Student Auctions Virginity for $3.7 Million

A California student has auctioned off her virginity, getting bids up to $3.7 million for a one-night stand.

 Natalie Dylan, 22, is auctioning off her virginity to fund her master's degree  Photo: BARCROFT MEDIA

Natalie Dylan, 22, is auctioning off her virginity to fund her master

Natalie Dylan, 22, claims her offer of a one-night stand has persuaded 10,000 men to bid for sex with her.  Last September, when her auction came to light, she had received bids up to £162,000 ($243,000) but since then interest in her has rocketed.

The student who has a degree in Women’s Studies insisted she was not demeaning herself.

Miss Dylan, from San Diego, California, USA, said she was persuaded to offer herself to the highest bidder after her sister Avia, 23, paid for her own degree after working as a prostitute for three weeks.

She said she had had a lot of attention from a wide range of men, including “weirdos”, “those who get really graphically sexual about what they want to do to me” and “lots of polite requests from rich businessmen”.

Miss Dylan said she did not think it was particularly significant to be willing to sell your virginity and insisted that she was happy to undergo medical tests for any doubters. She said: “I get some men who are obviously looking for a girlfriend but I try and make it clear that this is a one-night-only offer.  “I know that a lot of people will condemn me for this because it’s so taboo but I really don’t have a problem with that.  “My study is completely authentic in that I truly am auctioning my virginity but I am not being sold into this. I’m not being taken advantage of in any way.  “I think me and the person I do it with will both profit greatly from the deal.”

She added: “It’s shocking that men will pay so much for someone’s virginity, which isn’t even prized so highly anymore.”

Apparently. The ironies here abound. She’s been admitted into a graduate program for women’s studies and yet seems not to have a grasp of even the introductory literature. Further, what she’s proposing is exactly what her sister engaged in; she’s merely done a better job of haggling over the price. More amusingly, the joke’s on her if she thinks these bids are legit and will actually result in payment.

Writing about the story months ago, Digital Alchemy helpfully explains that “To consummate the deal, Natalie Dylan will meet the winner at the infamous Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a legal brothel, which is holding the auction, in Nevada where her sister works.“   He also provides additional photos of the merchandise.

Stacy McCain and Jules Crittenden have the inevitable debate about the valuation, with the former suggesting that this demonstrates the laws of supply and demand and the latter thinking anyone bidding above “a six pack and a couple of shots” is overpaying.

RedState’s Paul Cella, meanwhile, is a purity purist and believes, “In base economic terms, this woman is selling herself short. Her virginity, her purity, her chastity is worth much more than 3 or 4 million dollars. Ten times that amount would probably fall short.”  Given that she can find no bidders in that range and is clearly willing to part with it for less, however, the evidence is thin.

One thing’s for sure:  However much she ultimately gets for her virginity, it’ll be a damned sight more than a graduate degree in women’s studies is worth.

via memeorandum

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. markm says:

    Awwwe…daddy’s little girl…all grown up…her and lil’ siss. Kinda makes me weepy eyed.

    Sursly, $3.7Meg for a ride…to pay for a graduate degree in women’s studies…and she makes a mental note about teh weirdo’s.

    I didn’t look at all the linky’s but bid she post a list of “won’t” do’s cause I can see that gettin’ fugly.

  2. Hoodlumman says:

    And she can prove she’s a virgin, right?

  3. bystander says:

    Okay all of you progressive thinkers – there’s got to be an angle here on an economic stimulus package.

  4. Rodney Dill says:

    I guess maybe you’ll need to add the tip jar back to OTB, huh?

  5. Brian says:

    When this doesn’t work, is she elligible for a bailout?

  6. bystander says:

    You know, this story reminds me of an old joke. The punch line was, “Okay, now that we have determined what you are, let’s settle on a reasonable price.”

    I think it fits, except it’s no joke.

  7. It seems strange that you would find one that is female, pretty, 22, not holding on to virginity for moral reasons and valuing virginity so low (assuming all the above is real). I suspect that this is more in line with a publicity stunt to show that men are pigs and women are wonderful. To many things don’t add up for it to be real.

