Ron Paul Raised $13 Million In 4th Quarter

The Ron Paul campaign continues to surprise. This time, they’ve done so by coming home with a fundraising number for the final quarter of 2011 that is likely to put them in the top tier among Republican candidates in that category:

Politico’s James Hohmann reports that Ron Paul has raised $13 million in the last three months of 2011, a significant amount from mostly small donors that will allow him to compete throughout the remaining Republican primaries.

Putting that in context, Romney reportedly raised over $20 million during that period, while Gingrich has reportedly raised about $10 million.

In the 3rd Quarter, Paul raised $ 8.2 million. In the 2nd Quarter, he raised $4.5 million. If nothing else, money like this means Paul is in this race for a long time.

On another note, it will be interesting to see where Rick Perry falls on this list. In the 3rd Quarter, Perry managed to raise $17 million after being in the race for only 49 days. However, that was before his disastrous debate performances and his fall in the polls. In November, we learned that Perry’s fundraising had dried up and one of his major backers was already saying that the campaign was over. The odds that he’s going to be in Romney/Paul/Gingrich territory with his 4th Quarter fundraising seem pretty slim.

FILED UNDER: 2012 Election, US Politics, , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Tsar Nicholas II says:

    I don’t think this is at all surprising.

    We’re talking about a similar demographic to that of Obama’s base of supporters. A large number of young students sending in small portions of their allowance monies. It adds up. There also are a large number of airheads and trust fund babies that support Paul. They have time and money on their hands and they’re not exactly the brightest bulbs in the display case.

  2. Working Vermonter says:

    I am a USMC veteran, a truck driver/equipment operator, and a father of one little girl and (one in the belly). I run a budget for my family that is ok most of the time, but scary at times. Airhead and/or trust fun baby I am not. I have donated a hundred dollars to the Paul out of a budget that has little room for such expenditures. I have never had an allowance.

    I had the conviction to serve my country when I deemed it necessary to defend my country and now I am doing what I can to make sure my country will be led by a person that has that same conviction.

    The internet is an awesome forum, but using it to throw stones when you could throw ideas really shows that the community hasn’t caught up with the technology.

  3. Steph says:

    I’m one of those donors :).

  4. Steph says:

    @Tsar Nicholas II:

    Agh I pressed “helpful” and it shows “unhelpful”. Trust me, masses, noone cares about this 😀

  5. Steph says:

    @Tsar Nicholas II:

    Agh I pressed “unhelpful” and it shows “helpful”. Trust me, masses, noone cares about this 😀

  6. Ron says:

    @Tsar Nicholas II: “There also are a large number of airheads and trust fund babies that support Paul” Any examples?

  7. ivykid says:

    Here’s the reason why people are following Ron Paul. He isn’t on the payroll of the lobbyists. He sees things that others try hard not to see; in order to stay in lockstep with their party or to make their donors happy. He may have avoided 9/11/2001 if congress would have listened in 1999.
    Now look at the normal political trashing of our freedoms. Watch the video from a year ago
    No other military in the world can take away our freedoms. We should not let our government either.

  8. Neil Hudelson says:

    @Tsar Nicholas II:

    You always tout how everyone who supports anyone you don’t agree with must be an airhead youngster with money to spare and no common sense.

    Yet you never, not once, announce your support for a single candidate.

    And don’t give me some horsesh!t about how none of the candidates are worthy of a vote. That is always the case in every election. It’s up to the voters to elect the one they think will do the best, no matter how sh!tty that best might be.

    It’s people like you who refuse to participate and only like to snidely throw stones who make this democracy truly dysfunctional.

  9. Tony UK says:

    @Working Vermonter:

    You are heroic, thank you! I hope Ron Paul can win the nomination and bring peace and prosperity back to the USA for your family.

  10. An Interested Party says:

    We’re talking about a similar demographic to that of Obama’s base of supporters. A large number of young students sending in small portions of their allowance monies. It adds up.

    This is a rather feeble attempt to insult Obama and those that support him, especially since he, unlike Paul, actually won the Presidency…

    As for Paul, it is really sad that there is so much money that is going to go to waste…oh well, this is America…

  11. Free says:

    Indeed, but they have instead decided to neglect their responsibilities because they believe the duly elected president should not be permitted to fulfill his own.

  12. Josh says:

    I’m 28 and my wife and I have 5 children. We are by God’s grace getting by each month and we’ve given about $80 to the Ron Paul campaign and that’s no small matter for us. I will vote for Ron Paul whether he wins the republican nomination or not, I refuse to sell out my vote to someone who in my opinion would be just as bad as Obama and undermine the constitution in the same dishonorable way.

    The establishment needs to realize that they will not win the nomination without Ron Paul’s supporters

  13. Lue says:

    @Working Vermonter: I have donated $280.00 to Paul from my budget so far. I will keep donating as I can. If everyone that likes Paul would donate what they can it will make a huge difference.