Some Odd Claims by Trump

On cows and windows.

So, I have noted some things that I think are truly disturbing about Trump of late because of the profoundly serious implications of his rhetoric.

And then there is just the plain off-the-wall stuff.

Via The Hill: Trump tells child there will be no cows nor windows in buildings under Harris.

“I’ll tell you what I love, I love cows, but if we go with Kamala, you won’t have any cows anymore,” the former president responded to the child’s question. “I don’t want to ruin this kid’s day.”

He then called Harris a “radical left lunatic.” 

This is not the first time the Republican nominee made this claim about cows. Trump made similar remarks at a North Carolina campaign eventin July and during a Nevada rally with Hispanic voters this past Saturday. While speaking to voters, Trump said Democrats wanted to remove windows from buildings and get rid of cows.

“They just come up, they want to do things like no more cows and no windows in buildings. They have some wonderful plans for this country, honestly they’re crazy,” he stated.

In North Carolina, he added that Harris would “outlaw red meat.”

Setting aside a Civics 101 lesson about why this would all be impossible for a president to do, this is just profoundly, well, weird. It is also simply dishonest. These are claims from the Land of Fabulism and are not the kinds of things serious people who want massive power ought to be saying.

It should be disturbing to hear. It should cause people to question voting for him.

The options as to what is going on here are limited, and none of them are good.

  1. He is simply a liar and knows full well all of this ridiculous bunk (but he hopes he is reaching people who want to believe it).
  2. He believes what he is saying, suggesting either mental impairment, stupidity, or significant disconnection from reality (all of which are not multiply exclusive categories, I will allow).

I realize that this is just a sampling of a larger canvas (e.g., windmills, Hannibal Lecter, sharks and electric boats to name a few of his recent greatest hits).

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Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a retired Professor of Political Science and former College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. Jay L Gischer says:

    I saw a clip of Bob Woodward talking to Steven Colbert about his new book last night. The best quote Woodward had about Trump, with whom he had many conversations, was, “He has this idea that he knows things that he doesn’t know.”

    But I’m of the opinion that the cows thing is just a hyped up version of “extreme lefty” who is a vegetarian, and aggressive about it. And as president will force everyone to stop eating beef.

    So if you want to eat beef, vote for Trump. He knows it’s hyped up. It’s also something audiences haven’t heard before. New material! He’s coming at this like a standup comedian, not a candidate.

  2. Argon says:

    I have a cousin who has a friend who says that they saw a herd of cows killed by windmills that had been installed by illegal Haitian mmigrants.

    Just asking questions. Why isn’t the press investigating?

  3. Definitely not Argon says:

    I’m seeing reports on the Internet that there’s a worldwide beef shortage caused by the radical left colluding with killer illegal immigrants to install cow killing windmill farms.

  4. ptfe says:

    Nobody tell him how the Far Left academics at ag schools put windows in cows.

  5. Still not Argon or the person before says:

    Breitbart News: “The Internet is a buzz with stories of cow killing windmill farms being deployed as a lefty plot to drive God fearing ranchers and other rural patriots out of business and push them into liberal cities. These cities are where children will be forced into mandatory sex conversion operations in elementary school nurses’ offices.

    Why isn’t the FBI investigating to stop this! What are Biden and Harris hiding?”

  6. Neil Hudelson says:


    I’ve had my arm inside of a cow once or twice in my life. Fortunately it was this way (through a cannula) and not the other ways.

    We had one heck of an agriculture teacher in my high school, a truly dedicated public servant, who used his perch at a tiny rural high school to subject his students to the wonders of the world. Every semester in his class was chock full of hands-on, real-world applications of cutting edge technology, all through an agricultural lens of course. In addition to having hands inside cows, his students could be found in deep reinforced pits seeing how how soil health looked and what it did to plants roots, and contra how different plants root systems could protect and improve soil. My most vivid memory of his class, however, was the eighth grade class trip to our state’s ag university where we got to use essentially a high tech gun to shoot dna pellets into corn stalks. How else to insert genes?

  7. MarkedMan says:

    @Definitely not Argon: Kamala is promising to erect a wall against the cows and make Arby’s pay for it

  8. CSK says:

    Trump’s been saying odd things since he descended that golden escalator in 2015.

  9. gVOR10 says:

    1. He is simply a liar …
    2. He believes what he is saying

    3. Dr. Frankfurt was right, it’s bullshit. Truth has nothing at all to do with it. “Believes” and “Trump” do not belong in the same sentence. Everything Trump says is either said to further his ends or, increasingly, random noise filling gaps. Trying to fit the cows and windows stuff into some rational template is both charitable and a waste of time.

    I can’t find the full quote, but The Apprentice, has Roy Cohn telling a young Donald Trump

    ‘What’s reality? There’s my reality, there’s your reality, there’s his reality.’ “You create your own reality. Truth is a malleable thing.”

    That is one thing Donald Trump does believe.

  10. Gustopher says:

    I’m pretty sure than when Trump says that Harris will get rid of cows, he means that Harris will get rid of white people, or white people in power at least.

    Most things he says are connected to white supremacy, so why assume this one isn’t?

  11. Lounsbury says:

    @Jay L Gischer: it’s based on the particularly Lefty (but not uniquely) Green discourse around climate change and cows as contributors. Which is not entirely divorced from actual policy pushes from Lefty green side as like Grunen or see Dutch backlash.

    Not that there’s a basis re Harris but the echoes is from there

  12. Kathy says:

    @Jay L Gischer:

    “He has this idea that he knows things that he doesn’t know.”

    Socrates would say all El Felon doesn’t know is he knows nothing.

  13. Lounsbury says:

    @Gustopher: or rather you can be sure that seeing everything via one ideological lens of yours will lead to wildly distorted guesses

  14. DK says:

    No way to divine meaning from the incoherent, depraved ramblings of a very unhealthy elderly man.

    The only thing this “means” is that Trump’s mental deterioration is accelerating. He’s too unstable and unfit to be president. The dictator-wannabe would make a decent Nero, tho.

  15. just nutha says:

    @Lounsbury: Tone deaf much?

  16. Gustopher says:

    @Lounsbury: White supremacy has been a consistent through line in the politics of the American Right since before the country was founded. The American Left as well, but usually a more patronizing than punishing version.

    A good rule of thumb is: when in doubt, look for racism or antisemitism. Everything from the border, to policing, to banking, to EPA regulations.

    I don’t pretend to know about the history of white supremacy in Lounsburyland, although I have heard terrible things about the treatment of Umpa Lumpas there.

  17. Scott F. says:


    Everything Trump says is either said to further his ends or, increasingly, random noise filling gaps.

    I don’t believe the “noise” is random. It’s the “flood the zone with BS” method and it’s very effective. Notice how we’re not commenting about Trump’s call for a military response to “an enemy within.” Or how we’re not talking about Elon Musk out there trying to buy himself an autocracy where he’ll have a role.

    Yes, Trump is a clown. But, he’s a clown with a flame thrower and we can’t let mockery or sanewashing cloudy the fact that he’s dangerous.

  18. Paul L. says:

    FBI revised crime stats that proved Trump to be lying.

  19. ptfe says:

    @Paul L.: Can anyone even interpret wtf this means, let alone how it pertains to this article?


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