I Never Thought the Leopards Would Eat MY Face

Taliban Edition

The Education Senator Redux

Tuberville claims he was taken “out of context.”

The Education Senator

A true inspiration

Airman 1st Class Thadyn DuPont, an aerospace medical technician with the 137th Special Operations Medical Group, prepares to administer a coronavirus vaccine for an Oklahoma National Guard soldier at the Armed Forces Reserve Center in Norman, Okla., on Jan. 15, 2021. (Andrew LaMoreaux/U.S. Air National Guard photo) Airman 1st Class Thadyn DuPont, an aerospace medical technician with the 137th Special Operations Medical Group, prepares to administer a coronavirus vaccine for an Oklahoma National Guard soldier at the Armed Forces Reserve Center in Norman, Okla., on Jan. 15, 2021. (Andrew LaMoreaux/U.S. Air National Guard photo)

Military ‘Rushed’ Denials of Religious Exemption from COVID Vaccines

The Pentagon’s Inspector General is “concerned” over the pace of rejections.

The Taliban Are Who We Thought They Were

The notion of a kinder, gentler version has quickly been debunked.

Is Texas Undemocratic?

The Lone Star State has enacted some peculiar new laws.

Tuberville and Sharia Law

Speaking of xenophobia.

Americans Want to Ban Hate Speech But Can’t Define It

Two-thirds want social media platforms to ban harassment and racist, sexist, and other offensive speech.

John Bolton Has Long Standing Ties To Anti-Muslim Blogger Pamela Geller

Not surprisingly, John Bolton has some links to particularly shady people on the right.

Former Secretary Of Nobel Committee Says Obama’s Peace Prize Was A Mistake

Nine years later, at least one member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee is admitting what seemed at the time a rather obvious fact.

Alabama Senate Election Is A Toss Up, But Moore Seems To Be Favored

Polling remains uncertain in the Alabama Senate race, but the odds favor Roy Moore.

Roy Moore: America Was Great Back When We Still Had Slavery

Roy Moore wishes he was back in the days of cotton when families were close and African-Americans were enslaved.

Saudi Arabia Will Finally Allow Women To Drive Alone

Progress in Saudi Arabia, but there’s still a long way for this backward, discriminatory society to go.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Pat Tina Sings The Blues Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Trump: Fear-mongering in Florida

The President gathered supporters around him, and blatantly lied to them, so as to increase support for his policies.

Ben Carson: President Obama Was “Raised White,” Can’t Identify With African-Americans

Ben Carson may be a non-entity in the Presidential race at this point, but that hasn’t stopped him from making controversial statements.

Ted Cruz: Atheists Aren’t Fit To Be President

Meet Ted Cruz: Religious Bigot

ISIS is What it Says it Is

The Atlantic has a fascinating cover story by Graeme Wood titled “What ISIS Really Wants.”

Today in Grand Irony

The same-sex marriage battle is on in Alabama

‘Khorasan Group’ is US Creation; It’s Still Dangerous

The Khorasan Group is, functionally, al Qaeda. Or is it?

U.S. Captures Suspect In Benghazi Attack

Ahmed Abu Kattalah, the alleged ringleader of the September 2012 attack in Benghazi, has been arrested.

No, It’s Not Time For A New War On Booze

A supposed conservative calls for massive increases in taxes on alcohol.

New York Times Benghazi Story Gets Some Political And Journalistic Push Back

The New York Times Benghazi report raises as many questions as it purports to answer.

Return to the Events in Benghazi

More details.

Syrian Rebels Today, Syrian Taliban Tomorrow

Radical Islamists now dominate the Syrian opposition. And you’re arming them.

Some Context on Turkey

Turkey has had along and ongoing struggle with democratic consolidation.

What Did Susan Rice Know and When Did She Know It?

I have for months taken it as a given that she went on five Sunday morning talk shows and lied about what happened there. Did she?

Obama’s Benghazi Problem Won’t Be Going Away Any Time Soon

The Obama Administration’s response to the Benghazi attack is approaching critical mass. It’s not going away any time soon.

Initial Benghazi Talking Points Changed 12 Times, Mentions Of Terror Removed

The talking points prepared in the immediate aftermath of the Benghazi attack were heavily edited at the request of the State Department.

Guns to Protect us from Sharia

Silly things members of Congress say (plus musings on authoritarianism).

What do I Mean by “Benghazi Conspiracy Theories”?

An attempt to lay down some basic groundwork for discussing this story.

White House Insists Benghazi Attack Was Not Pre-Planned, Was All About A Movie

The White House’s theory of what happened in Benghazi is become less and less credible.

What The Heck Is Wrong With The Republican Party?

As its convention begins, one has to wonder what has happened to the Republican Party.

Chris Christie Lambastes Anti-Muslim Bigots In The GOP

Once again, Chris Christie makes one wish there were more Republicans like him.

The American Taliban (at Least in Terms of Rhetoric)

The phrase “American Taliban” is usually off the mark. However, sometimes it is closer to the mark than we might like.

Drone Creep and the Rumsfeld Question

My first piece for The New Republic, “Why the Obama Administration’s Drone War May Soon Reach a Tipping Point,” is up.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Bactrian To The Future Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Frank Gaffney Banned from CPAC

While I’ve expressed my dissatisfaction with the degree that CPAC has embraced the worst elements of the conservative movement in recent years, it does appear that there is a line.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Blinded By The Light Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

ObamaCare, The Catholic Church, And Religious Liberty

Requiring a religious institution to comply with civilian laws is not a violation of religious liberty.

Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution

One year later, Egypt’s revolution remains unfinished.

Ads Pulled From Muslim-American Reality Show After Conservative Groups Complain

Conservative groups are upset because a new reality show depicts Muslim-Americans as, well, normal Americans.