Federal Agencies Sending Articles from Hate Sites to Employees
A disturbing story that’s almost certainly not what it first appears.
A disturbing story that’s almost certainly not what it first appears.
President Trump just tossed a hand grenade into the firestorm that American politics.
Donald Trump has found a new far-right lunatic to retweet.
Donald Trump is a complete package, you can’t support part of it without at least implicitly endorsing all of it.
A Republican State Legislator in Nebraska says things that other Republicans don’t have the courage to say.
A new poll has a majority of respondents saying the President is a racist. He won’t care.
Once again, President Trump can’t help but make something meant to recognize real American heroes all about himself.
Trump’s attacks on racial minorities are going to continue, and get worse, the closer we get to 2020. Because stirring up fear and racial resentment among white working-class voters is the only way he can win.
A new racist meme questioning Kamala Harris’s background is circulating on the Internet.
The Washington State Supreme Court has ruled against a Seattle-area florist who refused to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding.
The Supreme Court ruled that a World War One memorial that had been on public grounds for 70 years can stay where it is.
Amusing results, and a history lesson, in a new poll
At least some conservatives appear to finally be recognizing that their movement has been taken over by grifters and frauds. The only question is, what took them so long?
A Federal Judge has put at least a partial hold on President’s Trump’s effort to use a “national emergency” to fund his border wall.
At some point, what we call conservatism turned into a racket. It’s not surprising that this led directly to Trump.
Taiwan has become the first nation in Asia to legally recognize same-sex marriage.
There’s a lot of talk right now about “electability.” but what the heck does it mean?
Taking Joe Biden’s bait, President Trump once again defended his response to the racist rally in Charlottesville two years ago..
Sunday’s attacks in Sri Lanka make it clear that the claim that ISIS has been defeated are nowhere close to being true.
Further evidence that Sri Lankan authorities failed to act on warnings of rising Jihadism in their country.
The House of Representatives is asking a Federal Judge to block the President’s emergency declaration to fund his border wall.
Evidence is emerging that the Sri Lankan government had advance warning regarding potential terror attacks but failed to act on the information.
Steve King, who has recently come under attack for a long history of racist remarks, is facing a strong challenge for the GOP nomination in 2020.
Democrats in South Carolina seem to think they have a shot at beating Lindsey Graham in 2020. I wouldn’t be so sure of that.
The replacement of Anthony Kennedy with Brett Kavanaugh is already having a significant impact.
It’s that time of year again, and once again people are asking if it isn’t time to drop the whole ritual of changing time every six months altogether.
A second Federal Judge has found that the Commerce Department violated the law when it moved to put a question about citizenship on the 2020 Census form.
The Saudis tortured an American citizen, but the Trump Administration doesn’t care.
Steve King isn’t backing down from his history of white supremacy and racism. And he’s also running for re-election.
President Trump declared a national emergency at the southern border while at the same time undercutting his own case for doing so.
Lyndon LaRouche, an eight-time Presidential candidate who ran a cult-like organization that spread bizarre conspiracy theories, has died at 96.
A death penalty case from Alabama raises First Amendment issues that the Supreme Court chose to brush aside.
Late last night, the Supreme Court blocked a Louisiana abortion law from going into effect, the first significant abortion rights ruling since Justice Kavanaugh took the bench.
Lindsey Graham is telling his fellow Republicans that they better back the President if he decides to declare a national emergency to get funding for his border wall.
There’s a good reason why Democrats want Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to get out of the way sooner rather than later.
Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of The House again after eight years out of power, but there’s little time for her to celebrate.
A Federal Judge has ruled that the Trump Administration’s efforts to limit the ability of migrants to claim asylum violates Federal law.
Michelle Obama can’t forgive Donald Trump for his role in spreading the racist birther conspiracy. I can’t say I blame her.
For Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter, Jr. being indicted didn’t stop them from being re-elected.
Europe has abandoned centuries-old laws against blasphemy, but the assault on so-called “hate speech” threatens to effectively bring them back.
Anti-Semitic violence has increased markedly over the past two years. So has the spread of far-right “anti-Globalist” conspiracy theories. This is not a coincidence.
Congressman Keith Ellison appears to be falling behind in the race to be Minnesota’s next Attorney General.
The Saudi Foreign Minister expanded on his nation’s utterly implausible explanation for the death of Jamal Khashoggi
American involvement in the genocidal Saudi war on Yemen is getting more complicated. This is a bad idea.
The Kavanaugh fight is just another indicator of our national divide.
With the primaries over, we can say that it’s been quite a successful year for women in politics.
The military regime in Myanmar has sentenced two reporters to prison for reporting on the repression of the Rohingya Muslims.
Once again, the President has thrown the Rule of Law under the bus.