Impeached Again Forum

Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a retired Professor of Political Science and former College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. OzarkHillbilly says:

    US police three times as likely to use force against leftwing protesters, data finds

    The new statistics come from the US Crisis Monitor, a database created this spring by researchers at Princeton and the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data project (ACLED), a nonprofit that has previously monitored civil unrest in the Middle East, Europe, and Latin America.

    The researchers found that the vast majority of the thousands of protests across the United States in the past year have been peaceful, and that most protests by both the left and the right were not met with any violent response by law enforcement.

    Police used teargas, rubber bullets, beatings with batons, and other force against demonstrators at 511 leftwing protests and 33 rightwing protests since April, according to updated data made public this week.

    The Guardian compared the percentage of all demonstrations organized by leftwing and rightwing groups that resulted in the use of force by law enforcement. For leftwing demonstrations, that was about 4.7% of protests, while for rightwing demonstrations, it was about 1.4%, meaning law enforcement was about three times more likely to use force against leftwing versus rightwing protests.
    The disparity in police response only grew when comparing peaceful leftwing versus rightwing protests. Looking at the subset of protests in which demonstrators did not engage in any violence, vandalism, or looting, law enforcement officers were about 3.5 times more likely to use force against leftwing protests than rightwing protests, with about 1.8% of peaceful leftwing protests and only half a percent of peaceful rightwing protests met with teargas, rubber bullets or other force from law enforcement.

    “Police are not just engaging more because [leftwing protesters] are more violent. They’re engaging more even with peaceful protesters,” Dr Roudabeh Kishi, ACLED’s director of research and innovation, told the Guardian. “That’s the clear trend.”

    ACLED’s data also shows that US law enforcement agencies were more likely to intervene in leftwing versus rightwing protests in general, and more likely to use force when they intervened. American law enforcement agencies made arrests or other interventions in 9% of the 10,863 Black Lives Matter and other leftwing protests between 1 April 2020 and 8 January, compared with only 4% of the 2,295 rightwing protests.

    Half of the time police made any intervention into a leftwing protest, it involved using violent force, ACLED found, compared with only about a third of the time for rightwing protests.

    Overall, 94% of the leftwing demonstrations in the past ten months were peaceful, compared with 96% of the rightwing demonstrations, according to ACLED’s most recently updated data. Kishi cautioned that the process of categorizing demonstrations as peaceful did not take into account whether demonstrators who engaged in violence or property damage were responding to aggressive or violent behavior from the police.

  2. OzarkHillbilly says:

    A racing pigeon that survived a 13,000km Pacific Ocean crossing from the United States to Australia now faces being euthanised as a quarantine risk.

    Kevin Celli-Bird said he discovered that the exhausted bird that arrived in his Melbourne backyard on Boxing Day had disappeared from a race in the US state of Oregon on 29 October.

    Experts suspect the pigeon that Celli-Bird has named Joe, after the US president-elect, Joe Biden, hitched a ride on a cargo ship to cross the Pacific.

    Celli-Bird said the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service called him on Thursday to ask him to catch the bird, after its arrival was reported in the media.

    “They say if it is from America, then they’re concerned about bird diseases,” Celli-Bird said. “They wanted to know if I could help them out. I said, ’To be honest, I can’t catch it. I can get within 500mm of it and then it moves.’”

  3. OzarkHillbilly says:

    In 2018, scientists spotted something wobbling around the black hole at the core of our galaxy for the first time. Their measurements suggest that this stuff — perhaps made of blobs of plasma — is spinning not far from the innermost orbit allowed by the laws of physics. If so, this affords astronomers their closest look yet at the funhouse-mirrored space-time that surrounds a black hole. And in time, additional observations will indicate whether those known laws of physics truly describe what’s going on at the edge of where space-time breaks down.
    For 15 years researchers have watched that point flicker — and wondered why. Occasionally, it flares up 30 times brighter in infrared light and then subsides, all within just a few minutes. Now, though, a team based at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany, has measured not just this speck’s brightness but its position with staggering precision. When it flares, it also moves clockwise on the sky, tracing out a tiny circle, they find.

    “They have clearly seen something moving,” said Shep Doeleman, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics who did not participate in what he calls the team’s “extraordinary” measurements, which was published in Astronomy & Astrophysics. “What it is, is not exactly clear.”

    But one particular interpretation stands out, the team argues. This wobbling likely comes from “hot spots,” glowing blobs of magnetically heated plasma orbiting right above the black hole’s gaping maw at almost one-third the speed of light. As these hot spots circle, the black hole’s immense gravitational forces twist space-time itself into something like a lens, one that flashes beacons of light across the cosmos like a galactic searchlight beam. The idea, first proposed in 2005 by Avery Broderick, now at the Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics and the University of Waterloo in Canada, and Avi Loeb of Harvard University, would explain why the black hole appears to flare.
    “To occasionally be right makes up for all the other times when I scratched my head at the blackboard,” said Broderick. “This is what makes being a scientist so much fun.”

