Boehner Pledges End to K-Street Project

John Boehner’s staff has sent out a press release quoting their boss as saying, “If I am elected Majority Leader, there will be no longer be a ‘K Street project,’ or anything else like it.”

He has also sent out a PDF of his campaign platform (a/k/a “37-page leadership plan”) entitled, “John Boehner: For a Majority That Matters.” It looks like a low graphics PowerPoint presentation but has some interesting content. A notable and representative quote:

[W]e need to dedicate ourselves to serving the real needs and principles of our constituents. The corruption of Dan Rostenkowski and other Democrats in the early 1990s stuck to their colleagues because Americans thought House Democrats were putting their own welfare above the welfare of Americans. We can’t let voters think the same about us. So just as important as any specific reform is our commitment to legislating. If we are bold and dutiful in doing our jobs — if we show action, not just words — voters will respect that.

It should be noted that Boehner did not shirk from the benefits of the K-Street Project or the excesses of lobbying. So, perhaps he is a bit late in coming to this moral epiphany. Still, the words are right.



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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. legion says:

    So lemme get this straight… Boehner is campaigning to be the Majority Leader by promising to _take away_ the entity that give the Majority huge sums of cash.
    In the words of Bill Cosby, “Riiiiiiiiight”.

  2. anjin-san says:

    Kind of amusing watching the GOP try to distance itself from the trough it was so happy to feast at just a short while ago…