Herman Cain: Wife Didn’t Know I Was Giving Another Woman Money

Herman Cain is apparently heading back to Atlanta tomorrow where he’ll be able to talk to his wife face to face for the first time since this latest scandal broke. Let’s just say it’s likely to be an uncomfortable conversation:

MANCHESTER – Herman Cain acknowledged Thursday that he repeatedly gave Ginger White money to help her with “month-to-month bills and expenses” without telling his wife.

In fact, the embattled presidential candidate said, his wife, Gloria, “did not know that we were friends until she (White) came out with this story” alleging that the two had a 13-year extramarital affair.

In his most candid interview since the latest allegations emerged, Cain adamantly maintained that he and White were no more than friends.

Cain also stated clearly for the first time that as a result of the constant controversy he has been facing, he is considering getting out of the presidential race.

Asked whether leaving the race is one of the options he is currently assessing, Cain said, “Yes, it is an option.” Regarding his decision, he said, “You will know by next week” as he takes the weekend to reassess where he stands in the campaign.

On some level, I feel like the fact that Herman Cain may have had a long-term consensual affair with another woman isn’t necessarily relevant to whether or not he should be President. However, once a story like this is out there it’s going to unfold as such stories do, and that will usually be in a way that’s painful for the candidate and their family (e.g., the John Edwards mess). I don’t know anything about the relationship between Herman and Gloria Cain, but I do know that even admitting to what Cain has admitted to isn’t good at all. Like I said, an uncomfortable conversation awaits Cain in Atlanta. And, given this latest hint the odds seem to have increased that he will in fact drop out.

The only other thought that occurs to me  is that Cain would have had to have been stupid to think that these stories wouldn’t come out once he ran for President. And he ran anyway.

Stay tuned.

FILED UNDER: 2012 Election, US Politics, , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Gustopher says:

    He wasn’t running for President, he was on a book tour, and setting up the talk circuit. He never expected to do well enough to get any scrutiny.

    It’s either that or the man is a complete idiot.

    I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, because I’m a charitable guy.

  2. Fair point

  3. OzarkHillbillly says:

    The only other thought that occurs to me is that Cain would have had to have been stupid to think that these stories wouldn’t come out once he ran for President. And he ran anyway.

    Stay tuned.

    Word? Hubris.

  4. OzarkHillbillly says:

    Ohhh, and in defense of the Hermanator,

    Clinton did it.

  5. OzarkHillbillly says:

    Difference? Open your eyes.

  6. Bleev K says:

    It’s either that or the man is a complete idiot.


  7. G.A.Phillips says:

    Between Oct. 22 and Nov. 18, there were 70 text messages between White’s cell phone and Cain’s cell phone. Some were as early as 4:54 a.m., and some came late into the night.

    Lin Wood, Cain’s attorney, told the AJC on Wednesday that he thinks most of the messages were asking for money, which Cain has admitted to providing White, who has repeatedly faced eviction. Cain has denied a physical relationship with White.

    A review of the records by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution shows Cain sent 17 text messages to White, almost always responding to messages from her.

    It’s either that or the man is a complete idiot.


    Nice choices, how about #3, or most of you guys are not only idiots but suckers and now accomplices….

    All I know so far is that this sucks, I hope its not true and if it turns not to be. lol, what am I saying like it matters to you guys if its true or not…..

    Oh, Cain gave hints tonight that they might be onto a money trail that connects all of this…Hmm I guess we I will just have to wait and see.

  8. While it isn’t 100% proof, the fact that he gave seemingly substantial amounts of money to this women over a lengthy amount of time without telling his wife gives a lot of credence to the charge that he was having a long-term affair.

    And even if he wasn’t, it is betrayal to engage in such activity without a spouse’s knowledge. It is not at the same level as sexual infidelity, but it is pretty serious nonetheless.

  9. Franklin says:

    @G.A.Phillips: Do you think what Herman Cain has already admitted to is appropriate behavior?

  10. BleevK says:

    @G.A.Phillips: You believe in Cain like you believe in god.

  11. EddieInCA (now in GA) says:

    I just looked on my phone. I didn’t text my wife 70 times in a 30 day period like Herman did with Ginger White. That’s more than two texts a day, every day.

    No. Nothing inappropriate there.

    I’m sure it was all just platonic. Because men do that. They do give money to women who are just friends.

  12. Eric says:

    I feel like the fact that Herman Cain may have had a long-term consensual affair with another woman isn’t necessarily relevant to whether or not he should be President.

    I have the same idea too. I don’t feel differently about Cain now than before (I wouldn’t want him as POTUS), because he was engaged in an activity that appears to be inappropriate, whether or not it was sexual. And with voters, the first thought is going to be the sexual thought. Like anything in the political atmosphere, not being perfect can get you in trouble. Cain didn’t do anything wrong, and I use that term lightly, but he did something that will reshape many of potential voters minds of Cain.

    Sex sells and kills.

  13. lou91940 says:


    Cain is presenting himself to the “family values” crowd as their candidate for President, I think their definition of family and values tend to be a bit strict, at least in theory.

    Though not a member of the family values group, I can’t think of a single woman among my family or married acquaintances who would tolerate secret peccadillo meetings or secret monetary donations to an unknown woman for 13 years to help with her living expenses…unless it were Ava Maria, and even then I’m not too sure.

  14. G.A.Phillips says:

    G.A.Phillips: You believe in Cain like you believe in god.

    whatever Dude, you are a nothing that believes in the same as long as it does something for you or your sorry a$$ worldview….

    @G.A.Phillips: Do you think what Herman Cain has already admitted to is appropriate behavior?

    I help a lot of people too when I can some of them are female, sometimes I tell my girlfriend sometimes I don’t. I have not and sex in like 12 years from a personal choice it can be done, but I keep forgetting the many of you here like to consider yours selves the supreme judges of the universe…

    One thing I do hate i guess is cheaters, so if it turns out to be true, then I will have at him, until then, all this looks more then highly suspect.

  15. mike says:

    of course he didn’t tell his wife. she would have dropped him like a bad habit. Paying a woman, not your wife, while married, and having an affair with. What do they call that?