Speaker Hastert’s New Blog
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert has started a weblog. The first entry is about hurricane relief and gas prices.
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert has started a weblog. The first entry is about hurricane relief and gas prices.
Typical politicans blog, All the talk his way and no place for the reader to comment.
Just a couple of thoughts,
1. this is the present, not the future. I don’t think that sort of attempt at eloquence reads well on blogs.
2. As far as this being a “Republican playbook”, he should remember: emocratsday ancay eadray ootay. (at least some can)
“… As far as this being a “Republican playbookâ€Â, he should remember: emocratsday ancay eadray ootay. (at least some can)
Rodney Dill ”
That is one of the funniest comments I’ve read in a while!