Tuberville (Mostly) Ends Military Promotion Hold
400-plus general and flag officer promotions went through almost instantaneously.
400-plus general and flag officer promotions went through almost instantaneously.
Congress is poised to legislate protections previously mandated by the courts.
A perfectly reasonable initiative with a significant downside.
After twenty-five days, there’s no end in sight to the Federal Government shutdown. You can thank the President for that.
Alaska’s Independent Governor Bill Walker has suspended his campaign and endorsed his Democratic rival in the hope of blocking a Republican victory.
With the accusations mounting, the nomination of Ronny Jackson to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs is becoming more and more imperiled.
Not surprisingly, a joint Senate Committee failed to really lay a glove on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at yesterday’s hearing.
Now that they control all of Congress, some Republicans are suddenly deciding that the filibuster should be repealed.
Mary Landrieu’s Keystone XL Hail Mary isn’t going to save her.
The party’s loss of Senate control has basically sealed Landrieu’s fate.
Increasing the minimum wage proved to be popular at the ballot box Tuesday, unsurprisingly, However, it did not help Democrats on the same ballot.
With the midterms over, it’s time for Sarah Palin to start grifting again.
Things are looking good for the GOP to take over the Senate, but there are still several right races that could tip the balance one way or the other.
There’s at least a 50-50 chance we won’t know who controls the Senate until weeks after Election Day.
To a large degree, the Democratic Party’s supposed advantage among women voters appears to not exist this year.
Two weeks after it seemed to be tightening, there are signs the battle for control of the Senate may be moving in the GOP’s direction.
Third-party candidates in several states could end up having a big say in the battle for control of the Senate.
Republicans still have an advantage, but Democrats seem to be holding their own in the battle for Senate control.
The GOP has a good chance of taking the Senate in 2014, but it will be by a narrow margin.
Sarah Palin hinted about running for Senate in Alaska. Most likely, she’s once again just teasing her supporters.