News Flash: Media Admits Bias
Here is an interesting article about Cheney’s interview with Fox News about the hunting accident.
But some Democrats and competing broadcasters charged that Cheney chose to speak only with Fox News because of a perception that the cable channel is sympathetic to the Republican administration. They called for the vice president to hold a news conference with the rest of the media.
“Now that he feels forced to talk, he wants to restrict the discussion to a friendly news outlet, guaranteeing no hard questions from the press corps,” Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., said in a statement.
On CNN, commentator Jack Cafferty called the interview “a little bit like Bonnie interviewing Clyde. … I mean, running over there to the Fox network — talk about seeking a safe haven.”
The implicit statement here: The Media (Fox excepted) is Hostile to the Bush Administration.
Well, not that much of a news flash I guess.
And we keep being told that liberal media bias is a myth. Heh.
Steve, I think that anyone, in or out of the media, with an ounce of integrity is, as you say, ‘Hostile to the Bush Administration’.
Since this administration is consistently aligned against objective reality it is not difficult to see why a reporter, concerned about his or her own credibility, would seem hostile to the administration.
The Bush administration today, like the old soviet union before them, takes pride in creating their own reality. It is the reporters job to get through this b.s. and report on what is really going on.
Nice to see you agree that the media, by and large, is biased.
A little forced, isn’t it Steve? “Not friendly” does not mean “hostile”; it might, heaven knows, mean “neutral” or “unbiased.”
I have yet to see a network that isn’t typically biased *for* the Bush administration … well, except the BBC.
“Steve, I think that anyone, in or out of the media, with an ounce of integrity is, as you say, ‘Hostile to the Bush AdministrationÂ’.
Since this administration is consistently aligned against objective reality it is not difficult to see why a reporter, concerned about his or her own credibility, would seem hostile to the administration.
The Bush administration today, like the old soviet union before them, takes pride in creating their own reality. It is the reporters job to get through this b.s. and report on what is really going on.
Posted by ken at February 16, 2006 13:18”
Yeah, and you don’t??? That’s rich Ken!
Well, no. The real issue here was the Cheney wanted to go with the network that had the most viewers.
I see that Ken is off on another excursion to the other side of Pluto.
HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE= Kens Living Standard
Ken loves such groups as Terrorists, Communists, Dictators, Killers, and Hate Bush people.
I’ll prey for you Ken, there just might be some hope left for you.
Please don’t. Prey for Bush instead.
The MSM have only been interested in one headline since the beginning of this story:
Bush administration hurt politically because of Cheney incident, should Cheney resign?
The MSM is not a journalistic institution it’s a political party that typically aligns with democrats and opposes the president.
Ken, this is not what I normally do. You would not know the truth if it hit you on the head. You probably think Clinton accomplished something during his 8 years as President. I ask you what? You believe the lies of the left, and you spread them. What part of “those terrorist radical islamists wish to kill you” do you not understand. You are an infidel. They do not believe in freedom of religion. They think you are evil, and in your case, they may be correct. Michael Moore has made a fortune lying to you about Bush. It is fiction. Do not believe it. Get help, you need it.
It doesn’t matter which party holds the Presidency – the media is SUPPOSED to have an adversarial relationship with the government.
I do prey for Bush. He is our elected leader and in this time of such hate as demonstrated by you and others like you who bash him at every turn, Bush could use a little prayer from everyone. Bush is doing his very best to keep this country united, unlike the likes of those like you who do and say everything to keep our country devided. It is guys like you who do not accept the responsibility as an American, that will be the root cause for the downfall of America. Your kind just don’t care about anubody or anything as long as you satisfy your own selfish, greedy selves without thinking of the results you have on others. Like I have said Ken, all you do is take, take, take, and hate, hate, hate.
You are in serious need of prayer Ken as well as all the spiritual help one can muster. I hope the good lord hears the prayers and helps you see some light and only the lord can help you change your hateful, selfish ways.