They repeatedly said he has been found “liable for rape.” The nerve.
What happens if a corrupt man who owes hundreds of millions is President?
He owes over half a billion so far. That creates significant conflicts of interest.
Repeated academic integrity violations led to her forced ouster.
The Republican frontrunner continues to use Hitler’s language, praise dictators, and lionize traitors.
A Pyrrhic victory in one of many cases against America’s mayor.
The anti-Trump forces are rallying around the former South Carolina governor and UN ambassador.
A federal court has ruled, now the question is one of damages.
Why “the First Amendment protects Trump” defense doesn’t make sense
They went all-in on the Big Lie and we now have the receipts that they knew what they were doing.
“America can survive the demagogues themselves, it’s their audience that will kill us.”
Meeting with people who are essentially couplotters should be disqualifying.
Generalities about an elusive and controversial phenomenon are unhelpful.
After more than a year and countless investigations into election fraud, the big lie continues to be a big lie
The reactions to a verdict that were predictable (indeed, predicted) are over the top.
George Zimmerman has filed a bizarre conspiracy theory-laden lawsuit against Trayvon Martin’s family, prosecutors, and others.
Former North Caroline Senator Kay Hagan has died,
President Trump doubled down on his tirade against Jewish American Democrats from yesterday with some even more offensive comments.
In a unanimous decision, a three-judge panel from the Second Circuit has reinstated Sarah Palin’s defamation lawsuit against The New York Times.
A Federal Judge has dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed by a Kentucky teenager alleging he had been defamed by the coverage of his confrontation with a Native American man in January.
Is it possible, or even appropriate, to express pride in a country that is being led by a President who stands against everything this country stands for?
Boris Johnson, who is currently the apparent frontrunner to succeed Theresa May as Conservative Party leader and British Prime Minister, has been ordered to appear in court on charges he lied during the 2016 Brexit campaign.
America’s leading motivational speaker and self-help guru is coming under fire.
On one level, it is rather amusing; on another is it quite insidious.
A 2016 Trump Campaign staffer has filed a lawsuit against the President alleging that she was assaulted by Trump during the campaign.