Education Department Requires Equal Pay for Women Athletes

Title IX, football, and the economics of college athletics.

Comparative Incumbencies

The US was not exceptional.

Our Weird Drug Laws

Federal and state marijuana policies are wildly out of sync.

Former Trump Attorney Chesebro Pleads Guilty & Is Cooperating

Yesterday the Kraken. Today the Cheese. Whose flipping tomorrow?

Jimmy Buffett, 1946-2023

The Gulf and Western singer, songwriter, and mogul has died at 76.

The Ever-Shifting Media Landscape

BuzzFeed, Disney, and others are making big cuts.

NPR Downsizing to Survive

A significant cut to staff and programming to stay afloat.

Cool Free Event: Disclosing Government Content Moderation Requests

A free panel on how transparent social media platforms should be about government requests

Matt Yglesias’ Return to His Roots

The one-time Juiceboxer is still annoying the mainstream media.

Trump a Laughing Stock

Is this how the cult ends?

The Deterioration and Death of Old Media

Headline News Network is shuttering after four decades.

The Qatar World Cup and Broad Drawing Conclusions From Unique Events

Sports fans enjoy watching sports. How much does politics impact that?

America’s Gun Problem is Here to Stay

The obstacles to fixing the problem are many.

Winnie the Pooh and Bambi Enter Public Domain

But only the original books, not the Disney adaptations.

President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room. President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room.

Biden’s ‘Promoting Competition’ Order

The President announced a whopping 72 initiatives to rein in corporate power and lower prices.

Vaccine Patent Rights

Should live-saving drugs be protected intellectual property?

US Should Have Federal Vaccine Passport

There are legitimate ethical and liberty questions but they’re outweighed by the benefits.

IMHO boggle honest truth IMHO boggle honest truth

The Election Proved I Was Right All Along

The Pundit’s Fallacy meets opportunism.

Trump Taxes: Corruption and Foreign Influence

The Times investigation sheds more light on what most of us already knew.

Coronavirus Could Kill Trump Presidency

We may be seeing the beginning of the end.

Supreme Court Hears Gun Rights Case But Likely Won’t Rule On Merits

For the first time in nearly a decade, the Supreme Court heard a significant Second Amendment case, but it is unlikely to rule on the merits of the case.

NCAA Allows ‘Image and Likeness’ Compensation

Bowing to Immense political pressure to pay college athletes will dramatically change the game.

Beto O’Rourke Hands Republicans A Gift On Guns

At last week’s debate, Beto O’Rourke handed Republicans and gun rights advocates a nicely wrapped gift with his claim that he would seize guns from otherwise law-abiding Americans.

Trump’s Destructive Trade War Expands

China has retaliated for the tariffs that the President imposed late last week, and things look like they’re only going to get worse.

Trump Emoluments Suit Moves Forward

200-odd Congressional Democrats are taking an odd route to go after corruption.

ESPN the Magazine Dead; Sports Illustrated Dying

A depressing day in the world of sports journalism.

Harvard Sued Over Ownership of Slave Photos

A racist scholar took some fascinating photos of an enslaved man in 1860. Now, his descendants want the rights to them.

Trump’s Attacks On The Media Come Home To Roost

It was only a matter of time before Trump’s rhetoric against the press would lead to something violent. Last night in El Paso, it happened.

Jamal Khashoggi’s Final Words Should Carry Far Beyond The Arab World

Jamal Khashoggi’s final column includes a message that should resonate far beyond the Arab world it was addressed to.

Marijuana Legalization Takes Effect In Canada

Marijuana is now legal in Canada, and many people are watching the country to see how it adjusts to this change.

Replacing the Republican Party?

Jennifer Rubin wants to build a new political party from scratch.

North Dakota To Vote On Marijuana Legalization In November

Another step forward in the seemingly unstoppable movement toward nationwide legalization.

The Cable Bundle is Dying. We’ll Miss it When it’s Gone.

As much as we hate paying $200 a month for television, the future is likely going to be worse.

Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Hawaii Law Barring Open Carry Of Weapons

A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down part of a Hawaii law barring open carry of weapons, but this win for gun rights advocates may turn out to be short-lived.

The Cynical Truth Behind Trump’s Attacks On The News Media

The President’s constant attacks on the news media are meant for a single purpose, to undermine even accurate reporting about wrongdoing in his Administration.

Border Patrol Detains Two Americans for Speaking Spanish

When “reasonable suspicion” and free speech collide.

In Donald Trump’s World, “Fake News” Means Anything Negative About Him

For Donald Trump and his supporters, “Fake News” means any news that doesn’t shower enough praise on him.

Vice-President’s Physician Accused Ronny Jackson Of Misconduct In September

The Vice-President’s personal physician accused Ronny Jackson of misconduct back in September, according to new reports.

Ronny Jackson Unlikely To Return To Duty As President’s Doctor

Despite the fact that President Trump’s continues to praise him, Ronny Jackson will not be returning to the White House as the President’s personal physician.

Ronny Jackson Withdraws Nomination As Veterans Affairs Secretary

Not unexpectedly, Ronny Jackson has withdrawn his nomination to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

Ronny Jackson’s Nomination Becomes More Imperiled As Accusations Mount

With the accusations mounting, the nomination of Ronny Jackson to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs is becoming more and more imperiled.

Rice Commission Issues NCAA Reform Recommendations

The Commission on College Basketball recommended an end to the one-and-done rule and other major reforms.

Late Night OTB – Gareth Rhodes

Another early-morning edition of Late Night OTB.

Is Fear of School Shootings Irrational?

Kids are more likely to be killed driving to school than shot while there. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try and prevent them.

Government Orders Massive Increase in Streaming Rights Fees

A government panel has mandated a 50% increase in the revenue share streaming services pay songwriters and music publishers.

Congress Needs To Act In Response To Trump’s Illegal War In Syria

With the Administration set to commit the United States to a forever war in Syria, it’s time for Congress to act.

Two Republican Senators Rebuke Trump For His Attacks On The Press

Two Republicans spoke out today against the President’s war on the news media, but don’t expect their colleagues to follow suit.

Trump Sought To Build Trump Tower In Moscow While Running For President

New reports of Trump’s business ties to Russia are raising eyebrows.

Supreme Court Declines To Accept Yet Another Second Amendment Case

The Supreme Court has once again declined to hear an appeal in a Second Amendment case.

Donald Trump To Put His Narcissism On Display In The White House

Soon visitors to the White House will be able to see Donald Trump’s “yuge” election win on display for all to see.