Weiner In 4th Place In New Poll

A new poll from Siena College and The New York Times seems to show that Anthony Weiner’s campaign has finally fizzled out:

Christine C. Quinn is leading the crowded field in the Democratic primary race for New York City mayor, lifted by support among Manhattanites and higher-income voters, the latest New York Times/Siena College poll finds.

But just over a month before the Sept. 10 primary, Ms. Quinn is still well below the level needed to avoid a runoff, and many voters remain undecided.

Ms. Quinn, the City Council speaker, is backed by 25 percent of Democratic voters, followed by 16 percent for William C. Thompson Jr., a former city comptroller, and 14 percent for Bill de Blasio, the public advocate.

Anthony D. Weiner garners the support of 10 percent of Democratic voters, confirming his slippage in the race that other surveys have also recorded since revelations that he continued to have sexually explicit exchanges with women online after he resigned from Congress two years ago. The remaining candidates in the poll each drew less than 5 percent; 26 percent of the Democratic voters surveyed were undecided.

Elliot Spiter, meanwhile continues to lead in the Comptroller’s race:

In the Democratic primary race for city comptroller, the poll finds Eliot Spitzer with a nine-point lead over Scott M. Stringer. Mr. Spitzer, who resigned as governor after his patronization of prostitutes became public, is at 44 percent. Mr. Stringer, the Manhattan borough president, registers 35 percent. Nineteen percent of Democratic voters are undecided about the comptroller’s race.

Mr. Spitzer is buoyed by strong support among black voters – 57 percent back him, compared with 37 percent of white voters. And while voters under age 45 are split between the candidates, older voters favor Mr. Spitzer. The poll finds no difference in preferences between men and women in the comptroller’s race.

So, it looks as though Weiner’s shot at redepemption is going to fall short, but that Spitzer may yet end up winning his race. Considering that Spitzer was the one who actually broke the law, I’m not sure what that says about the priorities of New York City Democratic voters.

FILED UNDER: 2013 Election, US Politics, , , , , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Neil Hudelson says:

    I’m sure if new evidence came out that Spitzer continued to visit prostitutes, as recently as a year ago, he’d be in last place as well.

  2. rudderpedals says:

    Every day Weiner stays in Spitzer benefits. If I were Spitzer I’d be telling Weiner hold back, almost there, not yet , keep doing that.

  3. michael reynolds says:


    Really juvenile. I gave it an upvote.

  4. Peacewood says:

    A-Rod and Weiner are learning the same thing:

    New Yorkers hate you if you blow your second chance.

  5. JKB says:

    Polls indicate that Weiner will not win, place or show because he showed that place to widely to be seen as a winner.

    And to think, Weiner’s terrible imposition on that poor girl has driven her to porn.