  4. sam says:
  5. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Not the Onion:

    At the Uluwatu temple in Bali, monkeys mean business. The long-tailed macaques who roam the ancient site are infamous for brazenly robbing unsuspecting tourists and clinging on to their possessions until food is offered as ransom payment.

    Researchers have found they are also skilled at judging which items their victims value the most and using this information to maximise their profit.

    Shrewd macaques prefer to target items that humans are most likely to exchange for food, such as electronics, rather than objects that tourists care less about, such as hairpins or empty camera bags, said Dr Jean-Baptiste Leca, an associate professor in the psychology department at the University of Lethbridge in Canada and lead author of the study.

    Mobile phones, wallets and prescription glasses are among the high-value possessions the monkeys aim to steal. “These monkeys have become experts at snatching them from absent-minded tourists who didn’t listen to the temple staff’s recommendations to keep all valuables inside zipped handbags firmly tied around their necks and backs,” said Leca.

    “Give me your melons or the i-phone gets it.”

  6. An Interested Party says:

    The Cult of Victimhood continues…

    It is, quite frankly, beyond belief that the very same people who could have died in the United States Capitol just last week have somehow persuaded themselves that they’ve in fact experienced a more acute First Amendment injury than even insurrection itself. And that any effort to impose liability for the property destruction, terror, and death that resulted from the storming of the government is a monstrous encroachment on their right to talk. They make this point, to be clear, as they are talking and talking and talking about the pain of First Amendment encroachments, on the House floor. The real threat is to them, they say, as they point to the long and careening tour of Free Speech casualties of January 2021, from Donald Trump’s Twitter feed, to an armed mob’s vaunted free assembly rights, to their own, wholly imaginary right to talk endlessly—which they are, to be clear, doing, even as they whine about it. That it is all performed even when what they say is happening is plainly not happening is eminently incendiary and insane. And herein lies the problem. We have come to a moment in which one half of the country is fighting to be free of crippling, life-ending acts of stochastic terror, while another half of the same country is chillingly preoccupied with their right to just talk $hit.

    And the Kristallnacht comparisons are truly disgusting…

  7. CSK says:

    True to form, Trump has recently been refusing to pay Rudy Giuliani.

  8. MarkedMan says:

    @CSK: You beat me to it. Here’s a link… BTW, he’s also refusing to take Rudy’s calls.

  9. CSK says:

    I wonder who Trump will retain to defend him at his impeachment trial?

  10. MarkedMan says:

    @CSK: You know, from the very first time Republicans started to throw their lot in with Trump I was pointing out that in his history there are many, many people who knew he was a walking talking disaster but thought they could ride with him on the way up and jettison him on the way down. But no one has ever pulled it off. As far as I know not a single person, ever, came out better for having associated themselves with Trump. That’s not hyperbole, and if a counter example exists I would love to hear of it. Paul Ryan was the only one smart enough to see that reality, and he stepped into the lifeboat alone and pushed off as soon as he saw the iceberg. All the other Republicans are morons who believed they could use the iceberg as a way to advance their social standing on the decks of the Titanic.

  11. Michael Reynolds says:

    I really love stories like the wobbly black hole, despite the fact that every time I dive in I am forced to recognize, yet again, that my brain will not do physics. It just won’t.

  12. Michael Reynolds says:

    Rick Wilson got it right with a single hashtag: #ETTD. Everything Trump Touches Dies.

  13. Scott says:

    Just so you know:

    DOD Releases Report on Defense Spending by State in Fiscal Year 2019

    The top 10 states are:

    California: $66.2 billion
    Virginia: $60.3 billion
    Texas: $54.8 billion
    Florida: $29.8 billion
    Maryland: $26.1 billion
    Connecticut: $19.7 billion
    Pennsylvania: $18.1 billion
    Washington: $17.8 billion
    Alabama: $16.0 billion
    Massachusetts: $15.8 billion

  14. Kathy says:


    They’ve even picked up the Trumpian habit of thinly veiling their words. For instance, when they say they are afraid something, such as impeaching trump for trying to overthrow the US government, will further divide the country, what they mean is it will further divide the Republican Party

  15. CSK says:

    I’ve never understood this myself. I’ve known since the 1980s that Trump was a crook and a backstabber, in addition to being a churl, a moron, and a laughably inept social climber. It’s impossible for me to imagine what, but I can only guess that he has some hidden (to me, anyway) charm that he exerts that enables him to cast a spell over even the ostensibly street-smart.

