Trump To Federal Workers: Drop Dead

President Trump is making clear that he doesn’t care how his shutdown is impacting Federal workers.

No Progress In Talks To End Shutdown

As the shutdown continues, there’s little sign of progress on either end of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Terrorist Crossings and the Wall

Terrorists aren’t walking across the desert to get here. Flying is so much easier.

As The #TrumpShutdown Continues, The President Digs In Even Further

As the shutdown drags on, the President is digging in his heels even further.

McConnell Faces Pressure From Within And Without Over Shutdown

As the shutdown drags on, Mitch McConnell finds himself facing pressure from the White House and from members of his own caucus.

December Jobs Report Blows Past Expectations

December’s Jobs Report blew past expectations to show more than 300,000 jobs created.

Democrats Pass Bills To Reopen Government, But They Won’t Go Anywhere

In a late first-day session, Congress passed a series of bills designed to reopen most of the government, but they’re already ‘dead on arrival’ in the Senate.

Nancy Pelosi Is Speaker Of The House Again

Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of The House again after eight years out of power, but there’s little time for her to celebrate.

As Democrats Take Control, A Solution To The Shutdown Still Seems Unlikely

With Democrats set to take control of Congress today, a resolution to the shutdown doesn’t appear to be any closer.

Government Shutdown’s Impact Likely To Expand

The longer the shutdown goes on, the wider its impact is likely to become.

Trump Begins 2019 With All-Caps Rage Tweet

President Trump began 2019 pretty much how he ended 2018, with irrational rants on Twitter.

Democrats Have A Plan To End The Shutdown, But It’s Probably Dead On Arrival

Democrats have unveiled what appears as if it will be their first effort to end the shutdown, but there are already signs Republicans will reject it.

Trump Threatens To Close Southern Border If He Doesn’t Get His Border Wall

President Trump is now threatening to close the border if he doesn’t get funding for his border wall.

As 2018 Ends, There Appears To Be No End In Sight For The Government Shutdown

As 2018 draws to a close, there’s no sign that the government shutdown will end any time soon.

Majority Of Americans Blame Trump For Shutdown, Oppose Border Wall

New polling indicates that President Trump is getting the blame for the ongoing government shutdown.

No End In Sight For Government Shutdown

Congress will not be returning to Washington until some time next week. Thus guaranteeing that this shutdown will last at least through January 3rd.

Solving Shutdown Crisis May Depend On What A “Wall” Is

Is it possible that the solution to the government shutdown is letting the President pretend he got funding for his border wall even though he didn’t?

Numeracy and the Wall

The numbers should guide policy, not silly symbols.

Steve Mnuchin Becomes Trump’s Latest Target

With the economy appearing to sour, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is quickly becoming the President’s latest target of criticism.

The #TrumpShutdown Could Last For Weeks

Christmas is behind us, but don’t expect any progress when it comes to the government shutdown, which is in its fifth day.

Trump Rages, DJIA Tumbles Further

More evidence that Trump does not know what he is doing.

No, We Can’t Withhold Congressional Pay During A Government Shutdown

While it has an admitted populist appeal. the idea of Congressional pay being withheld during a shutdown is a non-starter due to the Constitution.

White House Expects Shutdown To Last Into January

With Congress out of town until at least Thursday and negotiations apparently deadlocked, the White House is saying it’s likely the shutdown will last into 2019.

Government Shutdown Set To Last Until At Least After Christmas

There was no progress on resolving the government shutdown today, and little hope that anything will happen before late next week.

Trump Takes Aim At The Federal Reserve Board

President Trump is now apparently on the warpath against the Federal Reserve Board Chairman he appointed only a year ago.

Shutdown’s Impact Likely To Be Limited

While the political media is spending a lot of time talking about it, the actual impact of this latest government shutdown is likely to be limited and possibly even unnoticeable to most Americans.

Federal Government Enters Third Partial Shutdown Of 2018

The government entered its third shutdown of the year with little sign of an immediate resolution.

