Elizabeth Warren is rising tn the polls of the Democratic primary race, but one analyst argues she may be the perfect candidate….to help re-elect Donald Trump.
The longest-serving member of Congress in American history has passed away at the age of 92.
After hastily removing the House Chaplain under unclear circumstances, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has reversed himself.
The transformation is complete. The GOP is now the party of Donald Trump. If you’re sticking around and not speaking out against what the President represents, you’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Recent polls have caused Republicans to become more optimistic about their chances in this year’s midterms. That optimism is both premature and misplaced.
Mitt Romney is reportedly considering running for Senate in Utah if Orrin Hatch decides to retire.
For an Oval Office address delivered on a Sunday night, President Obama’s speech last night sounded more like a statement read from the podium in the press room.
Rick Perry’s campaign is already showing signs that it may not last long.
Donald’s Trump’s campaign is the logical conclusion of more than a decade of emotion-drive, substance-free politics.
Hillary Clinton has suffered drops in her favorability numbers lately, but that may not mean much for 2016.
We are still a ways from actual voting–this needs to be remembered.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has formally entered the race for President, but can he overcome his flip-flops and a turn to the hard right?
The unqualified hack who led OPM while China stole 21 million sensitive personnel files has finally resigned.
Political reality shows us that the shootings in Charleston are not going to have any appreciable impact on the likelihood of any type of gun control law passing anywhere outside of the bluest of the blue states.
Far from being a positive, Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State provides ample material for those who would attack her over the next eighteen months.
Pundits and political scientists agree that, if the 2016 presidential election were today, we’d have a much better idea who would win.
Marco Rubio is the first Republican in the race who actually has a plausible chance to win the nomination, but it’s not going to be easy.
Some Republicans are trying to move their party in the right direction on marriage equality, but it’s unclear if they will succeed in the short term.
Rand Paul has been cozying up to social conservatives lately, but he risks alienating the people most likely to support his campaign for the White House.
Now that they control all of Congress, some Republicans are suddenly deciding that the filibuster should be repealed.
With three days to go, there are signs the GOP is ready to give up on its showdown over DHS funding.
The House was set to vote on a ban on abortion after 20 weeks that never would have become law today but they pulled the bill. Conservatives are annoyed, but it was smart politics in the long run.
A travel ban sounds like a simple solution to a complex problem. Like most simple solutions, though, it becomes far less appealing when you think about the details.
Combining politics, an incessantly sensationalist news cycle, and a virus that scares a lot of people can’t end well.
The TSA is up to its usual shenanigans.
As talk begins of expanding the war against ISIS into Syria, it is becoming long past time for Congress to exercise its Constitutional function.
Republicans in the House seem determined to make life difficult for whomever wins the GOP nomination in 2016
Brian Schweitzer has a reputation for saying things that most politicians wouldn’t, but that may be just what he needs to get attention if he runs in 2016.
If President Obama does decide to use military force in Iraq, he should be required to seek Congressional approval beforehand.
All of a sudden, the IRS announced it doesn’t have communications records it once claimed it did have.
Chelsea Clinton is pregnant, and once again America’s political pundits are making fools of themselves.
Once again, the Tea Party wing of the GOP is talking about taking out John Boehner.
At least on Capitol Hill, the political middle is dead and buried.
The former Florida Governor is talking more openly about running for President than he ever has before.
Calling anyone a front-runner in a race where we’re still two years away from anyone casting votes is silly. Nonetheless, Rand Paul is an interesting guy to watch for those wondering if the GOP has actually changed.
Tonight, the American political system stops to engage in the biggest waste of time ever invented.
Will a couple closed lanes on the George Washington Bridge end up being a problem for New Jersey’s Chris Christie going forward?
A bunch of people talking on cellphones during a plane flight would annoy the heck out of me, but the government shouldn’t be involved in deciding if it should be allowed.
The 7 seats most likely to switch parties are held by Democrats.
Chris Christie did as well as expected last night, but that’s just the beginning.
A bizarre hit piece in National Journal gives the false impression that our military leaders are considering removing the president.
With the House’s proposed deal reaching an impasse, the Senate is now taking center stage.
Republicans appear to be uniting behind a short-term plan to deal with the debt ceiling, but seem okay with keeping the government shutdown going forward.