facing certain death. In fact, many of us were murdered for the cause.

    We VIVIDLY remember which political party stood with us and which stood against us on both the state and national levels. Yet, for some reason, that other party’s supporters continue to engage in willful amnesia, professing confusion as to why we blacks won’t vote for their candidates

    They have convinced themselves that we blacks have to be brainwashed, enjoying life on the Democratic plantation, because there is simply no other explanation for it.

    Perplexing, isn’t it?

  11. Rob in CT says:

    Unless there’s some other way to explain why one demographic automatically and by reflex overwhelmingly votes for one party label, regardless of issues

    Regardless of issues? Please. It’s not just messaging/branding. Though that doesn’t help, by the way.

    And if “lily-white” describes one political movement best, it’s Conservatives.

    I’m sure a black voter could give a long list of issues he/she has with the Democrats, just as I (a lily white liberal) can. The alternative party, however, is unrelentingly hostile (both rhetorically and in terms of policy).

  12. Hey Norm says:

    @ Nikki…

    Not at all Nikki…not at all.

  13. Hey Norm says:

    @ Rob…

    Agreed…I think the rhetoric may actually be worse than the policies.
    Why would any minority vote for a party run by the likes of Rush Limbaugh?

  14. MBunge says:

    The reality of conservatism and race is demonstrated in no better way than in the weirdness of African-American Republicans like Cain. Plenty of black folks are conservative on this issue or that, but they tend to draw the line at actually becoming or voting for Republicans.


  15. @Tsar Nicholas II: Hey maybe because one party consistently appeals to the votes of a bloc that has done its best historically to shit on the bloc that votes overwhelmingly one-way.

    Nahh —- too simple.

  16. Clovis says:

    Remember when Howard Stern’s producer did interviews in Harlem, asking if Obama’s choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate was a good call? Or his vow to keep us in Iraq?

    The interviewees didn’t seem overly concerned with policy then.

  17. @Clovis: Getting ridiculous answers via “man on the street” interviews is exceedingly easy.

    You comment is tantamount to saying Leno’s “Jaywalking” bit is all one needs to know about American public opinion.

  18. Nikki says:


    The interviewees didn’t seem overly concerned with policy then.

    Right, Clovis, because there is absolutely no way that Howard Stern’s producer would pick and choose which quotes would air. I mean, obviously, that show was in NO way trying to feed red meat to its listeners.

    Besides, we’ve known for years that every white voter is always aware of the policy positions espoused by both parties; those ignorant minorities are the only ones who don’t care about politics.

  19. Nikki says:

    Sorry, Steven. You said it much more kindly than I did.

  20. Loviatar says:

    Herman Cain = Sergeant Vernon Waters

    The light-skinned Waters was highly intelligent and extremely ambitious, and loathed black men who conformed to old-fashioned racist stereotypes.

    Shortly before he was murdered, Waters came to realize how futile and foolish his lifelong attempts to behave like a white man had been. His dying words, “They still hate you,” reflected his belated understanding that white hatred and disdain of black men like himself had nothing to do with stereotypical black behavior, and that whites would probably always hate him, no matter how hard he tried to emulate “white” ways.

  21. G.A.Phillips says:

    lol, talk about brainwashed, Nikki wins….

    And the people who like all this lame libnut crap, get a double lol and need a life.

    Man…..Super lame comments….

  22. mantis says:

    Man…..Super lame comments….

    As soon as you came along.

  23. Console says:


    The day of the geechi is gone boy… and you gone with it

  24. samwide says:

    Ah, glad to see GA again deploying the strength of his magnificent intellect in our modest back and forths. That he would deign to offer gentle correction to those misguided is a boon we should all be thankful for. And to do so in a language hauntingly like English. Are we really worthy?

  25. G.A.Phillips says:

    lol lol….Samwise…You changed your name? Old and grumpy?

  26. An Interested Party says:

    Obviously this sort of proclamation will strike a serious nerve with lily-white liberals…

    Oh, I’d be much more interested in what most black people would think of this…

    lol, talk about brainwashed, Nikki wins….

    And the people who like all this lame libnut crap, get a double lol and need a life.

    Man…..Super lame comments….

    If that is the case, why don’t you explain why the overwhelming majority of black voters consistently vote for Democrats…

  27. Tlaloc says:

    You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”[6][7]

    -Lee Atwater, political consultant and strategist to the Republican Party, talking about the GOP’s SOuthern Strategy to lure racist dems to the GOP.

  28. Nikki says:

    @G.A.Phillips: And just like that, you make my case for me. You know that what I posted is truth and this is all you could come back with to refute it. You would’ve done better to not post anything at all.

  29. Blacks (aka OzarkHillbilly) says:

    Herman Cain has been brainwashed.

  30. G.A.Phillips says:

    And just like that, you make my case for me. You know that what I posted is truth and this is all you could come back with to refute it.

    I study history, liberals and propaganda created by them.I used to be a hardcore liberal.Me was brainwashed too…lol. I was mostly just playing because of what you wrote and the way wrote it with a everyone who knows should get it stone chiseled reality of undeniable how!don’t!you!! get! how!! to!! remember!! how! to!! walk !!!!

    Nikki, you also posted nothing at all of substance that is worth anymore then what I said about it.Kind of like I do when I am Playing:)Seriously, the rest of these nuts here have been told the truth countless times and have proven to be incapable of learning anything.

    I am not saying your a nut but you write vague simplicities like the rest of the well roasted ones who infest OTB.

    This site used to be awesome, now it is filled with brainwashed parrots.

  31. G.A.Phillips says:

    If that is the case, why don’t you explain why the overwhelming majority of black voters consistently vote for Democrats…

    I ask them all the time and you won’t like the answers, and I’ll get called racist by an idiot!

    SOhI’d be much more interested in what most black people would think of this…

    lol, talk about brainwashed, Nikki wins….

    And the people who like all this lame libnut crap, get a double lol and need a life.

    Man…..Super lame comments….

    Sample of an indoctrinated rules game played by a nut.
    Go play your rules games with someone who gives a poop to play that lame a$$ crap…

  32. An Interested Party says:

    I ask them all the time and you won’t like the answers, and I’ll get called racist by an idiot!

    Don’t wimp out…share those answers…

    Sample of an indoctrinated rules game played by a nut.
    Go play your rules games with someone who gives a poop to play that lame a$$ crap…

    This from the same person who previously wrote…

    I am not saying your a nut but you write vague simplicities like the rest of the well roasted ones who infest OTB.