  8. Franklin says:

    Frankly, first times can be quite awkward. And that just multiplies due to this specific situation. Without getting graphic, I can pretty much guarantee it won’t be worth it.

  9. Steve Plunk says:

    If a woman’s virginity is worth so much why do they give it away to so many teenage boys? And why is it fair men usually pay (one way or another)to get rid of theirs?

  10. steven says:

    And you wonder why there are 2Billion+ people in the world hoping, praying, & meditating for the destruction of the USA?

    One only has to observe the out-of-control behavior of Modern Western Women to understand why.

  11. Janis Gore says:

    Right, Steve. Altogether better to have your father sell it for you.

  12. JKB says:

    Yes, what kind of woman is this. She could have been sold into an arranged marriage with her father taking the profits or gaining benefit from a debt cancellation.

    If you think this is “out of control behavior”, you’re confused. This negotiation has been going on between men and women since the beginning. Although it does demonstrate that Modern Western Women have more control over their marketable traits than women from other parts of the world. The only difference from negotiation in the back seat of a car and this is the wider market of the internet permitting her from finding a larger demand (higher price) for her individualized offering and the fact she has found an apparent loophole in the bans on open, price negotiation for her offering.

    Her memory of the first time may not have the romance associated with teenage love and passion but then neither will it be tainted with the smell of tequila and bar smoke.

  13. Franklin says:

    Awww, poor steven. Men aren’t in total control of women anymore. Boo hoo!

    In fact, in this particular case, I fail to see how this woman is out-of-control at all. If she can get $3.7 million from some sucker, I’m pretty sure I know who’s in control.

    By the way, hose 2 billion people you cite have a lot in common with many of the fanatical Religious Right in terms of trying to dictate traditional roles. I’m not trying to insult tradition, but like almost everything else, there’s a good and bad side to it.

  14. Rick Almeida says:

    RedState’s Paul Cella, meanwhile, is a purity purist and believes, “In base economic terms, this woman is selling herself short. Her virginity, her purity, her chastity is worth much more than 3 or 4 million dollars. Ten times that amount would probably fall short.”

    What a great lesson in the idea of intrinsic vs. subjective value! Cella should enlist the RedState army to raise even more money to purchase & preserve the woman’s pearl of great price.

  15. Floyd says:

    What could be more ridiculous…. an actual DEGREE in “Women’s Studies”!?!? [lol]

  16. Bystander says:

    Values … (sigh)

    I have a beautiful 12 year old granddaughter. This story and the subsequent posts causes me to shudder a bit.

  17. Steve Verdon says:

    It seems strange that you would find one that is female, pretty, 22, not holding on to virginity for moral reasons and valuing virginity so low (assuming all the above is real).

    Pretty? With that honker of a nose. They can’t even hide it in the touched up picture.

    Right, Steve. Altogether better to have your father sell it for you.

    Somebody needs a new sarcasm meter, methinks.

    Awww, poor steven. Men aren’t in total control of women anymore. Boo hoo!

    Hmmm, maybe two.

  18. Janis Gore says:

    Not you, Mr. Verdon, the other Steven. Sorry for the confusion.

  19. Janis Gore says:

    Sorry again, that would be Plunk.

  20. Drew says:

    Um, er…..well you see……I think…..uh, oh my…but then again…..oooh……I just can’t….well this just doesn’t……uhhhhh…its just not…..ummm, but of course you could argue…oh, boy, maybe not……..

    Is this what we have come to?

    I think I’ll be moving along.

  21. Bithead says:

    She ain’t hard to look at, that much is certain.
    But nobody’s worth that kind of money. Not for a one nighter, particualrly with someone who by the very definition, doesn’t know what she’s doing.

  22. Steve Verdon says:

    Not you, Mr. Verdon, the other Steven. Sorry for the confusion.

    Plunk? How does his comment relate to father’s selling their daughters via arranged marriages?

    She ain’t hard to look at, that much is certain.
    But nobody’s worth that kind of money. Not for a one nighter, particualrly with someone who by the very definition, doesn’t know what she’s doing.

