Biden and Trump Are Apparently Old

Stop me if you’ve heard this one . . .

Is Mitch McConnell Still Fit to Lead?

It’s time for transparency on the Republican Leader’s health.

President Joe Biden welcomes ASEAN leaders to the White House,Thursday, May 12, 2022, on the South Lawn. (Official White House Photo by Erin Scott) President Joe Biden welcomes ASEAN leaders to the White House,Thursday, May 12, 2022, on the South Lawn. (Official White House Photo by Erin Scott)

Joe Biden is Aging (Developing Story)

The 79-year-old will be 80 on his next birthday.

January 6 Committee Public Hearings: Day 1

The laying out of the case begins.

Trump Pondered Mexico Missile Attack, Shooting BLM Protesters

The 45th President was a psychopath.

Trump Bedminster Loses 2022 PGA Championship

So. Much. Winning.

The Choose Your Own Adventure Presidency

Trump’s lack of fealty to truth and reality gives supporters an out (if they choose it).

Pelosi and Schumer: 25th or Impeachment

And here we go.

Ousting Trump Early Incredibly Unlikely

The President of the United States is a national security threat. Can we get rid of him now?

The 25th Amendment Fantasy

The zombie idea for ousting an erratic and dangerous President.

Pelosi’s 25th Amendment Commission

A clever political gambit that raises real issues.

A President Who’s Sick and Can’t Be Trusted

A truly chaotic combination.

Majority Think Trump and Biden Mentally Unfit

The two oldest major party nominees in American history are not inspiring great confidence.

Epstein Death Leads To Legitimate Questions And Baseless Conspiracy Theories

Jeffrey Epstein’s death by suicide has led to many legitimate questions that should be investigated. It has also led to the rise of a number of baseless conspiracy theories.

Great Britain’s Next Leader Will Be Chosen By 0.03% Of The British People

The next Prime Minster of the United Kingdom will be chosen by a very small segment of both the population and the Conservative Party. Does that make sense?

To Impeach Or Not To Impeach? That Is The Question

I continue to be opposed to impeachment of the President, but I’m slowly moving in that direction thanks primary to the Administration’s own actions.

Trump So Calm. Hasn’t Lost It.

It’s time to invoke the 25th Amendment, folks.

William Barr Confirmed As 85th U.S. Attorney General

William Barr was easily confirmed as Attorney General in a 54-45 votes that included three Democrats crossing over to support him.

McCabe Claims DOJ Discussed Ousting Trump

The former #2 official at the FBI is trying to sell a book.

Why Democrats Want Northam Out As Soon As Possible

There’s a good reason why Democrats want Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to get out of the way sooner rather than later.

Is Donald Trump Thinking Of Dumping Mike Pence?

Is Donald Trump thinking about dumping Mike Pence in 2020? Probably not, but that’s not going to stop the speculation.

Fixing Presidential Succession

We should take Congressional officers out of the line of succession.

More Gasoline On The Trump v. Justice Department Fire

A new report from The New York Times is likely to cause President Trump’s war on the Justice Department to heat up.

On The Twenty-Fifth Amendment

The Twenty-Fifth Amendment has been in the news a lot lately, but what would it actually take to use it to remove a President from power?

We are not Seeing a Soft Coup in the Trump Admininstration

As problematic as some of what we know about the internal workings of the White House may be, it isn’t a coup.

Selectively Disobeying Trump’s Orders

Just how far should White House staffers and civil servants go in protecting the public from an erratic president?

A ‘Soft Coup’ Inside The White House Isn’t The Antidote To Trumpism

Donald Trump is a bad, inept, and potentially dangerous President. That doesn’t mean that a ‘soft coup’ inside the White House is the answer to the problem he presents to our democratic republic.

In Anonymous Op-Ed, Top Administration Official Describes A White House In Chaos

In an extraordinary anonymous Op-Ed, a senior White House official describes a White House in chaos.

A Return to the Treason Conversation

At a minimum, Trump is betraying his oath of office. That is one hell of a minimum.

Congress is Powerless to Stop Presidential Strike on North Korea

My latest for RealClearDefense.

Don’t Expect Other Republicans To Speak Out Against Trump Like McCain, Corker, And Flake Have

Due mostly to cowardice and naked self-interest, you shouldn’t expect many other Republicans to speak out against Trump in the near future.

Lawrence Lessig Spins A Bizarre Scenario To Put Hillary Clinton In The White House

There’s something in the water up at Harvard……

Hillary Clinton Won’t Rule Out Challenging The Legitimacy Of The 2016 Election

Some more interesting post-election commentary from Hillary Clinton.

The Politics of Presidential Removal

Some thoughts on presidential interruptions.

No, The 25th Amendment Isn’t The Way To Solve The Donald Trump Problem

A Constitutional coup d’etat is not the way to solve the Donald Trump problem.

Lying Donald Trump’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

It may well be that the 25th Amendment, not the impeachment clause, will be his undoing.

Should We Eliminate The Vice-Presidency?

Does the office of Vice-President serve any useful purpose anymore?

The West Wing And American Politics

Not surprisingly, television and reality don’t really coincide.

An Alternative History Exercise: What If JFK Hadn’t Died?

Examining a history that might have been.

The Balanced Budget Amendment Is A Bad Idea

House and Senate Republicans are pushing a Balanced Budget Amendment. It sounds like a good idea, but it isn’t.