Investigation Finds Ohio State Doctor Abused At Least 177 Students
An investigation has found that a doctor linked to Ohio State’s wrestling program abused more than 170 students during his time at the school.
An investigation has found that a doctor linked to Ohio State’s wrestling program abused more than 170 students during his time at the school.
After forty years, a sexual predator finally gets at least some of what he deserves.
Jim Jordan, who heads the powerful House Freedom Caucus, is being accused of ignoring reports of sexual abuse by a team doctor while he was a coach at The Ohio State University.
The tragedy of Bill Cosby lies not in the downfall of a man once known as “America’s Dad,” but in the fact that a man who was, in fact, a sexual predator was allowed to evade justice for far too long.
How ‘tainted’ must a funder be before a charity is obliged to reject the donation?
This is likely to outrage a lot of people, but it may not be incorrect under the law.
Today’s sports media more closely resemble Court TV and TMZ than the SportsCenter of yore.
Well, that punishment didn’t last for very long.
Set backs for Pennsylvania in its effort to reverse the NCAA sanctions against Penn State, and a new lawsuit from the Paterno family. The Sandusky story returns.
For some reason, Pennsylvania’s Governor has chosen to reopen the wounds from the Jerry Sandusky scandal.
Penn State has been reminded that there’s a third word in its name: University.
Bobby Bowden now owns the record for most wins by a head coach in college football’s top division, thanks to the NCAA taking 111 wins away from Joe Paterno. He’s quite rightly not excited about it.
The NCAA more than lived up to the hype of “unprecedented” sanctions.
For some reason, George Zimmerman sat down for an hour-long interview last night.
Rob Tornoe has revised his Joe Paterno-Bear Bryant cartoon in light of the Freeh Report.
The cover-up at Penn State was, if anything, worse than we thought,.
Joe Paterno’s legacy is likely to take a lasting and damaging hit when a report on Penn State’s handling of the Sandusky mess is released.
Jerry Sandusky is in jail, but the evidence of the crimes that were committed to protect him continues to mount.
Once again, the culture wars intrude into yet another area of life.
After a depressing and sad end to a storied career, Penn State’s legendary JoePa has passed away.
College football coaching salaries jumped 35 percent last year and 55 percent in the last six.