Ron Paul’s opposition to the Fourteenth Amendment would make a Paul Administration an enemy of civil liberties.
Bill O’Reilly makes a convincing argument for raising taxes on the wealthy.
When someone calls Obama a Marxist, they’re exposing their own ignorance.
Karl Smith does the math and doesn’t see why the Federal government should be collecting ANY taxes right now.
The 1980 debate between Reagan and Bush compared to the GOP primary debates in 2011 is flabbergasting.
Obama’s economic policies are failing because he’s listening to conservatives – not small businesses.
For the past 18 months, Medicare spending has slowed down considerably – especially compared to the private sector.
Congress failing to raise the debt ceiling would involve abrogating an enormous amount of power to the Executive.
Even if we adopt the “Cut, Cap and Balance” plan, tax hikes are a necessity.
Right now, it’s more prudent for the Federal government to borrow money than to pay cash.
Philadelphia’s marijuana decriminalization program has saved the city over $2 million so far.
If the U.S. defaults, Eric Cantor will make some money.
NBC stoked a minor furor among the perpetually victimized by using the original version of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Rick Perry makes a valid point about bringing the economy back to Biblical principles.
Left-wing religious groups are firing salvos against the Republican Party on the basis of Ayn Rand’s “anti-Christian” influence.
Arguments for the Ryan Plan that characterize it as being “against bureaucracy” are apparently oblivious to the fact that private health insurance is full of bureaucracy.
Even before the individual mandate kicks in, the ACA has added hundreds of thousands of people to health insurance rolls.
New rules for the 2012 primary open the door for a Tea Party candidate to take the GOP nomination.
Bin Laden spent the last half-decade in a compound where his only contact with the outside world was a few couriers.
A survey of three studies demonstrates consistently that exposure to certain pesticides used in farming diminishes mental development.
Roger Ebert lays the smack down on the Atlas Shrugged film — but not for the reasons you’d think.
The systemic risks of financial institutions haven’t changed much since 2008.
A new study finds that the robust growth of the financial sector in the United States in recent decades has come at the expense of entrepreneurship.
Customers at a Radio Shack in Montana have an opportunity to get a free gun if they switch to Dish Network.
The Japanese government has announced that the Fukushima Reactor suffered a partial meltdown.