    As for the rubes he seduced, they were taken in by the image he presented on his reality show–that of a fantastically successful tycoon. And they identified with him because he was an oaf and a buffoon–in other words, a real American, just like them. If I had a more generous spirit, I could pity them for thinking that he loves them and loves this country.

  16. KM says:

    @An Interested Party:

    We have come to a moment in which one half of the country is fighting to be free of crippling, life-ending acts of stochastic terror, while another half of the same country is chillingly preoccupied with their right to just talk $hit.

    So true. The only right the Right seem to recognize is the right to be an unmitigated asshat. Everything else flows from that- free speech to talk like one, 2A to threaten like one, capitalism to cheat others like one, etc. They were able to merge with troll culture so effectively because that’s what they *are* at heart. It’s no surprise that the truly nasty memes and $hitposts come from the depths of 8-chan, Parler, Gab alone with expressions of pure ugly id and bias.

    Free speech has never been unlimited and unregulated in nature. Back in the day, you would be fined at best, sent to jail or challenged to a duel at worst. This is the freest America has ever been to allow this kind of hateful nonsense and look what’s become of it. They want more rope to hang us all with it.

  17. Jax says:

    I’m going to file this one under “OMG, Trumpies are so dumb….”

    Apparently, because Dominion has a lawsuit against Sidney Powell, alllllll of the fraud facts are going to come out, the election will be overturned, and as long as the Senate doesn’t convict Trump, he can be President again.

  18. Kathy says:


    I think I found what Republicans would consider fraud, and it happened in Georgia.

    See, there were all these barriers to voting, and all these measures carefully crafted to suppress the vote, yet maintain plausible deniability, and these people defrauded the good white supremacists of Georgia by finding their way over and around these obstacles.

  19. CSK says:

    Well, that does raise the question of why Powell didn’t present all of these “fraud facts” before Dominion decided to sue her for over a billion dollars, doesn’t it?

  20. Sleeping Dog says:

    File under, Karma’s a bitch

    It’s payback time. The Republican rift in the state Senate came to a head Tuesday when Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan demoted three Republican senators who have backed attempts to overturn the presidential vote in Georgia over baseless allegations of irregularities.

  21. Mister Bluster says:

    Monday January 18, 2021 is Martin Luther King Day. It would be a good idea for state, local and national authorities to be alert for any actions that the stinkin’ bigots in this country might take against civil order.
    I wish I could be confidant that police agencies across the country are ready for any disturbance these white power junkies might provoke.

  22. Kathy says:

    Breaking away from politics for a bit, the Steelers might not have had the most inglorious end for a team with an 11-0 start, but ti was pretty bad. And this concludes the bashing of the team I claim to be a fan of.

    Next, the Trek Q “novels” I’ve bookmarked are all around 3:30 hours long. They are more like audio plays than novels. The Picard novel I read a few months back was a full length piece. Still, they are good enough to listen to, thus far.

  23. Long Time Listener says:

    We tend to be addicted to outrage, in the country; and I’m probably no different. Skating to where the puck’s going (thanks, Gretzky), I’m already mentally preparing (hoping?) for any number of inquiries into who, within the walls of Congress (members, security apparatus), may have been complicit in the coup attempt. I’ve only ever seen the House expel one member (J. Traficant), and wonder what types of heads will roll from last week’s poop-show….

  24. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Michael Reynolds: that every time I dive in I am forced to recognize, yet again, that my brain will not do physics.

    I get around that problem by just pretending it’s all magic. That way I can focus on how cool it all is w/o worrying about all the sticky details.

  25. Jen says:

    Rex Huppke at the Chicago Tribune has had two satirical articles posted recently that are so on-target it’s almost painful.

    The first is Surprise! Insurrections have consequences, which contained gems like this:

    As the CEO of a small company, my rights have been constantly trampled by leftists and I have had to endure unspeakable horrors like using LED lightbulbs and having my Facebook account shut down because I kept using it to threaten a violent uprising against my own country. And now, just because I destroyed federal property, put the lives of members of Congress at risk and engaged in an attack that led to the death of a police officer, I’m the one who has to face consequences?!?

    That seems both unfair and tyrannical. I have never once had to face consequences before, so clearly there’s a problem.

    The next is If this is Cancel Culture, then why is it I can still hear them?

    Hello, technical support? I recently subscribed to Cancel Culture and I’m having some issues. It doesn’t seem to be working.

    I’m watching the impeachment hearing and I can still see all these annoying Republican lawmakers who support President Donald Trump. You know, the ones who never shut up about Cancel Culture being bad and always complain about being canceled?

    Yeah, they keep still being there. They don’t seem to be canceled at all. And I can hear them, because they’re talking into cameras during a nationally televised congressional proceeding.

