Plans to Build Library Next to Sarah Palin Spark Outrage

The Daily Mash combines two topics that have taken up entirely too many pixels at OTB and elsewhere of late with their parody article "OUTRAGE OVER PLANS TO BUILD LIBRARY NEXT TO SARAH PALIN."

The Daily Mash combines two topics that have taken up entirely too many pixels at OTB and elsewhere of late with their parody article “OUTRAGE OVER PLANS TO BUILD LIBRARY NEXT TO SARAH PALIN.”

PLANS to build a state-of-the-art library next to Republican catastrophe Sarah Palin are causing outrage across mainstream America.

Campaigners have described the project as insensitive and a deliberate act of provocation by people with brains.

The issue is forming a dividing line in advance of November’s mid-term congressional elections with candidates being forced to declare whether they have ever been to a library or spoken to someone who has books in their home.

Meanwhile President Obama has caused unease within his own Democratic party by endorsing the library and claiming that not everyone who reads books is responsible for calling Mrs Palin a f-wit nutjob nightmare of a human being.

But Bill McKay, a leading member of the right-wing Teapot movement, said: “Sarah Palin is a hallowed place for Americans who can’t read.

It goes downhill from there, alas.  Great concept, weak execution.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    Sarah Palin a disaster. I guess that will be true for the Democrats. The disaster is far far left leaning Preisdent and a Congress who cosigns his sh*t. Hide and watch, James, she will be the next President of the United States. She has the star power and she speaks the truth. What you see is what you get and that appears to be someone who shares values with a majority of the American people.

    On another not, James, your website is being Kosserized. while I have not always agreed with you, I could always (?) recognized where you were comming from. I detected conservative tendencies in what you posted. There are those who blog here now who could easily blog at the Daily Kos or the Huffington Post. Please, please get more blog time.

  2. Alternate version: noting that all of the 9/11 hijackers were men (and indeed, nearly all of the perpetrators of terrorism world wide being male), doesn’t it represent an insensitivty to the families of 9/11 that buildngs with men’s restrooms are still being built around the WTC site? I mean think of it! Rooms were men can gather together, alone, to symbollically piss all over ground zero.

  3. TheLip says:

    “PLANS to build a state-of-the-art library next to Republican catastrophe Sarah Palin are causing outrage across mainstream America.”

    if you could pretend to be a journalist for a few seconds instead of a political hack ( ie. practice : Who, What, When, Where,Why and How) then we would know the “where” . It’s safe to say no one is going to construct a building next to “Sarah Palin”, maybe next to her house , office but not next to her. you are more concerned with politics than accurate journalism, just rename the article :I feel like pissing on Sarah Palin” then you will not have to worry about coming close to the definition of a journalist.