Spamming For Support

I question the strategy.

The above is a screenshot of my phone messages. All of these (yes, even the one about an ostensible appointment) are from various groups ostensibly supporting Kamala Harris and various Democratic-leaning organizations. If they are actually supporters of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, though, I admire their ingenuity.

For whatever reason, I somehow got on someone’s mailing list. My wife, who is more naturally a Democrat than me, isn’t getting these. Regardless, the above actually represents a relatively low flow compared to what I was getting last month.

There are days when I get more than a dozen of these, all of which pop up as notifications. I have easily marked more than a hundred of them as spam. I have texted STOP to more than a dozen. It’s absolutely infuriating not to be able to make these go away.

If undecided voters are getting these, I would imagine that it would push them into Trump’s column rather than help Harris.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Sleeping Dog says:

    The primary reason we maintain a landline is to use it when filling out forms. That receives all the spam calls.

  2. FWIW, I get getting pro-Trump texts. This is a real “both sides” situation.

    Luckily, I don’t get the phone calls–probably because of what state I reside in.

  3. Stormy Dragon says:

    My other big problem is that there’s no way to tell if any of these numbers are actually tied to the campaign or are just scammers pretending to be part of the campaign to help fish for personal information.

  4. Tony W says:

    I gave $25 to the Obama campaign back in 2008, and for about 12 years my phone lit up like that day after day every election cycle.

    I intend to NEVER make another political contribution in my life.

    We can’t allow anonymous donations, but geez. Maybe I need a temporary throw-away number to use if I decide I need to make another contribution.

    They sure do punish you for participating though.

  5. Sleeping Dog says:

    @Tony W:

    When asked on a form for a phone number you can enter XXX-555-1212, for the XXX enter an area code. This is the phone number for universal US directory assistance and every time I’ve used it, the form accepted it. Sort of like using


    for an email addy.

  6. Jen says:

    @Stormy Dragon: This is also true for GOTV efforts, which is now conducted by volunteers using either their own phones, or one of the batch of cell phones held in the campaign offices.

    It is challenging.

  7. Flat Earth Luddite says:

    @Tony W:

    40 years ago I contributed a minimum amount to the moral majority in the name of a local liberal organization, and vice versa, because I was tired of their incessant begathons.

    Today, when I register anything requiring a phone number (for marketing), I use the one from my childhood (Parkway blah blah blah). Childish? Of course. Entertaining? Well, to me…

  8. Franklin says:

    I’ve only got two political texts, total, in the past year. Both about Kamala’s accomplishments, so they are recent and unexpected and unsolicited. Not sure how they got the number.

    I had considered giving her a contribution, but I don’t see how without opening the dam.

  9. just nutha says:

    I get a few every few days from charities, some which I contribute to but others not. I simply erase them as they show up. Certainly, I don’t get as many as you seem to get, but I’m not as popular and don’t use my phone as a computer as much either.

  10. Kari Q says:

    I haven’t gotten any of these and wondered why. Then I checked my Act Blue account and the phone number is still my old landline, which I haven’t had for about a decade. I hereby apologize to whoever wound up with that number, I’m sure you’re getting bombarded with contacts.

  11. DrDaveT says:

    The only political texts I’ve received so far have been from Don Jr. I have no idea why.

  12. Kurtz says:

    To those who wish to donate:

    You can register for a Google voice number for free. Once you set it up, use that number and delete the app. If you do not continue to use it, after a while, you will get an email warning that the number will go back into the pool after 30 more days.

    Keep until you do not wish to donate anymore. Or make a new one when you decide to donate again. Easy.

  13. Jax says:

    @Kurtz: Cough Cough…..I’ve used my worst enemy’s phone number when I donate. Works pretty good for me. šŸ˜‰

  14. Daniel Hill says:

    Both sides are doing it, so I suspect it cancels out. I’m a registered Independent but somehow got on a GOP mailing list (they’re convinced my name is Bernita) and like you, have marked hundreds of them as spam and tried replying STOP until I realized it makes no difference.

    I occasionally read some for a laugh. Demented is the only word that fits. Can’t see them convincing anyone who isn’t already drinking the cool-aid, but of course they’re really about raising money to line Trump’s pockets.

  15. OzarkHillbilly says:

    I don’t text. People can text me all they want but I never read them. Period.