State of the Union Post Mortem
The speech did exactly what it was supposed to do: kick off Obama’s re-election campaign while disguised as a call for unity.
The speech did exactly what it was supposed to do: kick off Obama’s re-election campaign while disguised as a call for unity.
I’ll be liveblogging tonight’s Republican national security debate over at RealClearWorld along with a solid team of foreign policy analyst
Rick Perry is out with a plan to reform Washington. Mostly, it’s just a bunch of gimmicks.
Accusing someone of “politicizing” a discussion of 9/11 is like accusing someone of “athleticizing” a discussion of football.
There were eight people on the stage last night, but the GOP field has narrowed significantly.
A Federal Appeals Court says the full body image scanners showing up in airports are Constitutional.
Some things are worth repeating.
One U.S. Senator wants to bring elements of the TSA’s security theater to America’s rail system.
Another case of TSA groping has hit the media.
President Obama sees the golf course as the only place to escape the pressures of the job.
TSA screeners will now have the right to join a union. Or at least a union that can’t actually negotiate much of anything.
Volokh Conspirator Stewart Baker wonders whether Jesse Ventura’s complaints about TSA groping making him a “wussy.”
There’s a lesson to be drawn from the tragedy in Arizona, but it isn’t the one the media is talking about.
The New Chevy Dolt from Government Motors Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The TSA’s crusade to fondle whomever they please continues.
Washington D.C.’s 34 year-old Metro system is about to become the latest stage for Security Theater.
Complaints from Rush Limbaugh tthat the ACLU is ignoring the intrusions into America’s civil liberties by the TSA are completely unfounded.