Politics1 reports on the fallout from the Texas redistricting:

Since a federal panel of judges ruled Tuesday that the GOP-led Congressional redistricting plan was constitutional, a lot has happened. Congressman Jim Turner (D) announced he would not seek re-election, as it would be impossible for him to win under the new lines. President Bush stepped into the crowded CD-4 race by strongly endorsing Congressman Ralph Hall (R), who just switched parties on Saturday. The Bush endorsement is likely to prod several of Hall’s GOP primary opponents to exit the race. Congressman Martin Frost (D) — the former DCCC Chair and one of the top targets of the redistricting plan — vows that he will seek re-election, only he hasn’t decided where yet. “If Republicans think I’m just going to disappear from the scene… they’re sadly, sadly wrong,” said Frost. Finally, Congressman Nick Lampson (D) announced that he may jump into the race against US House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R), the architect of the redistricting plan. “In response to the the many people who have been asking me if I’m going to run against Tom DeLay, I will tell them this: Anybody that is going to run in any of these district is running against Tom DeLay,” said Lampson. DeLay seemed amused by the prospect, as his district appears reliably Republican. Other endangered Dem incumbents include Congressmen Charlie Stenholm, Chet Edwards and Max Sandlin. Congressman Chris Bell (D) — who is white — could face problems in his primary from black opponents in his new, minority district.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Serious hardball. Until an anti-gerrymandering amendment passes (not bloody likely), that’s the way the game is played.