Technorati and the Growth of the Blogosphere
Jeff Jarvis is apparently blogging from some sort of tech conference and has some interesting info from a presentation by Technorati’s Dave Sifry:
It’s now tracking 1.6 million sources — 11k new weblogs tracked per day. Since last march, he has seen a sharp increase in new weblogs from 3k per day then.
“On average, a new weblog is being created every 7.8 seconds.”
: They define churn as no posting in three months; 35 percent of weblogs starve and die thusly.
: They see more than 100,000 updates per day.
: This is beautiful: The median time now from when a post is posted to when it is in the Technorati data base is seven minutes. That makes it exponentially more powerful. That enables the conversation!
Indeed. Unfortunately, Technorati seems to have lost the ability to actually discern when a link was generated. Many of the “new” links showing for OTB are actually months-old blogroll inclusions.
My assumption was that those bogroll links are the result of them being “updated”–but that was just a guess on my part.
My assumption was that those bogroll links are the result of them being “updated”–but that was just a guess on my part.
I had the same thought as Steven. It’s supposed to be a new engine brought on in the last few weeks, I wonder if they traded away a little bit of discrimination in favor of faster turnaround?
Definitely still a few bugs in the system.