Bill O’Reilly to Challenge Hillary Clinton for Senate?
O’Reilly, running man? (Lloyd Grove, NY Daily News)
Will Bill O’Reilly be a factor in the 2006 Senate race in New York State? The Fox News Channel personality, host of the top-rated “O’Reilly Factor,” occasionally gets mentioned as a possible Republican opponent to Sen. Hillary Clinton – and the speculation usually goes no further. But I’m told that in recent days, O’Reilly, a registered independent, has confided to friends that he’s seriously considering a run.
Now that would be a race hard to pick sides in.
Hat tip: Taegan Goddard
I already know which side I’m on — I’m on the “Get Over Yourself O’Reilly and Stick to Your @#$!ing Day Job!” side.
“And the mass exodus from here in New York State is just astounding, [insert newscaster name here]”
I know O’Rielly has been wanting to get Hillary on his show, but this is going a little too far!
O’Reilly on the floor of the Senate?
Debating Legislation?
With pinheads like Kennedy and Byrd to one side?
and boneheads like Stevens and Santorum on the other?
That alone might be worth it…
As a lifelong Republican, I would not, could not support the candidacy of a self-important blowhard with no actual regard for the people he would ostensibly represent. At least Clinton is a competent Senator. Given the choice between the evil you know, and an absolute raving idiot, Clinton wins this vote every time.
I’d be glad I don’t live in New York, and wouldn’t have to decide on who was the lesser of two evils.