  26. CSK says:

    The National Mall will be closed to the public on Inauguration Day.

  27. Kathy says:


    Maybe Trump’s planned insurrection was to accomplish this. after all, Biden will have the smallest inauguration crowd ever.

  28. DrDaveT says:


    The National Mall will be closed to the public on Inauguration Day.

    So, it will look like the Trump inauguration?

  29. inhumans99 says:

    I forgot to bring this up yesterday, but there is a story on thehill where it says Jared Kushner had to talk Trump out of creating a Parler/Gab account. The amazing thing is that some of Trump’s advisors were encouraging him to sign up due to his twitter/fb ban.

    Clearly, Jared was well aware that the last thing the President of the United States should be doing is posting on an unsecured site like Parler. How unsecure, well…if the reports I have been seeing on-line are remotely true frighteningly unsecure. It sounds like a hacker has a ton of data they scraped from Parler before Google/Apple/Amazon removed them from their app stores.

    If the hacking reports are true Dan Bongino has some splaining to do. Dan B says Parler will be back and he will go bankrupt if he has to as he fights to get Parler up and running again. He may get his wish, because I have to imagine folks behind the scenes are getting ready to sue him into oblivion. Of course, I am just guessing that he is going to be busy warding off a bunch of lawsuits.

    Also, as noted in this thread it feels like Republicans redefine chutzpah/hubris on a daily basis when they say the real danger of 01/06/21 is not that a mob was sent to kill them but that it led to President Trump’s twitter and FB feeds going dark. Okay, then…sure, sure, that was what the GOP should have been stressed out about in the days following the attack, not making sure they are safe from further attacks but advocating that Trump’s twitter account be re-activated.

    We all say that all the GOP cares about is staying in power and the profoundly sad thing is that some of the rhetoric from the GOP following the attack tells me they really would give up their left nut if it meant they could stay in power (for the ladies, I will say they would be willing to give up their left arm). Wow.

  30. CSK says:

    I wouldn’t put it past him.
    It will, won’t it?

    Harold Bornstein, the doctor to whom Trump dictated the letter about him being the healthiest person ever elected to the presidency, has died.

  31. Mikey says:

    The Six Lowest Points of Trump’s Corrupt, Racist, Impeached, Ignorant, Incompetent Clusterfuck of a Presidency

    Donald Trump is undoubtedly America’s worst president, the only president to be impeached twice, the only person to lead a coup against the United States government, the president who presided over and was personally responsible for the greatest one year loss of life in American history, the only president since Herbert Hoover to actually leave office with fewer people employed than when he was sworn in, the only world leader to have been summarily banned from virtually all major social media sites because his words were so inflammatory, the most prolific liar if not conspiracy theorist in U.S. political history (which is saying something), a man who managed to be at once the most corrupt, the most odious, the most ignorant, the most ineffective and the most evil political leader in U.S. history.

  32. Kathy says:

    An the surprises just keep coming:

    New York’s AG, Letitia James, is filing a suit against the NYPD for the treatment of BLM protesters last year.

  33. Jen says:

    Trump’s whackadoodle doctor, Harold Bornstein, has apparently passed away. No cause listed.

  34. Jen says:

    @CSK: Ah, sorry for the duplicate mention–mea culpa!

  35. CSK says:

    Quite all right. I wonder if Bornstein died of embarrassment.

  36. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @CSK: No one. If it takes place after the inauguration, it’s on his dime, IIUC.

  37. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Jen: He does have a point. Mother Jones magazine offers a money-back guarantee; cancel culture should, too.

    It’s nothing but a scam!

  38. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @CSK: I wouldn’t think so. Hard for someone with no shame to die from embarrassment.

  39. CSK says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker:
    I do wonder how Trump browbeat him into signing that letter, which was so ridiculously worded that even non-medical people knew it was a phony from the get-go.

  40. Kathy says:

    Now, I’m not claiming Rudy Giuliani is an idiot, but a smart lackey would have insisted on being paid in advance and in full.

  41. Scott says:

    Another reason to hate the entire Trump family:

    The $3,000-a-month toilet for the Ivanka Trump/Jared Kushner Secret Service detail

    Many U.S. Secret Service agents have stood guard in Washington’s elite Kalorama neighborhood, home over the years to Cabinet secretaries and former presidents. Those agents have had to worry about death threats, secure perimeters and suspicious strangers. But with the arrival of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, they had a new worry: finding a toilet.

    Instructed not to use any of the half-dozen bathrooms inside the couple’s house, the Secret Service detail assigned to President Trump’s daughter and son-in-law spent months searching for a reliable restroom to use on the job, according to neighbors and law enforcement officials. After resorting to a porta-potty, as well as bathrooms at the nearby home of former president Barack Obama and the not-so-nearby residence of Vice President Pence, the agents finally found a toilet to call their own.

