Ron Paul Endorses Chuck Baldwin for President

Back on January 2 of this year, I made a number of predictions for 2008, among which was this:

Ron Paul will take at least third place in several primaries, much to the surprise of many, and will not drop out of the race until the last vote is counted. His candidacy will lead to no lasting change in the Republican Party.

So far, Ron Paul is proving me correct. He did manage to take third in 17 primaries, and he’s actually on the Presidential ballot right now in Montana. So now all that’s left is for him to have no lasting impact on the Republican party. And I think he’s pretty much assured that now.

The Libertarian Party Candidate admonished me for “remaining neutral” in the presidential race and not stating whom I will vote for in November. It’s true; I have done exactly that due to my respect and friendship and support from both the Constitution and Libertarian Party members. I remain a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party and I’m a ten-term Republican Congressman. It is not against the law to participate in more then one political party. Chuck Baldwin has been a friend and was an active supporter in the presidential campaign.

I continue to wish the Libertarian and Constitution Parties well. The more votes they get, the better. I have attended Libertarian Party conventions frequently over the years.

In some states, one can be on the ballots of two parties, as they can in New York. This is good and attacks the monopoly control of politics by Republicans and Democrats. We need more states to permit this option. This will be a good project for the Campaign for Liberty, along with the alliance we are building to change the process.

I’ve thought about the unsolicited advice from the Libertarian Party candidate, and he has convinced me to reject my neutral stance in the November election. I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate.

If, after reading this, you asked yourself, “What’s the Constitution Party?” Then, well, you’ve proved my point. But for those who are curious, info about the Constitution Party can be found here.

For those of you curious about what this Chuck Baldwin fellow is all about, Dave Wiegel has got some link roundups of Baldwin’s writing, including this tidbit, in which he claims that the 9/11 attacks were a punishment from God. Or China–it’s a bit muddy:

Who do you think is the benefactor of these fanatical, Islamic states that carried out and or facilitated these terrorist acts? Communist China, that is who. Moreover, who is China’s benefactor? The United States. This kind of nonsense must stop and must stop now!

There is one more lesson. Our Founding Fathers knew that our nation’s protection was ultimately in the hands of God. Freedom and security are the blessings of God. Since God was no idle spectator when our country was birthed, He is no idle spectator today. Both blessing and judgment belong to Him. He can accomplish either according to His will.

It is, therefore, imperative that America returns to God! For nearly a half-century, we have forsaken the moral principles of Heaven. We have legally murdered too many unborn babies. We have too readily accepted aberrant, sexual behavior. We kicked Heaven out of our schools, out of our homes, and out of our hearts. As a result, God is giving us a little taste of Hell.

Perhaps I’m out of touch with the majority of Americans, what with my fancy book learning and my preference for craft beers over Budweiser, but selling a guy who thinks that 9/11 is God/China’s punishment/declaration of war for our sins/technology transfers as the next President of the United States doesn’t strike me as a move likely to lead to any significant impacts on the Republican Party, much less politics as a whole.

FILED UNDER: 2008 Election, Science & Technology, , , , , , , , , ,
Alex Knapp
About Alex Knapp
Alex Knapp is Associate Editor at Forbes for science and games. He was a longtime blogger elsewhere before joining the OTB team in June 2005 and contributed some 700 posts through January 2013. Follow him on Twitter @TheAlexKnapp.


  1. Sam says:

    Who cares?

  2. Fence says:

    Well, it is hardly news that Ron Paul is a nut, his history and newsletters make that clear. It is too bad that a more sensible, grounded person wasn’t the one to move forward the libertarian banner in a year where there was clearly an appetite for it.

    Constitution Party? Right, you can bet that they feel very strongly about taking the Establishment Clause at its word. Here’s the first sentence of the Preamble of their platform: “The Constitution Party gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States.” Then a few sentences down, “The goal of the Constitution Party is to restore American jurisprudence to its Biblical foundations”

    And they aren’t just paranoid, they are out of date paranoids. They spend two entire paragraphs of a fairly short document ranting about the Panama Canal. Don’t they know that in a few years Jesus will be finished melting through a northern passage to rectify Jimmy Carter’s blasphemy?

