It Doesn’t Matter Whose Idea The Sequester Was
Once again, politicians in Washington are engaging in irrelevant partisan battles rather than trying to solve the nation’s problems.
Once again, politicians in Washington are engaging in irrelevant partisan battles rather than trying to solve the nation’s problems.
Bradley Manning has pleaded guilty to 10 charges stemming from turning classified documents over to WikiLeaks.
In “‘I Urge You to Drop E67-02’: Course Syllabi by Famous Authors,” Emily Temple collects actual syllabi for college literature courses taught by David Foster Wallace, Katie Roiphe, Zadie Smith, and others.
Bob Woodward once again has Washington abuzz with a White House scoop. This one is BS.
The GOP’s public image continues to be bad and there seems to be little sign that they’re doing anything to change that.
The Hagel confirmation, like Obama’s election, was big news to some avid news consumers.
Jokes aren’t funny if you have to explain them. Explaining how the joke got written can be marginally funny.
Hundreds of illegal immigrants have been released from detention ahead of possible budget cuts.
Republicans at the state level are still trying to cook the books in the Electoral College
CPAC’s organizers have decided not to invite the most popular Governor in the country.
There’s an innocent explanation for giving a huge bonus to a financial exec going into government. And it still stinks.
A federal judge poses an interesting question in a case over Obama’s contraceptive mandate.
Looking at civilian employment in the executive branch since 1940.
In a bold move, the Census Bureau has removed “Negro” from its racial categories.
A diet rich in olive oil, nuts, beans, fish, fruits and vegetables, and wine is good for your heart.
The Chinese are hacking Washington institutions to unearth the secret plan under which the town operates.
“Who owns Sherlock Holmes?” The answer is . . . complicated.
Emory’s James Wagner sees the 3/5 Compromise as the price for achieving a more perfect union.
The Big Gulp ban won’t ban Big Gulps. But it’ll ban 2-liter Cokes with your pizza and pitchers at Chuck E. Cheese.
Ezra Klein argues that the voters already decided how the sequestration fight should play out.
An excellent essay by Adam Sternbergh “On the Enduring Appeal of ‘Die Hard.'”
Silly things members of Congress say (plus musings on authoritarianism).