[Updated x 3] Picking Walz Is NOT Antisemitism
The anti-DEI party is suddenly really concerned about identity
The anti-DEI party is suddenly really concerned about identity
Original blogger AllahPundit is leaving Hot Air after 16 years.
He’s in the minority but promises to start obstructing again if that changes.
President Trump continues to have an odd obsession with nuclear weapons.
A considerable number of Republican have effectively left our party over Donald Trump. Should we go all the way?
The President and his supporters are touting the last-minute deal with Mexico announced on Friday, but the details show there’s much less than meets the eye.
Two more defections from the stable of writers at RedState provide further proof of the extent to which conservative media has become a pro-Trump echo chamber.
Attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford want the F.B.I. to investigate the charges she has made against Judge Kavanaugh before she testifies, but it’s entirely unclear what such an investigation would accomplish.
Mitch McConnell has a plan that could pose problems for Democrats fighting for re-election.
With the end of the Supreme Court term approaching, speculation about a Kennedy retirement is ramping up again.
Donald Trump continues to be as astoundingly ignorant about the most powerful weapons the U.S. military possesses as he was as a candidate.
Democrats and “Never Trump”ers shouldn’t count their chickens before they’re hatched.
Things are getting far more complicated on the Korean Peninsula. Diplomacy isn’t working, and a military option would most likely lead to disaster.
President Trump’s weeklong effort to undermine his own Attorney General continues.
With a vote tentatively scheduled for this evening, House Republicans appear to lack the votes to pass the American Health Care Act.
In a break with President-Elect Trump, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said Congress would block any effort to increase tariffs.
Donald Trump’s strange relationship with reality continues to come to light,
With top Republicans recoiling from the realization that the GOP is stuck with Trump in 2016, the ground seems to be being prepared for a conflict that could tear the GOP apart regardless of who wins in November.
With the Republican nomination fight down to two incredibly unappealing candidates, some Republican insiders are talking about looking elsewhere for a nominee.
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz landed some punches on Donald Trump last night, but it’s doubtful that they changed the nature of the race.
Donald Trump displays some appalling ignorance about an important part of America’s military, but his supporters are unlikely to care.
Remarks by a Democratic politician in Virginia regarding the Administration’s Syrian refugee program have brought up disturbing reminders of a shameful time in American history.
While it did draw 14 million viewers, last night’s CNBC debate had the smallest audience of any Presidential debate so far. That was probably a good thing for CNBC considering how bad the debate was.
In an interview, Donald Trump reveals that when it comes to foreign policy he has no idea what he’s talking about.
To lose something one has to have it in the first place. (It is pretty basic logic).
Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is continuing his absurd and dangerous war on the Supreme Court.
Two Republican candidates for President say that Republican elected officials should simply ignore the Supreme Court if it strikes down bans on same-sex marriage.
When it comes to marijuana policy, Chris Christie is stuck in the past.
Scott Walker’s response to the Iranian nuclear deal is perhaps the most irresponsible so far.
We’re down to debating whether bigots should have to sell cakes to gay people.
Ben Carson doesn’t seem to know much about foreign policy or history. And he doesn’t belong on anyone’s list of serious Presidential candidates.
The GOP Senate Caucus seems to be split on whether or not to reinstate the filibuster for Presidential and Judicial appointments.
Marco Rubio is threatening to withdraw support for the immigration plan he helped draft, but I would suggest not reading too much into that threat.
Tthere’s enough bad punditry going around that there’s no need to invent cases to expose.
Getting to the heart of the problem from my POV (plus historical numbers).
In a radio interview last week, Paul Ryan claimed to have run a sub-3 hour marathon. He did no such thing.
None of the cable news networks did particularly well last night.
President Obama’s press conference yesterday, bitterly railing against Democrats in the Congress for being “purist” and “sanctimonious,” is brilliant triangulation.
Republicans are promising two years of gridlock and obstructionism if they take control of Congress, but is that really what the people who are likely to vote for them next week really want?