  3. annje says:

    so what’s new? Aside from Ron Paul, NOTHING has attracted ANYONE to the Republican party…you aren’t the only one with fancy book learning jughead…lol…and frankly, it probably wouldn’t kill you to take that nose out of books/computers every once in a while and look at what is actually happening around you…

    Baldwin wasn’t saying that China did it, or God did it, he’s inferring that WE did it to ourselves, as of course, anyone with “fancy book learning” should be able to extract from that quote, since a 5th grader who’s paid attention to his grammar lessons could deliver that much. :-/

    As to God, when somebody comes up with a better explanation for the existence of A. the persistent and fervent belief in God since the beginning of recorded time B.confirmation of biblical prophecy even now C. maybe finally finds that “missing link”, those of us who are thinking organisms in addition to being educated will be able to follow you ethereal leapers through the cosmos to where you are sitting on high in judgment.

    It won’t matter how smart you are when Christ returns son. God’s not going to be impressed with your choice of beer. It won’t matter whether or not you believe in God either…fact is, God does exist, he HAS kept the people of this country protected and living safely within its boundaries, Something that is rare, especially given our penchant for attacking or financing the attacks on sovereign nations; and He IS about to apply an adjustment to that that is going to change things here, somewhat. Think of it like one of our recent market corrections…only way bigger and more permanent like…

    A smart man would make darn sure that whole God thing was truly bunk before incinerating his opportunity for a shot at true happiness and immortality. But hey, you gotta be you…;-)

    So pencil me into your nutjob list for my faith, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to chalk me up as “lacking fancy booklearning”…so dig back down into that bag of tricks and see what else you can dredge up; this attempt to belittle and judge doesn’t really wash…

  4. G.A.Phillips says:

    Well done annje, A+

  5. Alex Knapp says:

    Baldwin wasn’t saying that China did it, or God did it, he’s inferring that WE did it to ourselves,

    Yes, I got that. I didn’t assume that God was punishing us for nothing…

    As to God, when somebody comes up with a better explanation for the existence of A. the persistent and fervent belief in God since the beginning of recorded time

    Now, that depends on what you mean by “god”, doesn’t it? Some cultures had gods, some ancestor worship, some were animists, some had no gods at all. Only a handful had one God, and that was well after “the beginning of recorded time.”

    B.confirmation of biblical prophecy even now

    Such as?

    C. maybe finally finds that “missing link”,

    What does evolution have to do with the existence of a god? It’s not necessarily one or the other–the two concepts are separate.

    he HAS kept the people of this country protected and living safely within its boundaries

    He has? What’s your evidence for that proposition?

    He IS about to apply an adjustment to that that is going to change things here, somewhat. Think of it like one of our recent market corrections…only way bigger and more permanent like…

    Your evidence for this being… ?

    A smart man would make darn sure that whole God thing was truly bunk before incinerating his opportunity for a shot at true happiness and immortality.

    I don’t subscribe to the divine command theory of ethics, so the existence of god is of little interest to me. There might be one, there might not be. It has no bearing on how one should live one’s life. Morality is objective. Therefore, I’m not going to act immorally, even if that means that some deity is displeased and punishes me in some yet unproven afterlife.

  6. G.A.Phillips says:

    some had no gods at all.

    You can’t possibly be saying their have always been atheists, oh ya forgot you believe in caveman and that fabricated nonsense, sorry.

    Such as?

    Israel, and many more, but it takes an understanding of the Bible.

    What does evolution have to do with the existence of a god? It’s not necessarily one or the other–the two concepts are separate.

    somewhat true if you speak of a random god in the abstract, hardly if you speak of the true God, the two religions are diametrically opposed.

    He has? What’s your evidence for that proposition?

    most of the founding fathers thought so and said so, as have many others, or you you could compare the history of this Christian nation to any other nation, it’s obvious to those who do.

    Your evidence for this being… ?

    the sings of Revelations are everywhere, but once again you have to have the understating that only the word of God guided buy the Holy spirit can give you.

    I don’t subscribe to the divine command theory of ethics, so the existence of god is of little interest to me. There might be one, there might not be. It has no bearing on how one should live one’s life. Morality is objective. Therefore, I’m not going to act immorally, even if that means that some deity is displeased and punishes me in some yet unproven afterlife.

    and this is you choice of opinion created buy the thoughts of man, but seeing the overwhelming evidence of of how people and civilizations living by this objective Morality end up , me thinks it’s a bad one.

    ***A smart man would make darn sure that whole God thing was truly bunk before incinerating his opportunity for a shot at true happiness and immortality.****

    And in this I would have said wise man, but it is also logical given the consensus on the subject of believing that a higher power exists.

    Sorry annje I felt I needed to answer these.