Combat Briefing Badge (CBB)

The Army has authorized the Combat Briefing Badge (CBB) for PowerPoint Rangers operating in hostile fire zones.

Army Unveils New Award (StrategyPage)

Photo Combat Briefing Badge (CBB) Combat Briefing Badge (CBB)

Recognizing the need for an award for troops assigned to headquarters units during combat operations, the Army today announced the approval of the Combat Briefing Badge, or CBB. “People don’t realize that being in a major headquarters can be just as stressful as going on patrols or convoys,” said MAJ John Remf. “When you’re briefing that many General Officers, your career can end in a heartbeat. And it can happen to anyone at any time, not just combat arms soldiers.” DOD statistics note that CSS personnel are more likely to suffer career-ending incidents in rear areas than Combat Arms Soldiers. “This just reflects that reality,” said Pentagon spokesman LTC Roger Pogue.

The award ranks in precedence below the CIB and CAB, but above the EIB and PowerPoint Ranger tab.

The criteria for the award is still under discussion, but preliminary guidance authorizes the award for 30 days of continuous briefings of officers at least two grades higher than the briefer without incident while serving in a theater of operations in which the awardee is eligible for hostile fire and hazardous duty pay.

Yes, this is a joke. In reality, one would only get a Bronze Star or possibly a Legion of Merit for this, depending on one’s rank and that of the officer briefed.

via Donald Sensing

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. McGehee says:

    At long last, an award for us Fighting Keyboardists!