Borrowing a page out of Bill Quick‘s book, I have decided to start recognizing blogs that refer the most traffic my way with mentions on the sidebar. I’m going to do this on a monthly basis and, since it’s the best metric I have, I’ll use the logs provided to me by HostingMatters. I’m not exactly sure what a “page” constitutes, but it should be the same for everyone. I’ve excluded any site that isn’t a weblog from the list.

While the month isn’t officially over until midnight, these stats are accurate enough.

The sites that sent at least 50 visitors my way this month:

Site: Pages:
ScrappleFace 894
One Hand Clapping 877 Asymmetrical Information 561 Possumblog 364 Argue with Signposts 344 PoliBlog 276 Inoperable Terran 244 Dean’s World 217 On the Third Hand 216 Common Sense and Wonder 207 John Lemon 185 CalPundit 127 Phillip Coons 118 The Bemusement Park 113 Jay Solo’s Verbosity 110 Right Wing News 109 Command Post 95 The Colorado Compound 86 Cut on the Bias 80 Occam’s Toothbrush 63 Signifying Nothing 57 Robin Goodfellow 55 VodkaPundit 53

Thanks to all.

(Also a to Joy for telling me to turn the stupid auto-spacer off in MT. It was doing all sorts of whacky things with my table.)

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Jay Solo says:

    Heh! I notice someone is not on the referrer list, while I am, and in fine company too.

  2. James Joyner says:

    Yep. And it garners you two free links–one of which won’t go away until at least the end of June!

  3. Tiger says:

    I did my best, but I didn’t get 50 people to even hit my blog this month.

  4. James Joyner says:

    Getting started can take a while, to be sure.

  5. bryan says:

    Wow. I’m amazed I was so high. To be honest, I was looking from the bottom up to see if I made it. Of course, most of those are probably just me, although I hope not. I notice you’ve picked up several blogrollees from me along the way.

    Just remember us lowly flappy birds when you get to be a higher being.