John Kelly To Leave White House By The End Of The Year

This time, the rumors about John Kelly leaving appear to be true.

John Kelly Expected To Resign “Soon”

There’s yet another rumor that White House Chief of Staff John Kelly could be on the way out.

Happy Thanksgiving From Outside The Beltway!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ivanka Trump Used Private Email For Government Communications

In news replete with irony, it’s being reported that Ivanka Trump used a private email account to communicate about government business.

Former White House Communications Director Heads To Fox

Hope Hicks jumps from one pro-Trump venue to another.

James Mattis On The Way Out? It Sure Looks That Way

Reports about tension between Defense Secretary James Mattis and President Trump are becoming louder, and it’s being suggested that Mattis could be out of office after the midterms.

On The Twenty-Fifth Amendment

The Twenty-Fifth Amendment has been in the news a lot lately, but what would it actually take to use it to remove a President from power?

Trump Wants Dept. Of Justice To Investigate Source Of Anonymous Op-Ed

President Trump wants Jeff Sessions and the Justice Department to investigate the anonymous Op-Ed published earlier this week even though there doesn’t appear to have been a crime committed.

In Anonymous Op-Ed, Top Administration Official Describes A White House In Chaos

In an extraordinary anonymous Op-Ed, a senior White House official describes a White House in chaos.

Bob Woodward’s New Book To Detail Explosive Accusations About Trump White House

A new book by legendary Washington reporter Bob Woodward appears to contain explosive revelations about the President and the operation of the White House.

Trump World Experiences An Omarosa Earthquake

Omarosa Manigault Newman, who used to be a Trump favorite, is out with a book that makes sensationalistic claims about the Trump Administration. The real story, though, is what she has on tape and how she got it.

John Kelly Plans To Remain As White House Chief Of Staff Through 2020

After one year at a job that has to be among the most frustrating in Washington, John Kelly has agreed to stay on through the 2020 election.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, A Virginia Restaurant, And The Politicization Of Everyday Life

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant in Virginia last night, and the incident raises questions of how far we should let politics infiltrate everyday life.

John Kelly Has Basically Given Up Trying To Manage Trump

John Kelly is nearing the end of his first year as White House Chief of Staff, and it’s becoming apparent that his mission to bring order to a disordered White House has failed.

No, the Trump White House Isn’t Having a Job Fair

A POLITICO story pushes a plausible narrative with an example that’s almost certainly not evidence of it.

The (Lack of) Preparation for the North Korea Summit

“Winging it” isn’t how foreign policy should be made.

Trump Resisting Efforts To Restrain His Use Of Unsecured Smartphones

Despite advice from advisers, the President continues to use unsecured devices to communicate outside of White House channels.

Pence And Trump Teams Clash As Pence Tries To Assert Control Of Republican Politics

Quietly, Mike Pence is seeking to create his own power base inside the GOP even as the White House pushes back.

White House Leakers Leak Why They’re Leaking

The Trump White House has leaked more than any in recent memory. Some of the leakers have explained what motivates them.

White House Aide Jokes About McCain Dying

When it comes to the Trump White House, the fish rots from the head down.

On Eve Of Confirmation Hearing, Haspel Suggested Withdrawing CIA Nomination

With the start of her confirmation hearings just days away, Gina Haspel’s nomination to be C.I.A. Director is by no means secure.

Report Says John Kelly Called Trump An “Idiot.”

More signs of tension between President Trump and his Chief of Staff.

John Kelly Headed To Veterans Affairs?

President Trump may be looking to push Chief of Staff John Kelly aside by giving him a next to impossible job.

Donald Trump Is Clearly Worried That Michael Cohen Might Flip

Based on his recent behavior, it’s clear that the President is worried about how loyal Michael Cohen might actually turn out to be.

Trump More Worried About Cohen Investigation Than Mueller, He Should Be

Donald Trump could have more to worry about regarding the investigation of Michael Cohen than he does regarding the Mueller investigation.

The Continuing Humiliation Of John Kelly

After eight months in office, the pressures on Chief of Staff John Kelly continue to mount under a President who cannot be controlled and whose behavior will not change.

Congress Passes Spending Bill, But Trump Threatens Veto

Congress passed a funding bill to avert a shutdown with time to spare early this morning, but now the President is threatening a veto.

Chief Of Staff Donald Trump?

Donald Trump may be getting ready to act as his own Chief of Staff. That would be a huge mistake.

McMaster Out, Bolton In

Uh oh.

Trump White House Requires Staffers To Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

A new report confirms that the White House has indeed required staffers to sign non-disclosure agreements that are clearly not enforceable.

Trump Required White House Staff To Sign Confidentiality Agreements, Report Claims

A report in The Washington Post says that White House Staff under President Trump have been required to sign non-disclosure agreements.

Attorney For Stormy Daniels: Client Was Physically Threatened To Remain Silent

A new bombshell allegation in the Stormy Daniels affair.

Trump White House ‘Most Toxic Working Environment on the Planet’

According to one insider, “There’s no leadership, no trust, no direction and this point there’s very little hope.”

Trump in Honey Badger Mode Already?

The President tried bringing something akin to a traditional policy process to the White House. Now he’s rebelling against it.

Trump Accepts Kim’s Offer to Meet

North Korea’s Dear Leader has baited the President of the United States into a trap.

[Top Secret Clip Art] [Top Secret Clip Art]

‘Several’ White House Staffers Fired or Reassigned Over Clearances

An unspecified number of White House staffers unable to obtain security clearances are out, with several more likely to follow.

The President’s Self-Imposed Bubble

POLITICO buries the lede in making the case for “Donald Trump’s bubble presidency.”

More Turmoil Ahead for Trump White House

Staffers are fleeing the administration like rats from a sinking ship.

Hope Hicks Out as Communications Director

The 29-year-old was one of President Trump’s most trusted aides but she had an impossible job.

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster On His Way Out?

National Security Adviser H.L. McMaster is the latest person rumored to be considering moving on from the Trump Administration.

More Than 130 White House Employees Lack Final Security Clearances

More security clearance problems for the White House.

The Trump White House Still Can’t Get Its Story Straight On Rob Porter

Whether it’s the abuse angle or the more serious issue of security clearances, the White House still can’t get the story straight on the Rob Porter case.

Trump Considering Ousting John Kelly

President Trump is reportedly considering replacing his chief of staff. Again.

The State Of The Union Address Is Unnecessary and Irrelevant

Do yourself a favor and skip the State Of The Union Address tonight. You won’t be missing anything important.

Trump Tried To Fire Robert Mueller In June

And the evidence for obstruction of justice continues to mount.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Global Opinion About The United States Dropped Precipitously In Trump’s First Year

Thanks to Donald Trump, public opinion around the world about the United States is at its lowest level in ten years.

Steve Bannon Out At Breitbart

Steve Bannon loses his position at Breitbart after his blistering comments about the President and others in the Administration became public.

Happy Thanksgiving From Outside The Beltway!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Trump’s Tweets Are Hurting Him, And His Aides Can’t Stop Him

There’s growing evidence that Donald Trump’s tweets are hurting him but his aides have basically given up trying to control his Twitter habit.