Tear Gas in Tunis

As an illustration that the various situations in North Africa and the Middle East are still in the early stages of change, we see that they are not yet done (not by a long shot) in the place where it all started, Tunisia.

Via the BBC: Tunis police use tear gas to disperse demonstrators

The renewed protest comes a day after police cleared huge crowds from the streets demanding the resignation of the interim prime minister.

That was the biggest rally since the president fled after weeks of unrest.

FILED UNDER: Africa, Middle East, World Politics, ,
Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a retired Professor of Political Science and former College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. Dave Schuler says:

    As I’ve said before I think this is the beginning of what is likely to be a period of unrest, possibly violent unrest, that may last for years or even decades.

  2. tps says:

    All of this brings to mind a line the character of G’Kar says in the series “Babylon 5”: “It is said that the future is always born in pain. The history of war is the history of pain. If we are wise, what is born of that pain matures into the promise of a better world, because we learn that we can no longer afford the mistakes of the past. “