Hesgeth Flagged as White Nationalist
The man tabbed to lead the Defense Department was deemed an “insider threat.”
The man tabbed to lead the Defense Department was deemed an “insider threat.”
Stoking anti-Semitism for political gain
The President delivered a rousing stump speech from Independence Hall.
Most agree that it was good theater. But it’s not clear what they’ve proven.
The live coverage of Wednesday’s assault on American democracy underplayed its seriousness.
A controversial monument in Little Italy has been destroyed.
Greg Mankiw, an economist who served as a top adviser to Mitt Romney and George W. Bush, is officially no longer a Republican
Much like it did during the McCarthy Era, the Republican Party has to decide what side of history it wishes to be on. The right side, or the wrong side.
Iowa Congressman Steve King finds himself low on campaign cash and with virtually no support from his party.
President Trump doubled down on his tirade against Jewish American Democrats from yesterday with some even more offensive comments.
Congressman Steve King has some rather unique views about human history.
Donald Trump is a complete package, you can’t support part of it without at least implicitly endorsing all of it.
On a day that called for national unity and empathy, President Trump couldn’t help but revert to form.
A Republican State Legislator in Nebraska says things that other Republicans don’t have the courage to say.
Another day, another mass shooting and, as is becoming all too common in this country, this one appears to have been racially motivated.
The failure of Republicans and conservatives to denounce the President’s racism reveals everything that has gone wrong with the “right” in the Trump Era.
Joe Biden delivered his first major foreign policy address of the campaign. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than what we have right now.
Is it possible, or even appropriate, to express pride in a country that is being led by a President who stands against everything this country stands for?
Four years ago, Donald Trump began his campaign for President. What has followed has been as bad as could have been predicted that day.
There’s a lot of talk right now about “electability.” but what the heck does it mean?
Former Vice-President Joe Biden had a very successful first day when it comes to campaign fundraising.
Taking Joe Biden’s bait, President Trump once again defended his response to the racist rally in Charlottesville two years ago..
He’s tan. He’s rested. He’s ready. But is the Democratic Party going to buy what Joe Biden is selling?
Reports yesterday had former Vice-President Biden entering the Presidential field as early as tomorrow. Those plans appear to be delayed. but an an announcement still appears to be coming.
The President has tied his all-time low in one prominent poll.
Steve King, who has recently come under attack for a long history of racist remarks, is facing a strong challenge for the GOP nomination in 2020.
Steve King isn’t backing down from his history of white supremacy and racism. And he’s also running for re-election.
A Coast Guard officer and aspiring domestic terrorist was arrested late yesterday for plotting to kill Democratic politicians and members of the media.
There’s a good reason why Democrats want Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to get out of the way sooner rather than later.
Wearing Donald Trump’s famous campaign symbol creates a presumption of ill intent. Is that fair?
A new report raises an old question that’s now irrelevant.
The House GOP has moved to rebuke Iowa Congressman for his racist remarks. What took them so long?
Iowa’s Steve King has long expressed anti-immigrant and racist views, now he’s asking why that’s a bad thing.
Before even taking office, Mitt Romney is taking on the President. It’s a good sign, but we’ll see what it leads to.
The white supremacist charged with killing a counter-protester during last year’s events in Charlottesville has been convicted of first-degree murder.
There’s yet another rumor that White House Chief of Staff John Kelly could be on the way out.
President Trump’s job approval numbers continue to be worse than those of any President since the end of World War Two.
Anti-Semitic violence has increased markedly over the past two years. So has the spread of far-right “anti-Globalist” conspiracy theories. This is not a coincidence.
Thirty-seven years ago, Ronald Reagan spoke out against hatred and bigotry in a way that the current President refuses to do.