    Heh, I agree. I’m not a big ebay person, what are the downsides to making a bogus bid? Getting banned? I’m thinking she wont make much if anything and she’ll end up working at a Costco near San Diego.

  23. markm says:

    Pretty? With that honker of a nose. They can’t even hide it in the touched up picture.

    I guess maybe you’ll need to add the tip jar back to OTB, huh?

    ..I admit I was puttin’ two and two together…

  24. Bithead says:

    I’m thinking she wont make much if anything and she’ll end up working at a Costco near San Diego.

    At which point she’ll have a few million loosers chasing her for a date. Sh’ll have to keep a putty knife handy. Save a lot of money for not having to go to E-Harmony, that way, though.

    I do wonder how they’re going to work that on taxes, by the way.

  25. Brett says:

    If she agreed to be tested for STDs after this stunt, I’d much rather be the second guy to have sex with her than the one to take her virginity. I don’t know why so many other guys seem to find having bloody, awkward sex a thrill, particularly when it’s a one-night stand.

    And Steve, I think she’s hot.

  26. Steve Plunk says:

    There’s too many Steve’s here.

  27. Bithead says:

    I have a beautiful 12 year old granddaughter. This story and the subsequent posts causes me to shudder a bit.

    Well, look, Bystander; I’m inclined to agree. But the fact is she got the idea from her sister who apparently also did some high buck hooking, thoug nothing so big and nothing so public. So the whole morality argument is a lost cause at the off, and we’re left with the practicality of the matter.

    That said, the whole thing is so out of shape, I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t a major hoax being played on us.

  28. ap says:

    There’s too many Steve’s here.

    that’s what SHE said. har har

    oh, wait i didn’t need to add the sexual innuendo. that much was explicit.

  29. tom p says:

    Let us say for a second, that this is not a hoax. She is selling her body. So what? I am a union carpenter and I have been selling my body for years. Do you want to hear the litany of body parts I have sold? OK, here you go:

    1 broken ankle
    1 knee full of torn cartilage
    2 broken vertebra (lumbar)
    1 broken tailbone
    1 broken wrist
    A dozen + of broken ribs
    I don’t know how many broken fingers and hands
    1 collapsed lung
    1 busted up kidney

    and I haven’t even mentioned the shrapnel I had removed from one hand, or the bursitis I have in both elbows and shoulders, or the arthritis I have in both hands and knees, or the tendonitis which plagues me to this day…

    A hymen? I sold many parts of my body for a whole lot less than 3 or 4 mil… You go girl, you go.

  30. MM says:

    RedState’s Paul Cella, meanwhile, is a purity purist and believes, “In base economic terms, this woman is selling herself short. Her virginity, her purity, her chastity is worth much more than 3 or 4 million dollars. Ten times that amount would probably fall short.”

    Assemble the Red State Strike Force! We need to form a perimeter around some lady parts!

  31. Drew says:

    You shouldn’t drink while working, tom p…….

  32. tom p says:

    You shouldn’t drink while working, tom p…….

    I assume your comment is tongue in cheek Drew, but for those who may not…

    I have never shown up on a job site drunk, never gotten drunk on a job site, don’t smoke dope (I am the most tested guy out there…. Why? Because I am CLEAN!!!)

    Truth is… union or not, any of us can be laid off at any time for cause or not, so we are all trying to get a leg up on the other guy… I just happen to be a little more stupid than most of the rest(and luckier too). Mind you, I am not alone. The stories I could tell of guys who lost legs, broke skulls, and died… And how many WC claims did I ever file?

    It is the life I chose, I sold my body to the CONtractor I still have to make him money if I want a job.

  33. Anderson says:

    Her virginity, her purity, her chastity is worth much more than 3 or 4 million dollars

    RedState’s abandonment of free-market principles is duly noted.

    Re: her nose, she looks a bit like Eliot Spitzer’s “girlfriend,” who obviously had no trouble getting men to pay for sex with her.

    As for her Women’s Studies degree, I think she can probably get her M.A. thesis out of this experience. OTB commenters may find themselves being cited.