Democrats Preparing for Trump Win

Progressive activists are preparing to “democracy-proof” the country.

The Non-Emergent Democratic Majority?

The realignment of America’s political parties wasn’t quite what was hoped.

Community Colleges Not Serving the Community

A key pathway to success for low-income citizens isn’t working.

An Observation About “Classically Liberal” Punditry

“Classical liberals” really need to rediscover self examination

More Thoughts on Teixeira’s Move to AEI

Sometimes people just change jobs.

photo of working, person, military, construction, cutting, team, helmet, build, labor, job, workers, laborer, task, construction worker, sledge hammer photo of working, person, military, construction, cutting, team, helmet, build, labor, job, workers, laborer, task, construction worker, sledge hammer

The Coming Democratic Majority Isn’t Guaranteed

Ruy Teixeira finds that Hispanics aren’t yet woke.

Defining ‘Extremism’ in the Military

It’s harder than a looks, especially given the limited size of the problem.

Bloomberg’s Influence-Buying

Unprecedented spending since leaving City Hall has put him in a unique position.

ThinkProgress Shuttered

One of the giants of the progressive blogosphere is going away.

Epstein Death Leads To Legitimate Questions And Baseless Conspiracy Theories

Jeffrey Epstein’s death by suicide has led to many legitimate questions that should be investigated. It has also led to the rise of a number of baseless conspiracy theories.

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling That Trump Can’t Block People On Twitter

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a District Court ruling that President Trump cannot block Twitter users from accessing his account.

Education Deserts a Fact of Life

Rural Americans are much less likely to go to college than their urban counterparts. Is there a solution?

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz Considering Independent Run For President

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz is considering an independent run for the Presidency. This would likely be good news for President Trump.

Anthony Kennedy’s Son Loaned Trump One Billlllllion Dollars

A really weird detail buried in a New York Times story about President Trump’s efforts to get the Justice to retire.

Trump Still Doesn’t Believe Russia Interfered In The 2016 Election

Despite what his own intelligence chiefs are saying, President Trump still does not believe that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

Breakdown In Background Check System Tied To Texas Church Shooting

The shooter in the Texas church shooting was apparently able to get his weapons because the Air Force failed to report his domestic violence conviction.

Impeachment Talk Grows, But It’s Not Going To Happen Anytime Soon

Even with the revelations of the last three weeks, impeaching the President is still largely a fantasy.

House To Vote On Obamacare Repeal Bill Today

After failing twice in a month, House Republicans apparently think they have the votes to pass their bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Obama’s Executive Action On Guns Is More Symbolism Than Substance

The gun control regulations to be announced later today by President Obama later today amount to far less than the hype would lead you to believe.

President Obama Commutes Sentences Of 46 Federal Drug Offenders

A good first step, but there’s a lot more than needs to be done to reform the criminal justice system.

Should Lawmaking Be Left to Congress?

Should the Legislature take back legislating from the Executive?

September Jobs Report Bounces Back From August Doldrums

After a disappointing August, the jobs report for September showed the same good numbers we’ve seen for much of 2014.

Obama’s Flimsy Legal Case For War

The Obama Administration’s legal justification for war against ISIS is laughably flimsy.

Bill Gates: The Most Powerful Man in America?

How the richest man in the world quickly changed the education curriculum in 45 states.

What Will The GOP Do If It Wins The Senate?

It might not be pretty.

ObamaCare Passes 7 Million Served

After many ballyhooed glitches, 7 million Americans have signed up for ObamaCare. Now what?

Of Course the NSA is Lying to You

My latest for The National Interest, “Clapper’s Bodyguard of Lies,” has posted.

Groundswell: Conservatives’ Lame Answer to JournoList

Conservatives are doing what the criticized JournoList for doing—even though JournoList didn’t.

Could Today Be The Day Harry Reid Goes Nuclear? [Update: Tentative Deal Reached]

The Senate may be headed for an historic confrontation today if an 11th hour deal isn’t reached.

The Youth Unemployment Problem

Large numbers of younger workers are having trouble finding work in many parts of the developed world.

Why Gay Marriage Can’t Be Left to States

Separate, it turns out, is not equal.

Paid Sick Leave and Epidemics

Government-mandated paid sick leave might improve both public health and the American economy.

Fiscal Cliff Compromise

A outline of a deal both sides could live with.

Third Quarter GDP Growth Clocks In At 2.0%

Another mostly disappointing report on the state of the economy.

Obama Claims Sequestration Cuts “Won’t Happen”

President Obama seems to have given away the store when it comes to the defense sequestration cuts.

Obama Leads Romney 70% To 22% Among Latino Voters

Another poll demonstrates the serious problems that the GOP has with Latino voters.

The Defense Budget Is Not A Jobs Program

The people trying to undo the Defense Budget sequestration cuts are making some pretty weak arguments.

The Arizona Decision Is A Mixed Bag For Obama And Arizona

The Supreme Court left the most important part of SB1070 intact, but it faces serious challenges in the future.

House Republicans Gut Defense Sequestration Cuts

Another example of Republican foreign policy taking precedence over fiscal conservatism.

Republican Senators Leading Effort To Halt Automatic Pentagon Cuts

Not surprisingly, Republicans are trying to reverse the automatic cuts to defense spending agreed to in August.

With Super Committee Dead, Showdown Likely Over Defense Cuts

With the Super Committee dead, 2012 is likely to see a fight over the defense cuts set to take place starting in 2013.

Bloomberg: Don’t Blame Banks for Mortgage Crisis

Did Congress cause the mortgage crisis by mandating loans to poor people? No.

Don’t Judge The Libyan People For Killing Gaddafi

Should we be outraged over the manner in which Muammar Gaddafi died? I’m not losing any sleep over it.

Killing Gaddafi Doesn’t Make President Obama’s Actions In Libya Legal Or Justified

Gaddafi is dead, but it was still wrong for the United States to get involved in Libya.

Can Occupy Wall Street Win?

The Occupy Wall Street movement faces obstacles its Tea Party counterpart didn’t.