Asked and Answered

Josh Marshall offers the following “Deep Thought”:

With Jindal and Steele heading up the GOP, how long can Obama hope to remain president?

Eight years?

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Patrick T McGuire says:

    Eight years?

    Unless he runs for a third term. And don’t give me any of that crap about a constitutional prohibition against a third term. This administration isn’t bothered by such trivia.

    Consider this, if Obama is going to be our president for eight years, why then is he making plans to ten years out?

  2. tom p says:

    Unless he runs for a third term.

    Patrick, that is the same idiocy we heard from so many on the left in the last year of the Bush admin.

    And don’t give me any of that crap about a constitutional prohibition against a third term.

    Hahahaha… after the last 8 yrs, you say this???

    Consider this, if Obama is going to be our president for eight years, why then is he making plans to ten years out?

    Try and consider this: every President projects his budget past his term.

  3. Floyd says:

    President, 3.5 years then martial law with the hope of emulating Hugo Chavez!

  4. An Interested Party says:

    Hopefully Floyd will be one of the first to be rounded up and sent to the reeducation camps…

    Nice to see that the lunatic fringe on the right can be just as nutty as the lunatic fringe is on the left…

  5. DL says:

    8 years? You greatly “misunderwestimate” my friend, Do you really think there will be allowed any “change” or “hope” after eight years of the “Controller” in power? The laws limiting his terms and his power are will be the change he promised and the people won’t hear from any critics as they will be treated as are the survivors of an abortion attempt by the one. If he’s so inhumanly comfortable getting rid of inconvenient human babies, who is foolish enough to think that he’ll be uncomfortable in getting rid of his innocent adult human critics?

    Don’t thinks so – it’s too shocking?

    Try thinking about it for a few minutes without the glare of his halo searing your brain folks.

  6. DL says:

    8 years? You greatly “misunderwestimate” my friend, Do you really think there will be allowed any “change” or “hope” after eight years of the “Controller” in power? The laws limiting his terms and his power are will be the change he promised and the people won’t hear from any critics as they will be treated as are the survivors of an abortion attempt by the one. If he’s so inhumanly comfortable getting rid of inconvenient human babies, who is foolish enough to think that he’ll be uncomfortable in getting rid of his innocent adult human critics?

    Don’t thinks so – it’s too shocking?

    Try thinking about it for a few minutes without the glare of his halo searing your brain folks.

  7. Floyd says:

    “Hopefully Floyd will be one of the first to be rounded up and sent to the reeducation camps…”

    “Nice to see that the lunatic fringe on the right can be just as nutty as the lunatic fringe is on the left…”

    Apparently not quite.

  8. anjin-san says:

    After Jindal’s “boots on the ground” heroics fighting red tape in the heat of the Katrina disaster, can anyone doubt he is the man to lead the GOP?

    Oh, wait, he kinda made that up.

    Can anyone doubt he is the man to lead the GOP?

  9. In re: many of the comments above, do we have to go through this with every administration? When Clinton’s term of office was about to end, I would get this silly chain e-mails about how he was going to declare a state of emergency and not honor the elections, and then the same loony theories about Bush (as tom p notes).