    I never understand people who insist people working in their houses, such as remodelers, house cleaners, repairmen, etc. not use the facilities. It’s just a matter of basic human dignity. I hear it so often that I feel I must point out where the bathrooms are so they know they are welcome to use them.

  42. Mister Bluster says:

    @Kathy:..a smart lackey would have insisted on being paid in advance and in full.

    Rudy probably thinks that Personal Lawyer to the President of the United States will look good on his résumé.

  43. Sleeping Dog says:


    OzarkHillbilly can give us a definitive answer, but I believe that the requirement that contractors have a porta potty on site, even for residential, is part of the permitting process that the community enforces.

  44. gVOR08 says:

    @Jen: Good. Yeah, being cancelled does seem to work like Going Galt or the Benedict Option.

  45. gVOR08 says:


    a man who managed to be at once the most corrupt, the most odious, the most ignorant, the most ineffective and the most evil political leader in U.S. history.

    And got 74 million votes for reelection. Jesus wept.

  46. Flat Earth Luddite says:

    IIRC, this is why you always get a retainer, unless you’re working pro bono

  47. gVOR08 says:

    @Jen: I never see a picture of Bornstein without thinking of the Brent Spiner character in “Independence Day”.

  48. CSK says:

    Kevin Seefried, the imbecile who swanned around the Capitol waving the Confederate battle flag, has been arrested.

    I’m deeply sick of the veneration of all things Confederate. Are there statues of Charles Cornwallis and George III outside the state house in Boston? On Lexington Green? At Bunker Hill? At Yorktown?

  49. Jen says:

    @Scott: Unreal. I didn’t think it was possible for me to think even less of them, but…now, somehow, I do.

  50. CSK says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker:
    Whatever deluded sap it is, he or she better get all the money upfront.

  51. Kathy says:


    The only valid reason ever to refuse anyone the use of a toilet, is if the toilet’s backed up or broken.

    So, assuming Javanka are not petty elitists, one must wonder: what the hell do they leave in their gold-plated toilets?

  52. CSK says:

    They’re petty elitists. Very petty.

  53. MarkedMan says:

    @CSK: Not accusing anyone here, but IF your main service as an MD is prescribing whatever medicine your wealthy clients want, then you have a strong desire not to rock the boat. He had to decide which was the safer route: give Trump what he wanted or try not to become involved.

  54. Kylopod says:

    @CSK: One of the people arrested actually has the first and middle name “Robert Lee.” And he’s a Jr.

  55. Kathy says:

    @Mister Bluster:

    Too bad he only gets to claim to be The Grand Cheeto’s Lawyer.

    @Flat Earth Luddite:

    I can’t say of my own knowledge, but I doubt Trump the Loser pays retainers. If he did, how would he stiff his lawyers?

  56. Jen says:

    That said, I’m not terribly impressed with what transpired that got them banned from using the Obama’s garage loo:

    The Obamas did not use the garage, so the extra traffic to and from the command post caused no problem. Yet this solution, too, was short-lived after a Secret Service supervisor from the Trump/Kushner detail left an unpleasant mess in the Obama bathroom at some point before the fall of 2017, according to a person briefed on the event. That prompted the leaders of the Obama detail to ban the agents up the street from ever returning.


  57. JohnSF says:


    “Are there statues of Charles Cornwallis…in Boston? On Lexington Green? At Bunker Hill? At Yorktown?”

    Probs not. One in St Paul’s Cathedral though.

  58. MarkedMan says:


    I never understand people who insist people working in their houses, such as remodelers, house cleaners, repairmen, etc. not use the facilities.

    It never even occurred to me that this was a thing. One of the first things I do with any tradesman who’s going to be inside or outside my house for any length of time is show them where the bathroom is.

    Like so much dickishness, this has the added negative of being stupid. You are asking these people for a service. In my case it’s fixing a pipe or a furnace, or cutting down a tree. In their case, it’s protecting the frickin’ lives of themselves and their kids. And yet they start out the relationship by essentially saying, “I think you are unclean and your mere presence would contaminate my house”@CSK: ? Where does that get you, exactly?

    Love the fact that the Obama’s let them in to pee.

  59. CSK says:

    I’m sure Bornstein was intimidated/bullied by Trump.

  60. MarkedMan says:

    @CSK: There’s another guy with the same name with a good sense of humor. He tweeted something like, “Total bummer my name is going to get me on a no fly list but at least I’ll never have to pay for Cracker Barrel ever again.”

  61. CSK says:

    Not sure what you’re referring to, but when I click on my name cited in your comment, it goes back to the observation I made to Cracker that whatever lawyer works for Trump better get his or her money up front.

    The reply function is like the edit function: very glitchy.

