Taking A Look At The Second Quarter Money Race
The big winners are Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton.
Taking into account money raised by both the campaigns and supporting SuperPACs, Jeb Bush seems to have clear won the money race for the second quarter of 2015 according these figures which I obtained from The New York Times:
- Jeb Bush — $120 million raised ($11.4 million by the campaign, $108.5 million by SuperPACs)
- Hillary Clinton — $67.8 million raised ($47.5 million by the campaign, $20.3 million by SuperPACs)
- Ted Cruz —- $52.5 million raised ($14.3 million by the campaign, $38.1 million by SuperPACs)
- Marco Rubio — $42 million ($8.9 million by the campaign, $4 million converted from Senate campaign fund, $17.3 million by SuperPACs, $15.8 million by other groups)
- Bernie Sanders — $15.2 million, all raised by the campaign
- Rick Perry —- $15 million raised ($1.1 million by the campaign, $13.8 million by SuperPACs)
- Chris Christie —- $14 million, all raised by SuperPACs as Christie did not enter the race until after the reporting period had ended
- Rand Paul — $13.9 million raised ($6.9 million by the campaign, $6.9 million by SuperPACs)
- John Kasich — $11.7 million raised by “other groups.” Kasich did not enter the race until after the reporting period had ended
- Ben Carson — $10.8 million raised ($10.6 million by the campaign, $200,000 by SuperPACs)
Everyone else raised under a combined $10 million dollars.
As with my initial observations of the first round of reports early in July, there are a few conclusions we can draw from this. Namely, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are clearly out in a world by themselves when it comes fundraising and they are likely to stay there. While the haul by Bush’s campaign seems small, it should be remembered that this only covers the two weeks or so that he was actually in the race whereas Clinton, and many of the other names on this list, have been in the race far longer than Bush. When it comes to judging Bush’s fundraising power, it’s better to look at the SuperPAC numbers because that is money that was raised virtually from the beginning of the second quarter and is arguably a good reflection of the kind of numbers we should see from Bush when the third quarter numbers are released in October. Clinton, meanwhile, raised more money through he campaign than the top three Republican fundraisers combined. Her SuperPAC numbers are smaller than I thought they would be, but I ‘m sure that will change as the campaign goes on. Being the top fundraiser doesn’t guarantee victory, of course (just as John Connolly or Rudy Giuliani about that), but it is a pretty good indication of the strength of the campaign and it provides the campaign with the resources they will need to fund a plausible path to victory. In Clinton’s case, the outcome of the nomination fight seems largely assured and I support to some extent she needs to be careful about not appearing to bulldoze her opponents too soon. In Bush’s, of course, the nomination is far from assured. In addition to Jeb’s long standing problems with the hard right wing of the GOP, the presence of Donald Trump in the race somewhat nullifies Bush’s fundraising advantages as long as Trump is willing to spend his personal wealth to finance his campaign. If and when Trump fades, though, these numbers mean that Bush will be well positioned to rise to the top while those below him fight it out.
As for the other candidates, especially on the Republican side, it seems apparent that SuperPAC fundraising is making up for relative weakness in fundraising by the campaign. We saw this same thing in 2012, of course, when wealthy SuperPAC donors like Sheldon Adelon and Foster Fries kept Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum in the race longer than they might have otherwise been thanks to the fact that SuperPAC media buys were helping their campaign. In the end, though, there are many things that SuperPACs can’t do that are essential the running a successful political campaign. This includes everything from get out the vote efforts to paying the daily expenses that incurred in the running a campaign for President. Candidates can rely on these SuperPAC dollars to keep them in the race longer than they might have been able to stay otherwise, but as we saw with Santorum and Gingrich it won’t be enough to make up for declining support in the polls.
I would either put Jeb(!) in his own class, having raised about twice Clinton’s amount, or I would put Cruz and Rubio into that upper group, as they raised 50ish while everyone else is stuck around 10,
Or both. Clinton’s numbers are a lot closer to Cruz and Rubio than they are to Bush’s. Of course, she doesn’t have to run a primary campaign.
this is not left vs right, GOP vs Dems, Socialism vs liberty. This is war on White people.
