Down The Memory Hole At MoveOn.Org

Within hours after he had been selected to replace General McChrystal, removed from it’s website any reference to the fact that it had once referred to General Petreaus as “General Betray-us.”

How very Orwellian.

FILED UNDER: Military Affairs, US Politics,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. john personna says:

    No, it would only be Orwellian if there was a “button” somewhere that removed it from history caches around the world.

    The fact that it is so easy for everyone else on the internets to capture the past state of their pages is the triumph.

    Now, if MoveOn were to start sending out copyright Take-Downs, that would be Orwellian.

  2. Herb says:

    Hmmm…..wonder why? Not exactly their proudest moment, was it?

    PS. The site you linked to is a joke. The commenters are a joke. The first guy has a pic of Obama as Alfred E Newman as his avatar. The ones that follow are in a similar vein, dripping with mockery and disdain, as well as impugned motives and blatant distortions.

    I can see how they all got their feelings hurted by the “Betray Us” thing…..

  3. Juneau: says:

    Our Leader has spoken! Now, repeat after me! Petreaus good…Pretreaus good! Where are those scoundrels who were critical of this General! They are now officially non-persons.

    What do you mean Obama changed his mind about Petreaus being capable? Obama doesn’t change his mind – he just CLARIFIES his thoughts.

    Those that are trying to defend Obama’s twirling in the wind should just be honest. It’s OK to reach out to a real man for help when your a child that’s afraid of his own shadow.

  4. An Interested Party says:

    Juneau, you should seek help, as your ODS is causing you to foam at the mouth and deliver spittle-laced rants like the one above…if the president is a “child that’s afraid of his own shadow”, what does that say about the almost 70 million people who voted for him 2 years ago? Were they all duped by the One? Is that how you get through the day, knowing that this man is your president…

  5. Juneau: says:

    Were they all duped by the One?

    In a word – yes. And more and more of them are realizing it every day. Haven’t you noticed? The Titanic has met the iceberg and, once again, it is going down. Unfortunately, there are not enough lifeboats now either.

    Spittle-laced? That’s a bit of Rorchach statement isn’t it? Your imagination is getting away with you – the post above was written sardonically, not hysterically. The ability to immediately abandon ones core “values” based on convenience, without the slightest feelings of guilt, is something that can almost be admired in the lefties. Machiavelli would be proud.

  6. An Interested Party says:

    “The ability to immediately abandon ones core “values” based on convenience, without the slightest feelings of guilt, is something that can almost be admired in the lefties. Machiavelli would be proud.”

    Oh really? Do you feel the same way when so very many Republicans get into federal office? I mean, they had control of the federal governement for years, and yet, how many conservative ideas got implemented and sustained? Other than tax cuts, of course…