  62. CSK says:

    Good sport.

  63. Michael Cain says:


    Dan B says Parler will be back and he will go bankrupt if he has to as he fights to get Parler up and running again.

    It’s not like it would be hard. Twitter runs on their own hardware and system software, so can Parler. AWS says that they have preserved the data and will transfer it wherever else he wants. He might want to hire someone to do a better job of installing whichever messaging software he’s using and close up at least the obvious security holes.

    Now, if his argument is that he’s entitled to run on the AWS cloud, that’s going to take a few years to work its way through the courts.

  64. Scott says:

    @MarkedMan: @MarkedMan: Yeah, I don’t know the origins either. It may be different in different parts of the country. It may be a class thing or maybe left over from a whites only mentality WRT to toilets and water fountains.

  65. CSK says:

    The CEO of, Andrew Torba, backed up Trump’s Twitter account and put it on the Gab site:

  66. Owen says:

    @CSK: I took an undergrad class on the Andean Ridge. During a lecture our professor was regaling us with Bolivia’s paltry martial history and claimed Bolivia was the only country in the world to build monuments to losing military leaders. I stated, “What about Stone Mountain”. My buddy sitting next to me (who was from Northern Georgia) smacked me upside the back of the head.

  67. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @DrDaveT: Yeah but with more people.

  68. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Scott: @Sleeping Dog:

    Some locales may require a JohnnyontheSpot as part of the granting of a construction permit but not many do. (only the ritzier ones in my experience) Most contractors of rehab/room additions will get one just as a matter of courtesy for the home owner. One gets used to it especially when so many jobsites have no water to begin with. I actually preferred to use one, as opposed to the homeowners’ as it meant I wasn’t tracking mud thru their house or a cloud of gypsum dust behind me. Besides, my presence alone was an invasion of their privacy.

    It was always a little uncomfortable to me, seeing things that not many do.

  69. MarkedMan says:

    @OzarkHillbilly: My assumption was porta-potty or taped down floor coverings from the door into the designated bathroom if there were a lot of workers or if they were going to get dirty and muddy, but other than that, come in. I do tell them which bathroom to use, but that’s just a case of not having people wandering around the house.

  70. CSK says:

    I think this whole business of the U.S allowing the South to put up statues of Lee, Davis, Beauregard, et al. as well as the naming of various army bases after Confederate generals was intended as a sop to the losing side. Sort of: “Let them have their statues. Let them wave their little flags. Hell, let them name the forts in the south after a bunch of losers. We won; we crushed and humiliated them. If this makes them feel better, we can afford to be generous. It’s no skin off our asses.”

    They probably never dreamed that 155 years later, some assholes would invade the Capitol and prance around waving the Confederate battle flag–the very symbol of the south–to celebrate an even bigger asshole from…Queens.

  71. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @MarkedMan: A lot of times one needs to seal off the part of the house that is being worked on (which never really works, dust finds a way) but even then there are times when one has to enter the rest of the house to do this that or the other. I was always terrified I would catch Great Granny’s dinner service that she brought over from the old country at the turn of the century with my tool belt while trying to sidle by it to access that window…. or maybe just bump into a countertop and chip it with my framing hammer.

    And then there are the moments they’d forget that I was there and do something they only do in private. They’d get embarrassed and I would suddenly become blind.

    It’s just uncomfortable being in a strangers house, especially if you have to take a steaming shit in a spotless half bath.

  72. flat earth luddite says:

    In a follow up to my late comments yesterday, I note, with no little surprise, that the leopard continues to eat their faces (shock!)

    From Newsweek: Jeff Flake, Cindy McCain and Arizona’s Governor Could Be Censured by State GOP for Supporting Biden

    Maybe someone here with strong google-fu (or WordPress Fu) could provide the link? When I try, I go straight to the 7th Circle. The good news of that is most of my friends are there…

  73. OzarkHillbilly says:
  74. CSK says:

    At this point, that would be a badge of honor.

  75. flat earth luddite says:

    @OzarkHillbilly: Thanks. And a h/t for not laughing at the weakness of my google-fu. Like particle physics and television, it’s all magic to me.

  76. Teve says:

    @Long Time Listener:

    I’ve only ever seen the House expel one member (J. Traficant),

    Traficant shoulda been expelled for his hair.

  77. flat earth luddite says:

    @CSK: that certainly seems to be how the (potential) censured ones seem to be looking at it.

  78. flat earth luddite says:

    @Mister Bluster:

    I wish I could be confidant that police agencies across the country are ready for any disturbance these white power junkies might provoke.

    Personally, I’m wishing that the police actively corral them, or contain them. What I fear is many LEO joining them in their thuggish-fu.

  79. Teve says:

    @Michael Reynolds: i gots a degree in the subject and special and general relativity still give me headaches.

