Weekly Crowdsource: Your “Must Read” Experts Edition

This week's Weekly Crowdsource is a search for new experts to follow.

Last week’s weekly crowd source was for RSS readers (Feedly was the OTB favorite). This week focuses on content for RSS readers.

I’m updating my RSS feed and looking for suggestions for experts to follow. We all know, for example, about Sully or Volokh. This is a chance to publicize writers who are up and coming or a little outside the mainstream.

So, suggest a name or three. Just be sure to share a brief description on their area of expertise and *why* they deserve to be added. Extra points are awarded for smart contrarian suggestions. I’ll keep a list of suggestions here at the top of the page.

(BTW, if you think you’re writing stuff that deserves a wide audience, feel free to promote your own blog.)

Readers suggestions so far:

Not so much blogs, but great Science/Technology resources

FILED UNDER: Media, Science & Technology, , ,
Matt Bernius
About Matt Bernius
Matt Bernius is a design researcher working to create more equitable government systems and experiences. Matt's most recent work has been in the civic tech space, working as a researcher and design strategist at Code for America and Measures for Justice. Prior to that he worked at Effective, a UX agency, and also taught at the Rochester Institute of Technology and Cornell. Matt has an MA from the University of Chicago.


  1. john personna says:

    http://www.ritholtz.com spans investing, economics and economic-politics nicely.

    Barry’s summary of reads, as in 10 Monday Reads, are uniformly good.

  2. rudderpedals says:

    Mainly economics: Yves Smith’s Naked Capitalism for a no holds liberal take http://nakedcapitalism.com
    Counterpoise to NC: Cowen and Tabarrok’s Marginal Revolution http://marginalrevolution.com

    Airplanes: http://avherald.com for succinct incident reports (rarely involving orangs who can’t reach the pedals) often followed up by involved maintenance people and passengers personal notes in the incident

    http://creditslips.org for consumer debt issues….

    Here’s hoping to discover links useful to bankruptcy counsel who’d rather be back to geeking for money

  3. john personna says:
  4. OzarkHillbilly says:
  5. Matt Bernius says:

    Awesome suggestions so far. Please keep them coming.

    I’ll put one up for comics culture, Chris Sims is an incredibly smart and funny longform comics expert. His weekly Q&A and “Bizarro Back Issues” columns are both must reads for anyone who ever loved comics (warts and all).

  6. OzarkHillbilly says:

    For those with more earthbound interests:

    US Geological Survey (LOTS of interesting stuff there)

    The Smithsonian (everything you would expect, and more)

    And of course the always indispensable National Geographic.

    (not sure if any of this is what you are looking for but they are the best I can offer of stuff I regularly visit)

  7. OzarkHillbilly says:

    One more just because I am such a fan of his: Wallace Online:

    Wallace Online is the first complete edition of the writings of naturalist and co-founder of the theory of evolution Alfred Russel Wallace. Including a comprehensive compilation of his specimens – much of it never before seen. The project is directed by John van Wyhe, assisted by Kees Rookmaaker, at the National University of Singapore, in collaboration with the Wallace Page by Charles H. Smith.

    Alfred Russel Wallace is one of the most fascinating individuals in the history of science and exploration, made even more so by the fact that he was as much responsible for the Theory of Evolution as Darwin (they corresponded frequently) but very few have heard of him.

    IIRC somebody recently bought one of his collections (bugs and butterflies) at a yard/estate sale. They bought it for the case and when they got it home started looking through it and realized the value was way beyond what they paid even tho they had never heard of ARW. It appraised at some wildly fantastical amount but I have never heard what happened to it after that.

  8. john personna says:

    No one has mentioned Mark Thoma’s Economist’s View.

    It is a good summary/links blog for economic news with a left, but not too far left, perspective.

    If you do Ritholtz/Thoma you can let them feed you what’s good. Add Marginal Revolution if you are really into it.

  9. SKI says:

    A couple of quick mentions on Health Care Policy:



    Both provide digestible information on what the mass media doesn’t cover about health care and the policy choices, and economic impact, that we are and will be facing.

  10. Dave Schuler says:

    For reasonably reliable translations of what world media are saying about the United States, WorldMeets.us is a good resource. They’re also looking for volunteer translators.

  11. stonetools says:

    Foreign Policy

    All US foreign policy, all the time.


    Lots of political and econ stuff, from a liberal POV

    Feeds from the Economist

    Lots of political and econ stuff, from a conservative POV.

    Best of the Left.

    Podcast aggregating best of liberal talk shows

    From NPR podcasts:


    Best science podcast, IMO.

    This American Life.

    Vignettes of American life . Simply great.

    Then there is the BBC, where you can find a huge number of RSS feeds and podcasts. You could start with In Our Time

    Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the history of ideas – including topics drawn from philosophy, science, history, religion and culture.

    Going through the IOT archive is sort of like crack cocaine for science and history buffs. Want to find out about Averroes, the fall of the Roman Republic, dark energy, or the theory of relativity? It’s in there.

  12. stonetools says:

    Please release my comment from moderation. Thanks.

    I thought this was all about posting links :-(.