House Passes Doomed Spending Bill With Border Wall Funding As Deadline Looms

With just hours to go, a partial government shutdown is becoming more and more likely.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Pulls The Rug Out From Under Congress On Spending Bill

Hours before the House was set to vote on a temporary funding bill for the government, President Trump has apparently changed his mind.

Senate Passes Short-Term Spending Bill To Avoid Shutdown

The Senate passed a bill that keeps the government funded through the beginning of February, but fails to provide any funding for the President’s border wall.

Trump Backing Off Border Wall Shutdown Threat?

With three days to go before a government shutdown, there are at least some signs that the President may be backing away from his threats to shut down the government over funding for his border wall.

Nobody In Washington Knows What’s Going On With Budget Negotiations

With the Friday night deadline fast approaching, nobody in Washington seems to know what’s going on.

Heading Into Border Wall Showdown, Trump And The GOP Are Losing The Battle

As Washington heads into the final days of a budget shutdown, Republicans find themselves on the losing end of a public relations battle.

The Death Of The Weekly Standard

Thanks apparently to the fact that it remained unwilling to get in line behind the Trumpidians, the conservative owner of The Weekly Standard has shut the magazine down.

House GOP Doesn’t Have Votes To Fund Trump’s Border Wall

House Republicans reportedly don’t have the votes to fund the President’s border wall.

Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Border Wall Funding

Once again, President Trump is threatening a shutdown over the border wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for.

Trump’s Border Wall Faces Its Last Stand

This month’s budget fight is likely the last chance the President will have to get any funding for his border wall.

Trump Shrugs Off Reports Of An Approaching Debt Crisis

Trump has reportedly told aides that he doesn’t really care about reports of an approaching crisis of the budget deficit and national debt because he’ll be out of office before it becomes a problem.

Fight Over Border Wall Funding Could Lead To Government Shutdown

A brewing fight over funding for the President’s border wall could throw a monkey wrench into plans to pass a budget by next Friday.

New York Judge Allows Charity Fraud Case Against Trump Foundation To Proceed

A state trial court Judge in New York rejected efforts by the Donald Trump to halt a lawsuit alleging charity fraud in connection with the operation of The Trump Foundation.

Jeff Flake 2020? He Seems Open To The Idea.

It would be a rather quixotic effort, but Jeff Flake isn’t ruling out challenging the President for the Republican nomination in 2020.

Federal Budget Deficit Heads Back Up Under Republican Rule

Nearly two years into Republican control of Washington, the budget deficit is headed back up.

Congress Painting Trump Into A Corner On Budget

In the past, President Trump has threatened to shut down the government if the doesn’t get what he wants in the budget. The latest budget deal effectively dares him to do it.

Federal Budget Deficit Set To End Fiscal Year Near $1 Trillion, And Continue Growing

The Federal Budget Deficit is set to end the Fiscal Year close to $1 trillion, and to continue growing after that.

Trump’s Border Wall Will Cost Billions More Than Projected

A new government report indicates that President Trump’s border wall will cost billions more than initially projected. And Mexico still isn’t going to pay for it.

Federal Judge Deals Another Blow To Trump’s DACA Order

Another Federal Judge has dealt a legal blow to President Trump’s effort to shut down the DACA program.

Trump Again Threatening Government Shutdown Over Immigration, Border Wall

President Trump is suggesting he may force a government shutdown over his immigration policies just a month before the midterm elections.

Supreme Court Upholds Final Version Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

In a ruling that largely relies on the authority granted by Congress to the President to regulate immigration on national security grounds, the Supreme Court has upheld the final version of the Administration’s travel ban.

Supreme Court Upholds Trump Travel Ban

In a 5-4 party-line vote, the High Court declared that the Constitution and Federal Law give the President broad authority over immigration.

Despite Trump, Americans Think Immigration Is A Good Thing

Notwithstanding the rhetoric of the President and his supporters, most Americans believe that immigration is a good thing for the United States.