    Special Relativity…I think I kiiiiinda get that now. General Relativity I don’t and, having seen (and briefly owned) The Textbook, (the black one, for the hip kids out there) and knowing the differential equations involved, I’m not going to waste months or years trying. There are more fun things to do in life than try to be the genius I am definitely not. 😀

  80. Michael Cain says:

    @Mister Bluster:

    I wish I could be confidant that police agencies across the country are ready for any disturbance these white power junkies might provoke.

    In many states the legislative session has started. After the imagery from Michigan last year (where, I note, the Republican legislature changed the law so that open carry is no longer allowed in their capitol building) and last week in Washington, the police are going to be all over everything. As a general rule, take good care of the people who can change the law to make things very difficult for you.

  81. Kathy says:

    @flat earth luddite:

    The bad part is that they’re censuring Ducey for his pandemic response. From the link:

    [..]to demand that Ducey “immediately rescind all executive orders and directives issued under this faux state of emergency,”

    So he’s guilty of saving lives, or trying to? Would it be a defense that he wasn’t very good at it? I mean, Arizona is like paradise for SARS-CoV-2 right now.

  82. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @flat earth luddite: I, a fellow luddite, would never laugh at somebody’s difficulties with anything computer related. I mastered that one task and still resort to a framing hammer for all other frustrations.

  83. Teve says:


    Good. Yeah, being cancelled does seem to work like Going Galt or the Benedict Option.

    a guy in south Florida I used to know used to tell his kids, “it’s important to always keep in mind the fact that you’re not special. Not me, not you, everybody gets replaced.”

  84. Flat Earth Luddite says:

    This was a primary reason for my giving up firearms 40+ years ago. Too many targets, too little ammo. Every problem can’t be solved with a .308 or .45. Thus began my path towards the Light. But some days…

  85. Kathy says:

    On the aviation front: and another one’s gone, another one’s gone, another one bites the dust.

    Norwegian is eliminating its long haul routes and retrenching to short haul routes in Europe.

    Ok, it may yet survive, but it’s the latest in a long line of low cost airlines that have tried long haul at low cost and failed. This stretches back to Laker Airways in the 80s. in the last decade, WOW and Primera went bust. All this in an era, stretching back to the 80s also, where low cost and ultra-low cost models are proliferating and quite successful.


    Part of the explanation is the low cost model depends on extracting many flight hours per plane per day. This is far more easily done with shorter routes. Also, long haul usually means longish layovers at one side of the route, meaning the plane cannot fly for several hours, due to scheduling due to time differences between destinations. Another factor is the need for a crew base at the destination, since the crew that flies in cannot, because of regulations limiting flight hours per day, fly the plane back.

    The most successful model thus far is Icelandair’s offers from the eastern US and Canada to Iceland. From there, passengers can fly Icelandair to other places in Europe. it’s not low cost, but it beats the prices of most airlines from, say, NYC to London or Amsterdam. Plus you can do a stopover in Iceland for a few days at no extra cost.

  86. Teve says:


    Like so much dickishness, this has the added negative of being stupid. You are asking these people for a service. In my case it’s fixing a pipe or a furnace, or cutting down a tree. In their case, it’s protecting the frickin’ lives of themselves and their kids.

    One of the first ways I knew intelligence was compartmentalized was, 20 years ago I dated a woman whose dad had the record in his country for the fastest ever math phd. 6 months after his BA he had a math phd. He would take a class a week. Screw around for five days, read the textbook on day 6, take the final exam on day 7, get a 98 or something. Textbooks with titles like ‘Real Analysis of Harmonic Functions’. Where if you know what you’re talking about, the first two words are scary. He recommended a book on Function Theory. I said it’s in German, I don’t know German, he said, “I read it because it’s important for math, you can figure out the German.” He had a whiteboard in the living room. I mentioned that I was having trouble with Relativity and he walked to the board and wrote all four equations from memory and said ‘what’s wrong about them? They’re all time-invariant translations of Newton.?’ and yet I watched this same guy chew out a waitress who hadn’t delivered his food yet, like the world’s biggest dumbass.

  87. Just nutha ignint cracker says:


    So, assuming Javanka are not petty elitists…

    I’m with CSK on this one. Why assume that?

    Occam’s Razor and all…

  88. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @OzarkHillbilly: As I recall, the contractor who converted the garage of my childhood home into a family room solved the problem by plumbing toilet for the half bath into the utility room first thing. Problem solved.

  89. Kathy says:

    And on the Trump Pandemic front, I had a hell of a time today looking up the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

    It’s on phase 3 trials, and earlier in the day it released preliminary results for the combined phase 1/2 trials, claiming good immunity response. The reason this is important, it that it’s the first of the major big pharma vaccines to require only one dose.

