“Shocking” Obama Video Turns Out To Be Not So Shocking

A five year old “shocking” video of President Obama speaking to a group of African-American ministers proves to be not very shocking at all.

Politics Stinks

There’s no doubt about it, our political culture is pretty horrible.

Political Advice For Romney: Act Like A Misogynistic, Plutocratic Jerk And You’ll Win The Election

National Review’s Kevin Williamson has some truly bizarre advice for Mitt Romney.

It’s Okay to Lie About Politics But Not Breakfast Spreads

Why do we hold Nutella to a higher truth standard than our presidential candidates?

Cambridge, Mass. Considering New York Style Soda Ban

Another local official wants to join the War On Big Soda.

Mitt Romney’s Silly Attempt to Take Credit For Saving The Auto Industry

Mitt Romney is being rightfully ridiculed for trying to take credit for saving General Motors and Chrysler.

Why Are People Mad At Rush Limbaugh When Liberals You’ve Never Heard of Are Jerks, Too?

Is it fair to single out the most powerful man in radio’s commentary for attention?

Barbara Boxer Channels The Daily Show

Barbara Boxer takes the Daily Show’s “The Vagina Ideologues” bit out of context and deconstructs it during the Senate’s Blunt amendment debate.

Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC Joke’s On Him

Virtually everything Stephen Colbert is doing was legal before Citizens United.

Stephen Colbert’s Joke Super PAC Tops $1 Million

Stephen Colbert’s super PAC, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, has raised a little over a million dollars.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate Post-Mortem

I liveblogged and tweeted my instant, mostly snarky, reaction to the CNN foreign policy debate. Here are some more fully formed thoughts.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate: Winners and Losers

Huntsman will gain little if any traction and none of the frontrunners really helped or hurt themselves.

Wall Street Won’t Fix Our Problems

American has real economic and social problems. But the solution in on Capitol Hill, not Wall Street.

Sarah Palin’s Law Firm Checking Primary Deadlines

Sarah Palin’s law firm has been calling states about primary filing deadlines.

Libya Exposes Transatlantic Contradictions

My first piece for CNN has been posted at Fareed Zakaria’s Global Public Square.

Michele Bachmann’s Husband is Gay Meme

I’ve been hearing whispers that Michele Bachmann’s husband, Marcus, is gay for a while. It’s now exploding into a full-on meme.

Evidence for the Jon Stewart Hypothesis

The Casey Anthony trials lends evidence to support Jon Stewart’s basic hypothesis about the MSM.

America Carrying Load in Libya While Pretending Otherwise

The US handing Libya over to NATO is “like Beyonce saying she’s ceding control to Sasha Fierce!” – Jon Stewart

Stephen Colbert PAC Authorized by FEC

The Stephen Colbert Super PAC that began as a satire has now been blessed by the real FEC. What exactly this means is not yet clear.

Fox’s Chris Wallace Takes Heat For Asking Michele Bachmann “Are You A Flake?”

A Tea Party favorite gets asked a tough question,and a Fox News host finds himself forced to apologize.

Jon Stewart vs. Fox News

Daily Show host Jon Stewart spent 15 minutes on yesterday’s Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace trying to explain why he thinks Fox is a propaganda machine.

Jon Stewart Not a Moderate!

Don’t confuse moderation in tone with moderation in beliefs.

Would You Pay for Glenn Beck TV?

Beck heads to the internet.

Should We Care About Anthony Weiner’s Wiener?

So, Anthony Weiner is a lying dick. Does it matter?

Colbert Super PAC, Citizens United, and Silly Election Laws

Stephen Colbert has been running an ongoing shtick in which he’s trying to start a political action committee, gets letters from his Viacom bosses poo-pooing the idea, and then inviting his lawyer on to explain ways to get around these concerns.

Fox News Frankenstein

Fox News chairman Roger Ailes has come to regret the direction he took the network after the 2008 election.

Leading From Behind: To Where?

An aide’s compliment about the president “leading from behind” has generated controversy.

Wisconsin Protesters Bizarro Tea Party?

Is Jon Stewart a useful idiot?

GOP To Drop “Forcible Rape” Language From Abortion Bill

In response to charges that it was attempting restrict abortion access beyond the boundaries of the Hyde Amendment, the GOP has agreed to drop the phrase “forcible rape” from its abortion bill.

Stephen Colbert: Now Is Not The Time To Lay Blame Or Politicize This Tragedy

Much like Jon Stewart, the late-night comedian went out-of-character at the top of last night’s show to talk about the shootings in Arizona.

“Heated Political Rhetoric” And The Giffords Shooting

The tragic shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others in Arizona has started another debate about political rhetoric. It’s a stupid debate, and it’s utterly pointless.

Jon Stewart As Edward R. Murrow?

Is Jon Stewart the next Edward R. Murrow? No.