MS13 at the Gates

MS13 is one thorough gang.

Good thing Trump isn’t conflating MS13 with all immigrants or anything.  Instead, we now know that MS13 is coming to take our jobs and benefits from us!  So insidious.  I guess they get us all to take drugs and then, when we are all high, they steal our jobs and our 401ks.  They might be working the fields, landscaping your house, or managing your investments even as we speak.

FILED UNDER: Borders and Immigration, US Politics,
Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a retired Professor of Political Science and former College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. An Interested Party says:

    Nothing like a little baseless fearmongering from Putin’s bitch…

  2. reid says:

    How low can he go, and when do people say enough is enough? It’s getting ridiculous.

  3. SenyorDave says:

    @reid: There is no bottom with Trump, there never has been one. He’s no different than he was in the 80’s, only now he has virtually unlimited power. I don’t really get the blind devotion, but I do understand his support among the mainstream GOP in the House and the Senate, Trump is just a logical extension of what they have been moving to for decades. The white nationalism, anti-immigrant/POC is the face of the modern Republican party. The supposed moderates – Collins and a few others have been living on undeserved reputation for a long time, they will do anything to retain their seats.

  4. reid says:

    @SenyorDave: I understand. I just hope this level of idiocy will eventually turn off huge swaths of the moderates/independents and turn them into permanent Democrats. (Not likely, and I don’t get it.)

  5. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Republicans want LAW, ORDER and JUSTICE!

    If that was what Republicans wanted, about half would turn themselves in.

  6. OzarkHillbilly says:

    MS13 at the Gates, and in the Army too:

    The US Army Is Quietly Discharging Immigrant Recruits

    SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Some immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the Associated Press has learned.

    The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say they know of more than 40 who have been discharged or whose status has become questionable, jeopardizing their futures.

    “It was my dream to serve in the military,” said reservist Lucas Calixto, a Brazilian immigrant who filed a lawsuit against the Army last week. “Since this country has been so good to me, I thought it was the least I could do to give back to my adopted country and serve in the United States military.”

    Some of the service members say they were not told why they were being discharged. Others who pressed for answers said the Army informed them they’d been labeled as security risks because they have relatives abroad or because the Defense Department had not completed background checks on them.

    Spokespeople for the Pentagon and the Army said that, due to the pending litigation, they were unable to explain the discharges or respond to questions about whether there have been policy changes in any of the military branches.

  7. wr says:

    In the 50s, Republicans used the threat of Commies to explain every bad thing that could ever happen and to frighten people into voting for them. But at least there was a global empire behind the threat of Communism, and the USSR did act as our rival. Attempting to use a gang with membership in the five digits to scare all of America the same way is just kind of pathetic.

  8. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @wr: There is a not insignificant percentage of pathetic people voting here.

  9. Ben Wolf says:

    Good thing Trump isn’t conflating MS13 with all immigrants or anything. Instead, we now know that MS13 is coming to take our jobs and benefits from us! So insidious. I guess they get us all to take drugs and then, when we are all high, they steal our jobs and our 401ks. They might be working the fields, landscaping your house, or managing your investments even as we speak.

    That’s entirely beside the point. Republicans understand the power of moral narrative, something I cannot say for certain other groups in the country. And no narrative is more powerful than: “Nefarious forces have corrupted our society and wish to bring it to utter ruin. But we, the heroes, can defeat these forces and restore justice, peace and security.”

    So while you mock it, you allow people you presumably disapprove of to control the most effective political weapon that can exist. An actually productive line of thinking would be coming up a more compelling heroic narrative.

  10. @Ben Wolf:

    So while you mock it, you allow people you presumably disapprove of to control the most effective political weapon that can exist. An actually productive line of thinking would be coming up a more compelling heroic narrative.

    While I take the broader point (to a point), I don’t think my mockery is allowing anything.

  11. Tyrell says:

    I have an idea for this MS13. A deal that would “kill two birds with one stone.” An offer to wipe clean their records: no crimes or charges. In return they promise to: stop all and any criminal activity. They will cooperate and work with the police force and will be members of SWAT teams. They will help clean up and clean out the streets of murderers, dope dealers, robbers, kidnappers, and other vicious criminals.
    This would be a one time deal that expires on July 13. An “A Team” that works for the city!
    Imagine NYC free of gangs, dope dealers, and other violent hoodlums. Tourists would return. People would be able to once again walk the streets day or night.
    My plan, maybe a little crazy. Beats what they are doing now.

  12. Mister Bluster says:

    I have an idea for Supreme Leader and Chairman of the REPUBLICAN Sex Workers Party Kim Jong Trump. An offer to wipe clean his record: no crimes or charges. In return he promises to: stop grabbing women by the pussy, stop commiting adultery by screwing porn stars, release all his tax returns and (I know he can’t do this) STOP LYING!

  13. @Tyrell: I am guessing all the face tattoos might make employment difficult 🙂

    In all seriousness, I know you are trying to make a proposal. But doesn’t your idea boil down to: if criminals would agree to stop being criminals, we will forgive them and make them into law enforcement agents? Do you really think that would work?

  14. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Tyrell: Duuuude… you gotta stop spending so much time with the guys at the diner, they’re affecting your thinking again.

  15. Monala says:

    @Tyrell: You don’t know much about New York, do you?

  16. Ben Wolf says:

    @Steven L. Taylor: Of course it is. You just don’t see it.

  17. @Ben Wolf: You and MBunge share a weird, condescending view of my power.

  18. wr says:

    @Tyrell: “Imagine NYC free of gangs, dope dealers, and other violent hoodlums. Tourists would return. People would be able to once again walk the streets day or night.”

    You might want to come visit us here in New York. We are completely overrun with tourists right now — if any more “return” the island of Manhattan is going to sink.

    However, if you’re thinking of New York in 1975 you’re absolutely right. So there’s that.

  19. Ben Wolf says:

    @Steven L. Taylor: No, I have the knowledge you’ve misread my original comment.

  20. @Ben Wolf: I am not sure how you can have knowledge of my state of mind, or of my reading comprehension.

    I understand your point about the political narrative. I do think that some mockery has its own power–you may well disagree with that.

  21. Kathy says:

    @Steven L. Taylor:

    But doesn’t your idea boil down to: if criminals would agree to stop being criminals, we will forgive them and make them into law enforcement agents? Do you really think that would work?

    Well of course not.

    But was anyone else reminded of “A Clockwork Orange”?