Anita Perry: It’s Obama’s Fault That My Son Had To Quit His Job

First there was yesterday’s comment that she and her husband had been “brutalized” over the course of the less-than-two-months he’s been in the race. Today, Anita Perry blamed Obama for the fact that her son had to resign from his job as a financial analyst to work on his father’s campaign:

Rick Perry’s wife Anita said Friday that she could sympathize with the plight of the unemployed because her son was forced to resign his job to take a more active role on his father’s presidential campaign.

Anita Perry blamed the Obama administration for her son having to resign his position.

“My son had to resign his job because of federal regulations that Washington has put on us,” Mrs. Perry said while campaigning for her husband in South Carolina, after a voter shared the story of losing his job.

“He resigned his job two weeks ago because he can’t go out and campaign with his father because of SEC regulations,” she continued, referring to the Securities and Exchange Commission. “He has a wife… he’s trying to start a business. So I can empathize.”

“My son lost his job because of this administration,” she said a few minutes later.

According to press reports, the Perrys’ son, Griffin, worked at Deutsche Bank.

It was unclear what SEC regulations Perry was referring to, but the commission adopted a new rule last year aimed at limiting political activity on the part of investment advisors.

No, Mrs. Perry, your son choose to leave his job to volunteer on his father’s campaign for the Presidency. There’s a difference.

Update: This appears to be the SEC Ruling [PDF] that Mrs. Perry is referring to. Based on my cursory review of the 202 page document, it appears to be aimed at limiting the danger of “pay-for-play” activities by investment advisers.

FILED UNDER: The Presidency, US Politics, , , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Rob in CT says:

    Keep the government outta my government job!

  2. Rob in CT says:

    Or rather, outta my work for my Dad’s campaign for a government job (I misread it at first – I assume sonny boy had a gummint job. Apparently he was a banker. Ah, well, not that there is much separation there at this point anyway).

  3. Hey Norm says:

    A perfect window into the Republican understanding of regulations, and their relation to employment. There ain’t a lot of relation…but it makes for good talking points.

  4. Fiona says:

    What a whiny bitch that Anita is. Waaah. If she wants her husband to win the nomination, it’s time for her to shut her trap and practice the typical politician’s wife adoring look.

  5. BluePenguin says:

    Wow just wow. And the sad part is how many people are latching on to that talking point.

  6. Hey Norm says:

    “… shut her trap and practice the typical politician’s wife adoring look…”

    I think I’m starting to crush on Fiona.

  7. James Joyner says:

    While this is an odd bit of whining–and I’m not sure how much Obama had to do with the regulation–she’s making a point more substantive than “my son quit to work on his dad’s campaign and it’s therefore Obama’s fault he’s unemployed.”

    According to press reports, the Perrys’ son, Griffin, worked at Deutsche Bank.

    It was unclear what SEC regulations Perry was referring to, but the commission adopted a new rule last year aimed at limiting political activity on the part of investment advisors.

    I don’t know what the regulations are trying to do but it does seem odd that he would be precluded from working at DB and on his dad’s campaign if DB didn’t mind.

  8. @James Joyner:

    I just posted a link to what appears to be the rule in question in the post. It’s a 202 page PDF file so I haven’t exactly read the whole thing, but it appears to be aimed at limiting “pay to play” practices by investment advisers

  9. Chris A says:

    Given Perry’s affinity for “pay-for-play” politics, is it any surprise they’d be upset by this?

  10. gary says:

    Anita, give me a break. Obama did not make that rule. There is a lot of difference between being fired and quitting. Your SON, QUIT his job. I will repeat that, YOUR SON QUIT HIS JOB. Besides, you and Rick have no idea what life is like in the real world. You two are happy as long as you get your way and/or your money and Rick is very good at getting money. PAY FOR PLAY is in professional sports, not politics. Without PAY FOR PLAY, Rick wouldn’t know about a real job.
    And Rick, when all else fails, have Anita cry on cue. She is the first one to do that, at least on camera.

  11. gary says:

    Griffin, your Dad apparently taught you well. The Deutsche Bank…..took part in the Aryanization of Jewish owned businesses. It provided banking facilities for the Gestapo and loaned the funds to build Auschwitz camp and the nearby IG Farben facilities. They finally admitted this in 1999. Between 2001 and 2007 the Bank engaged in covert espionage against it’s critics, mostly other banks and when questioned, Deutsche said it was isolated incidents. And the Bank was partly responsible for the Housing Bubble crisis. Apparently the NUT doesn’t fall far from the TREE.