McCain’s New Ad

Here’s the latest John McCain ad, which has the tagline, “The American President Americans Have Been Waiting For.”

Roger L. Simon, who knows a little something about film making, pronounces it “quite well done,” which acknowledging “though of course I am not the audience.”

I’d agree on both counts but with a strong caveat that I’ve issued before on McCain’s ads: You’re wasting your time reminding us that you were a POW in Vietnam. We know. Not only is everyone who’s inclined to vote for you because of your courage and sacrifice already on board, but some of these people will think your mentioning it unseemly. Furthermore, to the extent that you benefit from your wartime heroism, others will remind us repeatedly between now and November.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Andy says:

    The *American* President Americans have been waiting for? I’m glad he was able to clarify which office he’s running for.

    Also, it’s a bit odd that the first half of the ad is all about how swell he thinks we all are here in the USA. Is that part of the job description now? I’d rather hear about what he proposes to do with my money and countrymen than how awesome he thinks we are.

  2. Jeffrey W. Baker says:

    Wow, McCain is going to get rolled even worse than I thought, if this is the best kind of campaign ad he can cook up.

  3. Dantheman says:

    If Americans have been waiting for McCain, what does it say about their feelings for the current president? And is that ad any way to reassure the Bush loyalists on the right wing of the party that McCain is really one of them?

  4. Dantheman says:

    And, I would add that using “American” twice in the tag line may be a dog-whistle way of bringing Obama’s foreign ancestry up.

  5. Michael says:

    I’d agree on both counts but with a strong caveat that I’ve issued before on McCain’s ads: You’re wasting your time reminding us that you were a POW in Vietnam. We know.

    Uh oh, it look’s like Giuliani’s 9/11 Tourette syndrome has evolved and spread to McCain.

  6. James Joyner says:

    And, I would add that using “American” twice in the tag line may be a dog-whistle way of bringing Obama’s foreign ancestry up.

    That occurred to me as well but I think the more likely explanation is that it’s just to characterize McCain as a hyper-patriot who has sacrificed for America.

  7. carpeicthus says:

    It would be even better as “The American President Americans Have Been Waiting For in America.”

    Seriously, that tag-line is Colbert-level stupid.

  8. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    Have you seen the poster? The one that looks like the 1970’s poster of Che, only this one has Obama on it with the words “Believe”? I wonder how that will work in the flyover states. Has any advisor in any capacity made the statement “God bless America, no God damn America”? Obama has not done any service for America what so ever. I do not think McCain was the best Republican candidate for the job of President but he is so much more qualified than the Democratic nominee, no matter which one survives the gutter battle now being waged, that the comparison that will be made during the sure to happen debates will be so obvious. The outcome will make Reagans 1984 victory look small.

  9. anjin-san says:

    It’s rather sad to see a man like McCain, who has actually made great sacrifices for his country pandering to the lapel pin patriots…

  10. Christopher says:

    Who the heck is roger simon???

    And how is it that any of you can have an opinion about how good or bad an ad is to the American voting public? Campaigns like this are run by professionals, and the American people decide.

  11. carpeicthus says:

    If you get mad at the blogosphere for having opinions, you must be a very angry person.

  12. jainphx says:

    It may be a good add, but the” President we have been waiting for” please. You weren’t my first, second, or even third choice. The President that America was waiting for was Ronaldus Magnus Reagan, You sir are no Reagan. If you want my vote start acting like a conservative, and quit going out of your way to offend me with your Democrapic ideas and double speak. Just for a while pretend that you need us.

  13. DL says:

    Another made for consumption photoshop candidate – it’s not the image John it’s the character that counts.

  14. Dave Schuler says:

    If Americans have been waiting for McCain, what does it say about their feelings for the current president? And is that ad any way to reassure the Bush loyalists on the right wing of the party that McCain is really one of them?

    Well, John McCain has to run against George Bush as well as running against whoever his Democratic opponent will be so that isn’t a bad strategy.

    He’s got a narrow line to tread. You can’t win the general by corralling the 30% who approve of George Bush’s job as president and you probably can’t win without them.

  15. That ad was a general election ad. Neither James nor myself are the audience (presumably we’ll both vote for McCain). This ad ties into the bus trip next week showcasing places where he grew up. It’s about introducing McCain to the general public. Yes, there are actually people who know McCain is a veteran but don’t know his story.

    What I find more troubling is he’s not doing anything to shore up the conservative base. For the most part he’ll get their vote, but he needs their energy to donate and volunteer. Since CPAC he hasn’t reached out to them. That’s a mistake.

  16. richard montgomery says:

    I long for the day when a reporter asks;
    Senator McCain, according to the military, your Silver Star was awarded “For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity while interned as Prisoner of War in North Vietnam from 27 October to 8 December 1967. His captors, completely ignoring international agreements, subjected him to extreme mental and physical cruelties in an attempt to obtain military information and false confessions for propaganda purposes. Through his resistance to those brutalities, he contributed significantly toward the eventual abandonment of harsh treatment by the North Vietnamese, which was attracting international attention.”
    Sir, given the fact that you made more than two dozen propaganda broadcasts, condemning American military conduct, during your captivity, how do you reconcile the Silver Star citation with your actual behavior? Wouldn’t you agree that the citation is inconsistent with the facts of your actions?

  17. jack fate says:

    “The American President Americans Have Been Waiting For.”

    Well, duh. Per the Constitution of the United States of America, something that has been more than trashed lately, Americans can never have a president who is anything other than an American. I’m willing to bet that line tested well with focus groups and that makes me depressed.