‘Freedom Convoy’ Ends in Windsor, Moves to Paris

The anti-vax-and-other-stuff protest is spreading to Europe.

‘Freedom Convoy’ Not What it Claims to Be

A protest against vaccine mandates is growing with a little help from our adversaries.

Which Black Woman Will Biden Appoint to the Supreme Court?

The 46th President will follow the lead of the 40th in making a historic appointment.

Kyle Rittenhouse Wants His Gun Back

The Kenosha Police Department is still holding his weapon, clothing, and other property for no apparent reason.

January 6th Yeah But-ism

Yes the riots were a disgrace but the Democrats . . . .

Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks to the National Congress of American Indians Annual Conference, Tuesday, October 12, 2021 in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson) Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks to the National Congress of American Indians Annual Conference, Tuesday, October 12, 2021 in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

Kamala Harris is Frustrated

Apparently, getting her elected President is not a high enough priority in the Biden White House.

RVA Pro Gun Rally 2020-11 Streets of Richmond, VA RVA Pro Gun Rally 2020-11 Streets of Richmond, VA

Vigilante Politics

We’re likely to see more instances like the Capitol Riot and the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings.

The Phony-Tough and Crazy-Brave

Violence, masculinity, and American politics.

Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

A just verdict—but just a verdict.

Is Autocracy Really Winning?

A depressing magazine piece argues it is.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks before signing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Monday, November 15, 2021, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith) President Joe Biden delivers remarks before signing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Monday, November 15, 2021, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith)

Biden Preparing for 2024 Run

Will America re-elect an 82-year-old to the White House?

Rittenhouse Takes: Good, Bad, and Ugly

The reactions to a verdict that were predictable (indeed, predicted) are over the top.

Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted on All Counts

The expected has occurred.

RVA Pro Gun Rally 2020-11 Streets of Richmond, VA RVA Pro Gun Rally 2020-11 Streets of Richmond, VA

Trump, the GOP, and Stochastic Terrorism

A conversation in two parts.

Police, Money, and Perverse Incentives

Officers are under enormous pressure–including from the Federal government–to write tickets.

Kyle Rittenhouse Judge Allows Those He Killed to be Called ‘Rioters’ Not ‘Victims’

Pretrial rulings strengthen his self-defense claims.

Rolling Stone Implies Congressmen Abetted 6 January Violence

A vague but inflammatory report sheds little light on the situation.

Back to SCOTUS Reform and “Legitimacy”

Doing nothing is still a choice, and the legitimacy crisis is here, like it or not.

ESPN, Jock Culture, and Jon Gruden

Is the Worldwide Leader responsible oblivious to bigotry?

Jon Gruden ‘Resigns’ After Racist, Sexist, Homophobic Emails Revealed

A spectacular fall for a man who has been at the center of the football world for three decades.

Timeline Ripped Out of Arkansas Yearbook

When “the news” isn’t just “the news.”

The Afghan Evacuation Horror Show Continues

We’re not getting Afghans—or even American citizens trapped there—out fast enough.

The Radicalization of Ross Douthat

An interesting podcast conversation.

France Increases Vaccinations

And so general discussion of vaccine passports and requirements in the US.

The January 6 Commission will be All-Democratic

A chance for a real investigation? Ruined legitimacy?

Nicholas Kristof Is Exploring a Run for Oregon Governor

The two-time Pulitzer winner is considering a career change.

Transgender Fight Moves to Spas

An ugly situation that’s getting uglier.

Police Didn’t Clear Protestors for Trump Photo-Op?

Don’t believe your lying eyes.

Stephen Breyer’s Retirement Timing

Should he be worried about the appearance of partisan gaming?

Capitol Riots Caused $1.5 Million Damage

Prosecutors want rioters to pay for it.

The Arizona Audit

The latest front on the war on truth.

Chauvin Juror Participated in BLM Protest, Lied About It

Getting an impartial jury in an internationally-famous case is next to impossible.

Maxine Waters Under Fire

The latest variant of the “No Justice, No Peace” threat is unhelpful.

Peru to the Polls

A problematically wide-open election in difficult times.

Maryland Removes Police Protections over Hogan’s Veto

The Free State may have gotten just a little freer.

‘Justice’ Difficult in Chauvin Trial

A criminal trial is a poor venue for solving society’s problems.

Most January 6 Rioters Won’t Go to Jail

Judges are pressuring prosecutors to strike deals, most of which will be for misdemeanors.

On Coups, Insurrections, and Security Theater

Reflections on the events of 6 January two months later.

Our Unrepresentative Government (Yet Again)

Yet another reminder about pathologies of US democracy.

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SCOTUS Lifts California Worship Ban

How should we balance public health and fundamental rights?

Freedom, Security, and Insurrection

The aftermath of the January 6 Capitol riots runs into the First Amendment,

The Insurrection May Not Be Over

There are multiple ongoing plots and reasonable fear of infiltration of security forces.

‘Stop the Steal’ Founder ‘in Hiding’

A one-time denizen of Blogger’s Row at CPAC has come a long way.

Capitol Riot Could Have Been Much Worse

The live coverage of Wednesday’s assault on American democracy underplayed its seriousness.

Why Was Capitol Security Inadequate?

A large, well-trained police force was unprepared for a foreseeable crisis.

The Pence Gambit

The absurd notion that the President of Senate is the arbiter and judge of the electoral vote.

Two More Officers from Breonna Taylor Raid Fired

The detective who shot her and another who prepared the warrant have been ousted nine months later.

MLB Recognizes Negro Leagues as a Major League

A long overdue–and complicated—recognition.

Cleveland Indians Changing Name

The inevitable only took 105 years.