‘Nightline’ Host Koppel to Leave ABC in December

Despite reports that he and George Stephanopoulous would simply switch programs, ABC has announced that Ted Koppel is leaving the network entirely when his contract expires in April.

ABC News: ‘Nightline’ Host Koppel to Leave ABC in December (Reuters)

Veteran journalist Ted Koppel, the face of “Nightline” for 25 years, will leave ABC when his contract expires in December, the network said on Thursday. “Ted and I have discussed a number of options under which he might have remained at ‘Nightline’ or in some other capacity at ABC News, but Ted believes this is the right time for him to leave,” ABC News President David Westin said in a statement posted on ABC’s Web site.


Koppel, who has worked at ABC for 42 years, attracted controversy last year when he devoted an edition of “Nightline” to broadcasting the names and pictures of soldiers killed in Iraq, raising criticism from conservatives who called it anti-war propaganda.

No word if he’s retiring for good or going on to a job with another network. I’d say 42 years is enough but I’m sure every other network would snap him up in an instant if he’s interested.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Bachbone says:

    Perhaps Koppel, Rather and Brokaw will form their own Network and prove to us just how UNbiased they really are? Air America may have a spot for them, too.

  2. Maggie says:

    OMG, another dinosaur bites the dust….are they gonna blame my SUV on this too?