Caption Contest Winners
The Wilson’s Revenge Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
(AP Photo/Hasan Sarbakhshian)
First: yetanotherjohn – Officials have red carded number three for improper inflation.
Second: FormerHostage – Ha! This ain’t nuthin’! You should see the golf ball tops the babes are wearing at the US Open!
Third(tie): Caliban Darklock – Despite three opportunities, Germany still only managed to score once.
Third(tie): Adjustah – It was the unshorn “goal posts” that didn’t get them asked out that night…
Honorable Mention:
Gollum – Frieda would never admit that her implants exceeded the official start weight of a regulation soccer ball by 4 grams.
charles austin – And do I get a penalty shot for committing a foul in the box?
charles austin – Want to see my lovely one touch pass?
Michael A – World “C” Cup
ticketplease – Who let the air out of the 3rd set of soccer balls?
Johno – No hands?!? What kind of cockamamie rule…?
Hermoine – “What shall we wear?”
Clean Play in Sports Award
Michael Demmons – For the first time, German female soccer fans celebrate being able to finally purchase disposable razors.
Rodney’s Bottom of The Barrel
Bill Clinton, also in attendance, was quickly given a RED CARD and escorted out.
ESPN: The Biggest problem facing the Sport of Soccer today — Underinflation
…but J-Lo’s butt cheek soccer shorts blew them all away.
The The Thursday contest has already been endorsed by Senator Byrd.
All deserving winners. I’m on a horrific cold streak so I’ll have to go back to the Bill Clinton caption well again soon.