A chance for a real investigation? Ruined legitimacy?
The GOP is actually pretty healthy at the moment, despite some public rhetoric to the contrary.
Republicans who admit Joe Biden won the election fair and square are being driven from the party.
Assessing Republican strategic positioning (and the incentives in our system).
House Democrats have done what their Republican colleagues refused to do.
Mitch McConnell is testing out his spine again.
The 45th President will go down in infamy, setting a record that’s unlikely to be broken.
The President of the United States is a national security threat. Can we get rid of him now?
Whether the delusions of a madman or a deliberate scheme to poison the waters, there’s cause for concern.
Yesterday’s testimony by Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman including information particularly damaging to the President and his defenses to the charges against him in the Ukraine matter.
It’s not clear if Congresswoman Liz Cheney wants to run for the open Senate seat in Wyoming. If she did, though, she’d be the prohibitive favorite.
It wasn’t exactly a warm reception for President Trump at last night’s World Series Game Five.
Liz Cheney can pretty much write her own political ticket right now.
The move creates a rare Senate opening in the Equality State, and an opportunity for the daughter of a certain former Vice-President.
The House GOP has moved to rebuke Iowa Congressman for his racist remarks. What took them so long?
Iowa’s Steve King has long expressed anti-immigrant and racist views, now he’s asking why that’s a bad thing.
Some interesting taking of sides is already taking place in the GOP Senate race in Wyoming.
Contrary to what Senator McCain, seeking realism in military policy does not make one an isolationist.
A major law firm has withdrawn from defending DOMA in Court, and a public controversy has erupted.
The GOP is facing a battle between its fiscal conservatism and i’s military adventurism.
Will the incoming “Tea Party” caucus in the House and Senate force the GOP to reconsider its views on foreign policy? Don’t count on it.
The Tea Party movement doesn’t seem to have a coherent view on foreign policy. Which means that a Tea Party victory will just mean more of the same Republican neo-conservatism.
Is Ann Coulter’s defense of Michael Steele’s Afghan War skepticism the beginning of conservative split, or just an attempt to pile on President Obama ?
Once again, the knives are out for Michael Steele after his recent Afghanistan gaffe.