    The thing is I could find the recent news just fine, but couldn’t find it on vaccine trackers or other sites. I wanted to see at least which vaccine type it was (there are several by now).

    It turns out in such sites it’s listed as the Janssen vaccine, Janssen being a wholly owned subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson (which is far better known for baby shampoo anyway).

    Anyway, it’s an inactive virus vector vaccine, like the AstraZeneca/Oxford shot. I won’t mention the figures of efficacy I’ve read, not from a phase1/2, but it does seem to require between 28 and 56 days to reach full efficacy. In other words, about as long as the two-dose vaccines.

    There’s still a big advantage in requiring only one dose, though. And as an inactive viral vector, it should require mere refrigerator temperatures to keep effective. I hope the phase 3 trials show high effectiveness.

    SARS-CoV-2 has spread so widely it will likely be an endemic disease for decades to come, like the flu or the common cold, only deadlier. It’s likely we’ll need annual shots, just like the flu, so it’s a good thing so many vaccines thus far have been quick to develop and seem very effective.

    Now, as to the next pandemic, we can only guess what it will be. I hope the mRNA and inactive virus vectors are proven safe and reliable. perhaps for the next pandemic we could crank out a vaccine in a couple of months, perhaps even weeks and forego phases as we do with flu shots every year.

  90. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @CSK: “Malice toward none and charity for all” turned out to be a mistake, all right.

  91. CSK says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker:
    It seems that way, doesn’t it?

  92. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Teve: Wow, that’s THE WORST hairpiece I’ve ever seen. Yikes!

  93. Kathy says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker:

    To imply they often back up their toilets.

    There’s little that’s more unappealing than imagining something coming out of a person that would break a toilet.

  94. Owen says:

    @Kathy: Doug is on a local news interview right now. Better late than never, there is a big push to stick needles in arms (I have an appointment to take my aged mother to the stadium that the Cardinals won’t play at any more this season), with the plan to use doses faster than the state can be supplied.

    And he did tweet “STFU” to our stellar state GOP leader, Krazy Kelli Ward.

  95. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @CSK: Yeah, but we probably shouldn’t look to me for moral analysis in the political policy arena because 1) I don’t believe that conventional moral postures apply to governments (they are more “state of nature” in my mind) and 2) I lean sociopathic in my responses to problem solving.

    It’s all part of why I don’t run for office and have never sought to be a “leadership type.” I went to a leadership conference while I was in middle school. The principles seemed unworkable to me even then.

  96. Kathy says:


    For a minute I thought you were talking about our much missed Doug.

  97. Owen says:

    @Flat Earth Luddite: While in my early teens, I remember reading an article on the tense situation in Poland with Solidarity raging, and loud harrumphs from the Kremlin causing Jaruzelski (the guy who looked like Elmer Fudd) great stress. As part of the report a young Lieutenant was interviewed, who apparently stated with great conviction: “I have six rounds in my revolver. If the Russians invade I will take five of them with me.” I never understood death cultists.

  98. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Flat Earth Luddite: Shiiiiiiiit, there ain’t nothin’ I can’t fix given a big enough hammer. 😉

  99. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker: Man’s got to know his priorities….

  100. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Kathy: Hey. I resemble that remark.

  101. Mister Bluster says:

    @Michael carry
    I heard a report on NPR recently that open carry has been prohibited in the Michigan State Capitol building but concealed carry is still allowed.

  102. Mister Bluster says:

    Michigan Banned Open Carry Of Guns In State Capitol. One State Senator Says It’s Not Enough
    Michigan’s new policy means only law enforcement and people who hold a concealed-weapons permit may carry guns inside the state Capitol. The commission says the state does not have the money to implement a stricter ban, which would require installing metal detectors at public entrances to the Capitol building.
    The decision is being widely criticized by lawmakers, including State Sen. Dayna Polehanki, who say the rules change does not go far enough. She argues that the Capitol Commission has the legal authority to ban all firearms inside the building.

  103. CSK says:

    Apparently the Trump Org. put the lease on the Trump. Int’l. Hotel in D.C. up for sale for 500 million dollars. The best bid they’ve gotten so far is for less than half that. The broker has quit on them.

    Guess the Trump brand has lost whatever magic it ever had.

  104. Jax says:


    Guess the Trump brand has lost whatever magic it ever had.

    It is known. 😉

  105. SC_Birdflyte says:

    @Kathy: Back in the dear, dead 70s, I flew Loftleidir from Luxembourg (their hub of sorts on the European mainland) to New York City via Iceland. It was no different from what was then a “normal” flight within the U.S. The only problem was that JFK was their only American destination. I think Norwegian tried to serve too many destinations on this side of the pond.