Look Who’s Talking – George Bush or Joe Lieberman? (VIDEO)
Ned Lamont has a variant on the popular “morph” ad that’s been a staple since the early 1990s, “Look Who’s Talking – George Bush or Joe Lieberman?”

(Quick Time & Windows Media)
Ned Lamont has a variant on the popular “morph” ad that’s been a staple since the early 1990s, “Look Who’s Talking – George Bush or Joe Lieberman?”
Just proves what an idiot Lamont is, in my opinion. If that’s the best he can come up with, then I feel sorry for him – even if he wins.
So does Lieberman respond with some Lamont/Kos “screw em” morphing?
Actually, if I was Lieberman, I would pin Lamont down on what he would do in Iraq. Of course, that is what the GOP was doing last couple of weeks with the votes.
Have you heard about the Akaka primary Hawaii? It’s a reverse Lieberman situation, where anti-war Akaka is being challenged by Bush sympathizing Case. Akaka is one of 13 Senators to vote for a firm timetable of withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq, while Case rubberstamped Bush’s war in a house vote the week before. I just wrote a big blog posting about it that I thought you might be interested in. Akaka needs as much support as we can give him.