Why do cuckservatives defend Israel as a Jewish ethnostate with Jewish only immigration, but ravage White majority Europe/North America into a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Gulag with non-White colonization?
The world is 91% non-White, only 9% White. But non-White colonizers are aggressively advancing their agenda to annihilate gullible Whites, just as China annihilates Tibet.
How long will gullible Whites cuckold for murderous anti-White elite, who suppress our fertility, confiscate our guns, infiltrate/subvert our banks/FBI/CIA, indoctrinate White kids in academia/mass media, plunder White jobs/wages, & butcher White soldiers in bankrupting wars?
“Native” Americans invaded from East Asia. Yellow & Brown races committed 10-times more genocide, slavery, imperialism than Whites. Since Moses, Whites have been victims of Jewish/Crypto-Jewish, Muslim, N.African imperialism, slavery, genocide.
Gullible Whites should reject subversive ideologies- libertarianism, feminism, liberalism- & hostile slanders of racism. Peace to all humanity, but White people must organize to advance their interests, their fertility, their homelands. Spread this message. Reading list: goo.gl/iB777 , goo.gl/htyeq , amazon.com/dp/0759672229 , amazon.com/dp/1410792617
I nominate the above comment for deletion.
@Ben Wolf:
It’s sadly instructive like the comments of some of the other trolls. Even though it may be farce (Poe), I like the complete lack of apparent self awareness when they state things like ‘whites’ are only 9% of the population and that ‘non-whites’ commit 10x as much genocide etc as though that is an indictment of non-whites.
@Ben Wolf: You don’t find the reasoning convincing? I was almost ready to sign up with the next SS recruiter. It would be much more convincing in the original gothic-typeface German.
The obnoxious commenter above is one of these “Alt-Right” guys who have been shouting that National Review, Erick Erickson and other right wing writers are too liberal, that they’ve been “cuckolded” by Jews and liberals and have adopted their egalitarian values. Seriously, that’s what they say on their sites. This specific guy has been posting this same reply on a number of sites, alt-right, regular right and otherwise.
Nah, don’t delete it. It’s a nice handy post to link to when the usual trolls come by talking about “post racial America” and explaining to us that really, white people are just as much in danger of police abuse as black people, etc, etc, etc.
While campaign resources do allow one to promote their ideas (or whatever the GOP calls the those things their candidates are mouthing), I’m not sure that money can replace a coherent rationale why a candidate is running in the first place.
Jeb! may have a lot of cash on hand but what does he stand for? Name one thing he would do as president if – God forbid – he was elected next year. He has no platform or position on anything. His brother got away with that Compassionate Conservative bullshit and it almost got him elected president the first time. Do the Bushes really think we will fall for that again?
He can raise a billion dollars and be on every channel every hour from now to November 2016 but it won’t matter. They have the money to promote it, what they don’t have is a product that people will buy. Not only will he not be president; he won’t be the Republican nominee.
I think what this demonstrates is that money plays far too big a role in US politics and that this has gotten worse since Citizens United. Candidates are now dependent on Super PAC money that comes from G-d knows where and whose donors are seeking G-d knows what. It could be coming from Russian oligarchs or the Chinese government for all we know, but hey, money is speech, right? It’s sounding more and more like the Orwellian slogan it is.
I could delete if I wanted to,but you do have a point. The best way to beat the cockroaches is to shine a light on them so we know where they are.
@Who r Cuckservatives?:
Have you ever heard of… fluoridation, Mandrake?
Purity of Essence
Peace on Earth
DrDaveT, I’ve never seen a commie drink a glass of water.
@DrDaveT: Thank you for the reminder! Wonderful movie reference to ‘Dr Strangelove or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb’. A link for anyone who wants:
@Who r Cuckservatives?:
@Who r Cuckservatives?: I’m Jewish, and no has ever contacted me to join some conspiracy. Maybe, I was asleep at the time and missed something. But, I’ve worked hard in business to become a real estate millionaire, for my own well being, but being ever mindful of the less fortunate and always being charitable to others…
@Paul Hooson:
Well, that’s exactly what you would say.
@Paul Hooson:
Wow, awkward. Like being Brazilian and getting picked last in a playground soccer game…